Spider-Man: The Movie Game: HEX-Cheat Codes [1.3] {KROCKI}

Home » Video Game Cheats » Spider-Man: The Movie Game: HEX-Cheat Codes [1.3] {KROCKI}
November 26, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Spider-Man: The Movie Game: HEX-Cheat Codes [1.3] {KROCKI}
Spider-Man: The Movie Game: HEX-Cheat Codes [1.3] {KROCKI}

HEX-Cheat Codes:

Spider-Man: The Movie Game: HEX-Cheat Codes [1.3] {KROCKI} Free Download


SpiderMan.exe + 1F8003: The code: DB 40 08 DB 40 10 replace with D9 40 10 D9 50 08

…………Eternal web…………

SpiderMan.exe + 45FFC: The code: 74 replace with 75

…………Open all levels in the “Special / Special” menu…………

SpiderMan.exe + 1CA97E: The code: 74 replace with 75

…………Open the level skip menu in pause mode…………

SpiderMan.exe + 1CA94E: The code: 74 replace with 75

……….First person game mode……….

SpiderMan.exe + 99C53: The code: 84 replace with 85

SpiderMan.exe + A3D31: The code: 84 replace with 85

……….Unlock all combo moves……….

SpiderMan.exe + 208E3: The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 41752:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 440CE:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 44105:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 441F5:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 44455:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 444AA:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 4465F:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 448FF:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 449B9:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 44BA0:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 605CD:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 641DD:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 64497:
The code: 85 replace with 84
SpiderMan.exe + 6650A:
The code: 85 replace with 84
SpiderMan.exe + 66534:
The code: 85 replace with 84
SpiderMan.exe + 66841:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 7A9BE:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 7D00D:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 7D0DC:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 7D15B:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 7FCAA:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 7FD72:
The code: 74 replace with 75
SpiderMan.exe + 7FDC8:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 9C10E:
The code: 75 replace with 74
SpiderMan.exe + 9C14E:
The code: 75 replace with 74
SpiderMan.exe + 127A22:
The code: 25 replace with B8
SpiderMan.exe + 33D760:
The code: 84 replace with 85
SpiderMan.exe + 37261D:
The code: 75 replace with 74

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