Medieval II 2: Total War: Cheat Codes + Tricks

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July 17, 2020
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Medieval II 2: Total War: Cheat Codes + Tricks

Below is a list of console commands – each command has lines: description, if relevant, then the command syntax and an example of its application are additionally indicated (syntax and example are indicated in “such” quotes, the rest of the text of the lines is explanatory) or the method of application.

Medieval II 2: Total War: Cheat Codes + Tricks Free Download

If any of these lines is missing, it means that it is not necessary. The teams are divided into thematic groups. To use console commands, open the console in the running game (on the strategic map) and enter a command in English, for this you need to press the ~ (tilde) key on the keyboard – it is located in the upper left corner of the keyboard. You should enter in English not only commands, but also their parameters, which must correspond to their name in the text files of the game. This is a prerequisite for the console command to be executed – otherwise the game will simply not understand what they want from it. For example, in the Russian version of the game, the name of the Italian city “Rome” corresponds to the English-language “Rome”.
main part:
Description: Change (increase or decrease) the amount of money for your own or another faction. To decrease, specify a negative amount, for example add -1000. To clarify the names of the factions, you can view the file descr_strat.txt
syntax: “add_money ± number” – for your faction or “add_money fraction_name, ± number” for another
example: “add_money 5000” “add_money england, -5000”
description: Change (add or subtract) the population of the specified city
syntax: “add_population, City_name ± number”
example: “add_population, London 500” or “add_population London, -500”
Description: Win the next (auto) battle
syntax: “auto_win side of the battle”; possible sides: “attacker” (attacker) or “defender” (defending)
example: “auto_win attacker” or “auto_win defender”
Description: Unknown
syntax: features or parameters unknown
Description: Zero the used movement points of the specified character
syntax: “character_reset Character_Name”
example: “character_reset Rufus”
description: Create a squad in the specified city (squad names can be found in the file
syntax: “create_unit City_name Detachment_name” if the detachment name consists of one word, “create_unit City_name” detachment name “”, if more
example: “create_unit London, Peasants” or “create_unit London” Mailed Knights “”
Description: Give anch (retinue character) to the specified character
syntax: “give_trait Character_name start_name”
example: “give_ancillary William bard”
Description: Give a trait (character trait) to the specified character
syntax: “give_trait Character_name trait_name”
example: “give_trait William Drink”
description: Move the specified character to the map coordinate
syntax: “move_character Character_name X_coordinate, Y_axis_coordinate”
example: “move_character William 6,150”
Description: Unknown
syntax: features or parameters unknown
Description: Build the first building in the queue (list) of ordered buildings in the specified city
syntax: “process_cq City_name”
example: “process_cq London”
Description: Remove anch (retinue character) from the specified character
syntax: “remove_ancillary Character_name end_name”
example: “remove_ancillary William bard”
description: Remove a trait (character trait) from the specified character
syntax: “remove_trait Character_name trait_name”
example: “remove_trait William Drink”
description: Get the coordinates of the strategic map tile under the cursor, for example, the coordinate of the army’s location on the strata. map, used to position armies, fleets and characters when making changes in the game at the strategic level
Description: Disable “fog of war” – this will allow you to see all cities and the movement of armies, fleets and characters; to enable, enter the command again
Description: Enable one of the special modes for editing / debugging strata. maps – tga files from the Base folder are superimposed on a regular stratcard in the game; available modes: region (province), tiletype (terrain types groundtypes), climate (climate), choke (insurmountable obstacles), landing (land), frontier (more pronounced shows the boundaries of the provinces), features (rivers), frontier_defend (places convenient for ambushes and defense of strategic passages on the map); to disable the mode, enter the command again
syntax: “toggle_terrain mode” available modes: region; tiletype, climate, choke, landing, frontier, features, frontier_defend
example: “toggle_terrain region”
cheats (deceiving codes):
Description: Add 1 Elephant Artillery to your garrison or army, small serpentine cannons are installed on the elephant towers; to add another detachment, re-enter the code application: select (press) a city or army, open the console and enter the code
Description: Add 1 Elephant Rocketeer to your garrison or army; re-enter the code to add another squad
application: select (press) a city or army, open the console and enter the code
Description: Add 1 squad “Elephants” to the garrison or army, the “crew” of the elephant is armed with arquebus; re-enter the code to add another squad
application: select (press) a city or army, open the console and enter the code
Description: Add 1 Mercenary Monster Bombard to your garrison or army; re-enter the code to add another squad
application: select (press) a city or army, open the console and enter the code
Description: Add 1 Mercenary Monster Ribault squad to your garrison or army; re-enter the code to add another squad
application: select (press) a city or army, open the console and enter the code
Description: Add 1 Mercenary Rocket Launcher to your garrison or army; re-enter the code to add another squad
application: select (press) a city or army, open the console and enter the code
hotseat commands (only work in hotseat games with the console enabled):
description: Authorize the administrator of the hot-sit game, enter the administrator mode; at the moment there is no information on how to enable this mode or set a password
syntax: “logon password”
example: “logon 777”
Description: Exit Administrator Mode
syntax: no features or parameters
description: Set the email address of the player of the specified faction
syntax: “set_email fraction_name [email protected]
example: “set_email poland [email protected]
description: Set a password for the hotseat game for the specified faction, written twice (second time – confirmation)
syntax: “set_password fraction_name password password”
example: “set_password poland pass pass”
description: Remove password from the hotseat game for the specified faction
syntax: “clear _password fraction_name”
example: “clear _password poland”
script (work only in scripts):
Description: Capture the specified city
syntax: “console_command capture_settlement City_name”
example: “console_command capture_settlement York”
description: The history of the specified building in the specified city (the names of the buildings can be found in the file
syntax: “console_command create_building City_name building_name”
example: “console_command create_building London small_church”
Adding helpers to Generals
Here is a list of helpers (environment members) that can be added with the give_ancillary command.
Also, these codes require that the character to which you want to add assistants be selected.
give_ancillary this ANCILLARYNAME
below is a list of helpers (actually ANCILLARYNAME) that can be added to the Generals.
drillmaster + 25% movement bonus, rental discount
brilliant_inventor +30 building points, +1 farming, 20% bonus to profit from mines
scribe_ancillary Adds Authority, Profit Bonuses
bard Adds Morale, Popularity
doctor Has more children, improves chance of damage recovery.
apothecary Has more children.
mentor Increases Command
shieldbearer Increases Hit Points, Decreases Morale
swordbearer Increases Hit Points, Personal Bodyguard
bodyguard Increases Personal Safety, Decreases Popularity
foodtaster Increases Personal Safety
tutor Increases Piety, Come from Trade
Adding Units to Stacks
Select a city or any unit as for movement and open the console. Just enter george or any value from the list and press Enter to get the corresponding unit.
rogan artillery on an elephant
vindaloo Rocket Riding Elephant
madras elephants
istanbul Monster Bombard Hirers
george Mercenaries Monster Ribault
houston Mercenaries Rocket Launcher
Console codes.
Press the tilde (~) and enter the following codes. All codes are case sensitive. Make sure that with a capital letter: the names of all family members, settlements, and in general everything that is needed “with a capital letter.” Otherwise it won’t work
character_reset Allows the character to walk again. Doesn’t always work
add_population “city name” “number” Allows to automatically increase the population of the city.
give_trait this “trait” “level value” Allows you to give any trait from the available faction to a specific general.
process_cq “city name” Everything in the city build queue will be built automatically.
add_money “amount” Adds a certain amount of gold.
show_cursorstat Show the coordinates under the mouse cursor in x, y format
toggle_fow Toggles Fog of War on / off.
auto_win “attacker / defender” While on the battle scroll, enter this code (attacker if attacking and defender if defending) and press the autobattle button. Automatically win.
move_character z x, y z = name of settlement or unit without title (except Captain).
x, y = coordinates
Create Unit
Using the console enter the following
create_unit “settlement or character” “unit ID” “number (1-5)” “experience (1-9)” “armor (1-3)” “weapon (1-3)”
For example-creat_unit “London” Longbowmen 2 9 3 3
This code will create 2 Archers in London with 3 Gold Chevrons, 3rd level armor and 3rd weapon level
create_unit “settlement or character” “unit ID” “amount (1-5)” “experience (1-9)” “armor (1-3)” “weapon (1-3)”
Creates Unit at any settlement / general you like
Detailed Cheat Codes for Multiple Console Commands
Press ~ to access the console. As described above, the “give_trait” command works with several different characteristics. Which can be added to the character. For this to work, you must have a character selected outside the city. It works like:
give_trait this TRAITNAME # below is a list of TRAITNAMEs and the maximum value possible for entering a characteristic value. Here is a list of the main features:
Loyal 3 + Chivalry, Loyalty
Brave 3 + Morale
PoliticsSkill 3 – Loyalty, + Influence
Intelligent 3 Improved Command, Profit
MathematicsSkill 3 Increased profit
GoodAdministrator 3 Increased Legality, Trade Profit
GoodMiner 3 Increased Mines Profit
GoodTrader 3 Increased Trading Profit
FathersLegacy 3 Increased Influence
VictorVirtue 3 Increased Chivalry
BattleChivalry 5 Increased Chivalry
NaturalMilitarySkill 3 Improved Command
GoodAmbusher 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodInfantryGeneral 1 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodCavalryGeneral 1 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodDefender 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodAttacker 5 Increases command skill (situational)
GoodCommander 5 Increases command skill
BattleDread 4 Increases Awe
Energetic 3 Increases the number of movement points
HighPersonalSecurity 3 Improves Personal Security
PublicFaith 4 Increases Piety
HaleAndHearty 3 More children, more lives for the General
Give Helpers and Traits to Spies / Assassins
As mentioned, use the tilde (~).
Here is a list of the various assistants (entourage members) that can be added using the give_ancillary command. In order for the code to work, it is necessary that the desired character be selected. give_ancillary this ANCILLARYNAME Below is a list (of ANCILLARYNAME values) that can be applied to Spies / Assassins.
NOTE: for values ​​marked “TRAIT”, use:
give_trait this TRAITNAME #
in order to give the agent a character trait (case affects).
catamite +1 to agent skills
courtesan +1 Agent Skill
pickpocket +1 to agent skills
dancer +2 Agent Skills
GoodSaboteur 3 TRAIT + 1-3 for assassin, increases sabotage skills
GoodAssassin 5 TRAIT + 1-5 increases assassin skills
GoodSpy 5 TRAIT + 1-5 increases spy skills
Taken from here

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