Half-Life Alex: Cheat Codes (Hot Keys)

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February 25, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Half-Life Alex: Cheat Codes (Hot Keys)

Author – I Sayway Sayris Sergey (there are many nicknames, but they are all mine).

Half-Life Alex: Cheat Codes (Hot Keys) Free Download

Much fits from my codes from half-life 2 ep 1-2, even harvester soldiers and turrets with zombies can be summoned by entering the same codes.

Copy to C: \ Games \ Half Life Alyx \ game \ core \ cfg and enter exec mycodes in the console, exit the game to save the codes for a long time, enter and play.

Cheat codes

sv_cheats 1
sv_noclipspeed 0.5
vr_enable_fake_vbr_test – enter glove mode (does not turn off and immediately turn on noclip) The code was not useful, except that at the beginning at the TV and the elevator.

autosave – save
load autosave – load

Maps * – will help you find a map, but it’s better to check the video of the passage from the Internet. Here are maps that will help you go further without VR.

map a2_quarantine_entrance – train after receiving the pistol
map a3_station_street – after Vortigaunt
map a4_c17_zoo – ant lion tunnel
a4_c17_parking_garage – the flying prison just fell from the sky
a5_vault – on the fallen prison after Strider before the ending

There are other codes on the Internet that will help you complete the game by controlling your hands with the vr_enable_fake_vbr_test code, but judging by the video demonstration, this is a difficult case. Maybe I will add such codes later.

My codes

bind mouse3 “sv_cheats 1; impulse 101 – invisible weapons and ammo from Half-Life 2
bind mouse4 “npc_select” – select NPC
bind mouse5 “npc_go” – Order NPC
bind q “ent_setname npc_killed; ent_fire npc_killed sethealth 0” – Kill NPC
bind z “noclip; sv_noclipspeed 0.5” – Flying through walls at low speed
bind x “exec combinepeace” – Combine harvester soldiers and turrets do not attack the player
bind c “npc_create npc_combine_s; npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2” – summon a harvester soldier
bind v “Ent_create npc_turret_floor” – call the turret of harvesters
bind b “npc_create npc_zombie” – summon zombies
bind n “Ent_create npc_antlion” – summon an ant lion
bind m “exec antlionpeace” – Antlions do not attack the player

bind f “impulse 100” – Flashlight (shines without turns, but can be rearranged to another place)

bind F5 “autosave” – ​​Make autosave
bind F6 “autosave” – ​​Make autosave
bind F9 “load autosave” – ​​Load autosave

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