1701 A.D.: Game Walkthrough and Guide

So, in the regiment of researchers, conquerors and first-stems arrived. This time our guest was the game 1701 A.D. First of all, I will say that today guest is absolutely not similar to all its predecessors, and the differences are not limited to the number and modern graphics. About what they conclude – read on.
New economic period
What is the standard approach to the issue of construction of the city? We build houses, residents are populated. These residents work in production, ensuring the influx of goods that they themselves also buy. It is necessary to carefully ensure that the number of residents approximately corresponded to the number of jobs. Revenues – this is usually trade and a little taxes. Costs are usually limited to spending for the construction of buildings.
The creators of 1701 a.D. dexter movement separated flies from the kitlet. Workers no longer worry. Citizens live separately and pay taxes. Generating forces live on plantations, in mines and plants, and we pay the content of these buildings. That is, we have the capital with solvent non-working residents (and the more we satisfy the needs of these merits, the more solvent) and the working province, living only by subsidies. Paradoxically, but the fact… Basic cash receipts – from taxes, although the right trade can also bring something to our crust. Costs – on the maintenance of buildings, army and fleet.
It is important: stable income source – not expansion. The most complete influx of money is usually immediately after another increase in civilization in the level when you have not managed to initiate all sorts of expensive buildings. Another unique local phenomenon – the tax level can now be adjusted depending on the mood of subjects. Something is missing – we reduce taxes for a specific population group, and all are again pleased.
The next blow was the fact that on one island everything will not build everything. For tobacco, please go south, and for whales – north. Another difficulty is that every island is produced no more than 2-3 species of critical resources. Therefore, it will have to actively conduct expansion. Partially saves the situation only that workers in remote islands do not need food and workers. Bring building materials there and pave the delivery route – and your colony will properly supply resources.
And the last innovation. If earlier restrictions on the construction of certain homes were purely speculative, now new unique buildings can be created only when civilization rose to a new level, namely, the residents of the next five types appeared. Sometimes there is also a certain number of new residents. But there would be building materials – and you will quickly appear by the desired number of new aristocrats.
Cities on the islands
From great economic achievements, we are still very far away, and start the best from the construction of the city. Here is the new strict hierarchy, which will have to be strictly followed. So, at each level there are urban, industrial and studied buildings. The first and second, as I said, exist completely independently of each other. Where and that residents of the city earn – completely incomprehensible. To build the following buildings, you must first invest science glasses and some money in the selected inventions – and only then you will get what you need.
The main principle of construction of local cities is that, unlike all other games, the industry can be taken out to the periphery, and besides houses, only the market square is needed, church in any option and some training institution. Well, and also hospitals and fire management, if you still decided to make your life a little more diverse and included fires and plague. From hurricanes and eruptions of the volcano, unfortunately, nothing saves. Yes, and in our days, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is struggling only with their consequences… Cities in the game are huge, so I highly recommend to count the place under them in advance. Then, when you make all the industrial structures, it will be too late to complain that, they say, there was not enough space on this island. Much easier to produce something somewhere else and carry ships.
Still a little about industry. There is usually a short chain of “Mining Building – Processing Building”. With the rare exception of the first you need twice as many than the second (sometimes – three or fourwise). Otherwise manufacturers of final products will work random. Miners, which are surprising, do not need footpaths to the warehouse, but they will be grateful. But only if the road comes to the building, and does not go through the territory controlled by him. In the latter case, the efficiency of your enterprise will slightly decrease (producing enterprises are highly dependent on the territory affordable). But the processors are needed at mandatory. By the way, there are no restrictions on extraction here (with the exception of mines);If there is a sugar cane on the island – it will grow absolutely everywhere. Funny observation: If separate parts of production are geographically, the effectiveness is rising. For example, tobacco is grown on one side of the island, after which it belongs to the warehouse, and processed on the other side of the island, and the leaves are taken again from the warehouse. I find it difficult to explain this paradox, but the fact remains the fact…
Level 1. Pioneers Pioneers
First the choice, as usual is not great. But there is something, and in this you need to navigate.
It is important: In the description of the buildings, the digit before the fraction corresponds to the initial cost of the construction, and after the amount required for its further content.
Reduction: $ – gold, d – tree, o – weapon, n – guns, and – tools, m – marble, k – bricks
City buildings
Warehouse 1 (Market Building I). $ 200/5, 5d, 3. Yes, it is the warehouse. And meanwhile, warehouses are important visits in the development of your cities and industry. Each supplied warehouse “covers” with its influence some square. And all the buildings present on this territory are processed by a warehouse worker, which, deftly pushing his trolley, takes from them all the troubled products. The second value of the warehouse is that it is possible to build only in the territory that “subject to” these buildings. Like that!
This is interesting: The system of warehouses within the same island is closed. What came to one warehouse instantly becomes affordable on anyone on the other side of the island. But between the islands, the products will have to be moved by ships. The system has a total capacity, that is, each new warehouse adds itself in a total amount.
Pioneer House House. 2d. Just two logs – and you get a great house for your first colonists. Build them usually blocks of six pieces, surrounding roads for the convenience of the entrance of firefighters and ambulance. In the house, he cares about eight colonists. Require little, but taxes pay a little – with an average level, it turns out only by half a person with a person. However, this house is only the beginning. As soon as you satisfy all the secondary needs of the first-settlements and they will have time to rejoice a little to life on the “dark green” level of happiness, civilization will switch to a new level of development. From that moment on, all the fully secured home are ready to go to the next level. At the same time, their inhabitants independently go to warehouses, take construction materials and completing the building. Honestly, the moment of the transition is often not only a pleasant event associated with increasing the inflow of money, but also a problem, since building materials disappear from warehouses. So, for the transition to the second level, 1 instrument is required and 1 log, for the third level there will be 3 more bricks, the fourth will require the same as the third. Finally, to obtain an aristocracy will need to be released from warehouses 1 tree, 2 bricks, 2 tools and 4 units of marble. But the inhabitants of the city, rising in the level, besides the fact that they pay more taxes, get along in houses in increasing numbers – respectively, at 13, 20, 30 and 40. No, you just imagine 40 aristocrats in the same house! Going to any of the houses, you can adjust the level of taxes for the entire estate, as well as to prohibit the increase in houses, if your citizens dangerously stole the contents of the warehouses and threaten to leave you without livelihood and further construction.
It is important: In my memory in such games there were yes option for the response of citizens to the unsatisfactory solution to their problems. With the first (most popular) version of the construction just fell in the level. At the second – residents left no building. Here is the third option – in the absence of goods not the essentials, citizens will simply be terribly unhappy. But if the need for something is extremely high (for example, you forgot to get into the warehouses food), then at first they will refuse to pay taxes, and then they just smear some kind of house – and maybe even not one. Of course, it is possible for some amount of money to restore to the first level, but we remember that we are going on by the construction of a typical aristocrat house!
Dirt road (Dirt Road). five. The road is necessary in order for the ages to be taken to the warehouses. Impacts from production buildings are not needed – they go exclusively direct. For mining enterprises, there is no significant role, but is desirable – for it, employees are crawling faster.
City Center (Village Center). $ 200, 8d, 4th. The first building for tax mining. It is here that your settlers get food and other resources required for life. The holidays are immediately satisfied if the game suddenly decides to please you with something. The market can also be assessed by the average degree of happiness of local residents (according to the form of the statue and fountain).
Chapel (Chapel). $ 300/10, 6d, 3. Gives the people faith required to go to the next level. One of the main game buildings.
Port (Waterhouse i). $ 200/5, 6d, 4th. Actually, initially it is always and more than one on the island can not be. But if it is destroyed, you can always build a new. The main purpose of the port – trade. The first level port supports only two cells of trade (no matter, you buy or sell). But any port (as, by the way, the warehouse) can be expanded by another two levels, and the number of available retail cells will expand to 4 and 6, respectively. So live.