State of Decay 2: Cheat Engine Table (+25) [SOD2 1.3+] {JDimensional}

Home » Video Game Cheats » State of Decay 2: Cheat Engine Table (+25) [SOD2 1.3+] {JDimensional}
August 28, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

State of Decay 2: Cheat Engine Table (+25) [SOD2 1.3+] {JDimensional}

Game version: 1.3+

State of Decay 2: Cheat Engine Table (+25) [SOD2 1.3+] {JDimensional} Free Download

Translation: Iq Crace

Cheat Engine table with functions translated into Russian.

How to start?

  1. Start the game
  2. You can run the table through the downloaded file, while the game process will be found automatically (if this did not happen, select the process manually through the Cheat Engine menu) or by running the Cheat Engine program itself —> File —> Load and selecting the table file.
    P.S. If at the start of the table you will see the window “Execute this lua script?”, Then on the right select the circle “Only when signed, else ask” and click “Yes”
  3. After loading the table, click on the checkbox (empty square) on the right, where the name «| State of Decay 2 – v1.3 | “
  4. To enable functions also click on the checkboxes.

Below is a screenshot of the table

State of Decay 2: Cheat Engine Table (+25) [SOD2 1.3+] {JDimensional}

Information and notes on the table and its functions are given below:


> Unlimited Survivor Health: Only the current Survivor (which you are currently playing) can have this feature applied.
> Unlimited Party Health: All survivors in your group have unlimited health.
> Unlimited Stamina: Only the current Survivor (which you are currently playing) can have this feature applied. * However, he may still have accumulated fatigue.
> Unlimited consumables: freezes the amount of consumables, including ammo for your weapon.
> The weapon does not break: freezes the durability of the weapon. * If you already have a broken or damaged weapon, it will not be fixed with this function.
> Unlimited Weight: The weight of all cargo will be set to zero, giving you a travel bonus without weight.
> No bullet spread: removes bullet spread from weapons.
> The Survivor does not get tired: only the current Survivor (which you are currently playing) can be used this function. * Function may not work at the moment.
> Reset timeout for radio: all radio requests are updated instantly.
> Max Survivor Level: Increases the skill experience level for the current survivor.
> Unlimited vehicle fuel: all vehicles you own and those you find will have unlimited fuel.

> Multiple Items: Changes any stackable item in your backpack / personal warehouse to 999. * Only applicable for stackable items.
> Replace Item IDs [Tested]: Replace any item in your backpack and locker by changing
its position address. How to use:


> Fast Crafting: Craft any item without the required materials. The function also does not require a special structure
and special survivor specialization.
> Fast creation/renovation of structures: removes the time required to build and renovate structures.
> Unlimited resources/influence: grants 25 grants for all resources and 5000 influence points, for unlimited use.
> Mission Time Freeze: Freezes mission times including the appearance of vendors.
> Time of Day: Set the time for the day, morning, noon, evening, or midnight. You can also freeze the current in-game time.

> Teleport [Tested]: Teleports the current survivor to any location you previously saved. Save the location first, then upload it back. * Teleportation to waypoint is being tested. *
> Teleport to Waypoint (LUA Script): Execute the LUA script by going to Table -> Show Cheat Table Lua Script. After designating any waypoint on the map, press the “P” (English) key to teleport. Make sure you have Unlimited Survivor Health turned on, as you may need to teleport up. If you descend below the map, press the “P” key several times until you are above the ground.

You can download Cheat Engine from our server here.

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