Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Cheat (Cheat Console / Unity Console v.0.24)

Home » Video Game Cheats » Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Cheat (Cheat Console / Unity Console v.0.24)
April 20, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Cheat (Cheat Console / Unity Console v.0.24)

Everything is just like an orange.

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Cheat (Cheat Console / Unity Console v.0.24) Free Download

You download, unpack and drop the files into the root folder of the game. Then drag the PoE2 .exe file onto the console .exe file. The console is integrated into the game, replaces some files and makes reserves. We launch the shortcut that she generated. We start the game (if it gives an error, then we send greetings to the creators of Unity and Windows, crash in the manager and start again). We start a new game or load the save. The console is immediately visible there (ctrl-f8 is removed and reappears, so remove fast boot from f8). While the game screen is open, only treatment options are visible there, which can be put on the car and so on. If you click Player, our party will appear and there you can put invisibility and invulnerability. Now open the stats screen for example. The console will immediately unfold itself and there will be an editor for stats, turnips, class and so on, and everything is immediately clear in Russian) It is written about changing the class that you can use it at your own risk, but everything seems to be fine, I checked. If you want to change the satellite, then just switch to it (by the way, there are also relations between the satellites and they can be edited). On the ship tab, you can edit supplies and more. On the inventory tab, money and items (if you click the plus sign, you can add items, now ingredients). If you open a craft, you can turn on the craft without reagents. Pleasant cheating) List of changes from the version below the spoiler.

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Cheat (Cheat Console / Unity Console v.0.24)
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Cheat (Cheat Console / Unity Console v.0.24)

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