Enter the Gungeon: Cheat Engine Table [2.1.9+] {doodoovan}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Enter the Gungeon: Cheat Engine Table [2.1.9+] {doodoovan}
January 29, 2020
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Enter the Gungeon: Cheat Engine Table [2.1.9+] {doodoovan}

Yo i know gungeon mods and in-game cheat menus are all the rage right now but i’m bad at coding so stick with ASM CE.

Enter the Gungeon: Cheat Engine Table [2.1.9+] {doodoovan} Free Download

A pointer to the GameManager and other things so you can look at the structure of the player and stuff. Here you can edit things like:
Player health and invulnerability
Consumables such as currency and keys
Player statistics (with custom script to add multiplicative or additive modifiers to them)
Checking the synergy database (just for display, not changing anything)
Hunting progress
Rewards manager, where you can change many things in the loot system like the chest’s chances per floor, money drop, ammo drop chance, etc..
Various scripts:
Unlimited forms
Unlimited Ammo
No recharge
Instant charge (for charging weapons)
No cooldown
DPS limiter on bosses
Guaranteed token after the boss fight
No hit penalties (e.g. less drop chances, less money, etc.)
Guaranteed reward after every room is cleaned
Always spawns a chest after a room is cleared
All the chests are rainbow chests
Various scripts that emulate / modify element functions:
Shows the entire map (secret rooms are also shown)
The seven leaf clover effectTrade more than 1 item per floor with the Rat, or even trade without the resourceful rat’s ring
Always Understand Professor Gupton (Just For Fun)
Change the chance for the huntress dog to find items Then there are several different scripts for edge cases:
Change the possibility of the bulletproof cap spawning on the next floor (to help unlock the bullet) On Rainbow Run, get all the items from the chest, not just one
Disable ripper curses at curse levels 10+
Disable Thief Rat
Invert the rarity of the chest for level / room generation rewards (so instead of 90% brown, you have 90% black, and so on)
Change the paradox: start with fixed seeds, or change the random odds, or just define your own starting elements! Up to 10 guns / passives and 1 active item.
run script to get any item you want directly into Player 1’s hands. Has a list that is sorted both by category and alphabetically, as well as a list by internal ID. Can be used inside the game using hotkeys
Various clever scripts to get information when you want to dig into game data:
Script for getting item statistics / information on any item in the game (you don’t need this)
A script for a pointer to the current pistol where you can also change some things like shot spread or clip size or infinite ammo and all that
A pointer to the currently selected chest, which allows you to quickly see if it is a fake 🙂 p) and even allows you to predict the contents of the chest! Now you can see what is in the chest and whether it is worth your key!
Unfinished script for Punchout, but you can still change player / rat health values ​​or freeze timer.
There is also an extensive list of out-of-the-box structures that can be used in memory representation for all pointers offered by this table, so you can change many more values ​​in the player structure than shown in the list of tables. With an AOB scan, the table should work on almost any machine and be decently patch-proof, but it only works on 64-bit EtG. If you still play 32 bit then what are you doing my friend??
Pay attention to the colors:
Deep Blue: some kind of script that contains configurations. Activate to open and view the options. In addition, category titles with different things in them are dark blue and prefixed with an arrow [->].
Brown: the address of the pointer that serves as the title / location for all entries below it. (Don’t swap / freeze them) For convenience, some of them are prefixed with a <> sign, which means you can use the left / right arrow keys on these entries to collapse them.
Green: These are movable elements of the structure. Drag them to the brown pointer entry to see the values ​​behind it (e.g. in loot odds for floors 1-5)
Teal: These are simple scripts, just activate / freeze them to get the effect.
Red: These are optional options for certain scenarios that require your input to work. For example, entries in the “Get Any Item” script require you to enter an item ID and set the “Try to add item” entry to Yes.

Launch process:
1. Start Cheat Engine, “Load” and select a table
2. “Select a process to open”, select the desired process.
3. Select the desired option, put a cross.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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