Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Galaxy v0.2) [1.44]

Home » Video Game Cheats » Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Galaxy v0.2) [1.44]
January 24, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Galaxy v0.2) [1.44]

Galaxy free mod menu for Steam and Social Club version.

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Galaxy v0.2) [1.44] Free Download

The archive contains a dll file that needs to be injected into Extreme Injector. We go into the story mode, minimize and launch Extreme Injector, having previously unpacked all the archives in a convenient place, but not in the game folder. Press Select and select the GTA 5 process. Press Settings and Start in Secure Mode so that the anti-cheat protection does not ignite the injector, make sure that there is a check mark on Stealth Inject and Close on Inject. In the Scrambling Options section, select Extreme and click on the Scramble DLL in order to encrypt the original Galaxy Menu.dll file, select it and save the new one. Then we check the boxes in the Post-Inject Options section for Erase PE and Hide Module so that the anti-cheat does not detect DLLs, but most modern anti-cheats can easily detect DLLs even if these parameters are enabled, so be sure to select Manual Map in the Injection Methods section. Then click Add DLL, select the encrypted file Galaxy Menu_Scrambled.dll and Inject. F8 activation. Scroll down / up Num 2/8. Function selection Num 5 / Enter. Right / Left Num 6/4. Return / close menu Num 0 / Backspace. Download Xenos Injector 2.3.0 or Xenos Injector 2.3.2.

Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA V): Cheat (Galaxy v0.2) [1.44]


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