Control: Table for Cheat Engine (+10) [UPD: 31.08.2019 – DX11] {Cielos}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Control: Table for Cheat Engine (+10) [UPD: 31.08.2019 – DX11] {Cielos}
March 10, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Control: Table for Cheat Engine (+10) [UPD: 31.08.2019 – DX11] {Cielos}

Update2.2 – added fast recharge.

Control: Table for Cheat Engine (+10) [UPD: 31.08.2019 – DX11] {Cielos} Free Download

Update2.1 – updated levitate mod. added support for controller. need testing!
Update2 – added fly mod.

– health still drop when being hit but you won’t die.
min health can be set via the entry. default: 0.5, can be changed by editing the script, line 6

damage multiplier
– damage deal to non-player will be multiplied by the specified multiplier.
– multiplier can be set via the entry x?. default: x2, can be changed by editing the script, line 3.

max ammo
– no reload ~

fast recharge
– when activated, when the ammo clip is emptied, the time you need to wait until the gun start to recharge will be shorten.
– when the gun start to recharge from empty clip, it will be recharged to max instantly.

max energy
– as title says.

ignore ability points
– you can learn any abilities regardless of your current ability points.
– required ability points of an ability would appear to be zero, but you ability points still decrease until it reaches zero when you learn an ability.

ignore $ / materials
– activate before you enter the Astral Constructs.
– you can craft anything in the Astral Constructs regardless of your current $ and materials.
– $ still decrease until it reaches zero.
– materials still decrease when you craft.
– ability points may be shown as a big number in the base, the actual ability points wasn’t altered in anyway. if that happens, just de-activate both this and ignore ability points script and the value shown should back to normal the next time you access a base.
– should de-activate the script after you done crafting. activate again next time you need to craft.

fly mod
– allows you to stay in air as long as you want when you enter levitation.
– after you exit the levitation and start falling, if you press and hold the specified key / controller button and press the jump key / button, instead of start floating down slowly, you’d levitate up again.
– you won’t enter the hover state automatically after your second levitate up. instead you have to press the jump key / button again to stop levitating up, and start falling again after that. in this falling state, you can choose to float down, or levitate up (by holding the specified key / controller button) again.
key can be changed via the entry’s drop-down-list. default: SHIFT key.
controller button can be changed via the entry’s drop-down-list. default: Left Trigger

walk key
– when activated, hold Alt key and move to walk. could be useful for k + m player.
– you can change the status to “toggle key” if you want to …. use toggle key instead of hold key.
key can be changed via the entry’s drop-down-list.

slow motion
– just a simple lua script that allows you to hold 2 keys together, or hold either of the 2 keys, to change the game speed by using CE’s speedhack, which can be done by setting up hot-keys in CE’s Settings anyway. the script just make it so that you don’t need to reset the CE’s hotkeys for different games.
– by script default, when activated, press CapsLock key, or Right Mouse Button, to enter slow motion, release the key to resume speed.
– change and / or? to “and” if you want to hold 2 keys together to enter slow motion.

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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