Arcane: The Ston Circle: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Arcane: The Ston Circle: Game Walkthrough and Guide
September 22, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Arcane: The Ston Circle: Passage

Remember – in this game you will lose the faster, the more you will fuss.
The time released to you on the passage of the level is reduced with every thoughtless click.
From actual real-time crossing it usually does not depend.

Episode 1

Go down the stairs.
Talk to disabled, czz about bottle.
Take a wooden shield that stands at the wall.
Follow it on the water before the bars.
When you get to the warehouse, activate your infrared glasses (the most left icon in inventory).
Use the mechanism from the left. Immediately take a wrench.
Puzzle “Crane and Boxes”
Everything is simple – it is necessary to clear the path with the help of a lifting crane.
At your disposal six buttons and lever. Each button is responsible for a specific movement.
The lever resets the position of the boxes to the initial. And this is good, because you can lock.
The puzzle is solved in two stages – in the first you pave the path to the box in the middle, in the second – to the exit.
So, press the following buttons (numbering from left to right). h-2-5-sh
Exit the screen with control, take the hand from the box, note, amulet. Return to buttons.
Press the lever – it will be easier.
Use the 3-2-1-4-2-2-5 buttons.
From the box under the door take scrap.
Get out of the warehouse.
LOME Open the hatch into the sewer. You can try to descend, but there too much…water.
Go to the place where the bomberwood disabled alcoholic.
Through the pipe over the grille. Look closer to the pump.
Puzzle “Pump”
One of the simplest puzzles of the game.
You need to turn three nuts with a wrench so that on the side that it is turned to the drain, it turned out the same symbol that on the pump housing (wand with a circle in the middle).
Solution: Bottom nut turn 4 times, Middle 3, upper 5.
We leave from the screen – the water should be whipped with maximum pressure.
Now go down to the sewer. Dress your glasses.
Burn the staircase for which you just got down (there is no road). Look difficult for the left rack.
Turn the faucet on the right.
Go from the frame on the bottom (immediately click on the arrow, otherwise it does not want to walk).
Climb the stairs.
Take a telegram from gramophone in the corner.
Puzzle “Circles and Candles”
Take a hook from the table in the corner.
Look at the circle on the wall.
Hook a hook by chain. Then on the hook hang that web-shaped amulet, which was found in stock.
Now the puzzle itself – when you click on the candle in the room, the hero puts it in the candlestick in the midst. After that, the candle through the amulet gives three light spots on the wall.
You need these three spots in three signs on a circle.
Considering that work candles in the room are only three, it is a terribly complex riddle. Your candle is the leftmost.
Now look at the well in the center of the room. On his rim it is necessary to press the same symbols that the amulet showed.
Press the hand icon and two signs on the contrary – on both sides of the waves.
Take the resulting drum and lose it on a gramophone (although it is not a gramophone).

Episode 2

Open a violin case. Take a note and close the case.
You can read the note – the key to the first puzzle.
Take a lighter from the table. From another table, take the candlestick.
Can you look at the portrait for sharp sensations.
Get out of the room.
Climb the stairs to the scene.
Pay attention to the bucket. Look at him more closely.
From the pocket of the filled corpse take the key.
Return back down the stairs and open the door on the left.
Take the handle (near the hacksaw) and turn on the light with a large digger on the right.
Go to the scene again.
Look at the ropes to the right of the curtain. Insert the handle there.
Can admire the statue.
Go to light control in the lower left corner of the screen.
Puzzle “Rampa Colors”
In the note you say, what colors should be used – the color of the clean sky, the greens of spring and the blush of the flame.
It is possible that you need to include those three spotlights that shine on the statue.
If you turn on four spotlights simultaneously – power will be cut off.
To turn on the power again – go to that room to the left of the staircase.
So everything is simple – turned on the spotlight, came out of the screen of the shield, looked where it shines, returned to the shield…
Simply put – it is necessary to include the average in the upper row, the left on average and right in the lower.
Look at the opened hatch.
Give the heroine in the hands of the candlestick.
Light a candle with a lighter (Kalambur-C).
Go away.
Puzzle “Side Light”
There are four doors. On each turn the same four letters. Under each gate one big letter.
So – that is the big letter under the gate, it is simply stylized W, S, E or N – light side.
On the first shield to the right of the stairs – W (West), on the first shield on the left – n (north).
Four letters on the gate is also the parties of the world, but on some ancient language.
“Compass” in this language is drawn on one of the frescoes.
You need to combine these sides of the world from different eras.
T.E. On the shield with the letter N, you need to turn the gate so that the bottom has become the letter, similar to (two turns).
On the shield with e (it is still crossed by vertical) down need to be lowered the letter similar to the line F (one turn to the right).
Shield with s leave as worth.
Gate on the shield with W Turn once left – downstairs should be with.
After turned all the shields, press the center of any gate – if you are mistaken, then the ceiling drops a bit.
If not mistaken – you will find yourself in the tower with a box on chains.
Take off the chain near you and go out.
Go around the tower to the opposite entrance.
There again click on the center of the gate and again will be in the tower.
Tighten the chain to your box. Cute thing…

Episode 3

Go inside.
Go to deck.
After the roller, take a sledgehammer at the right side and return the inside.
Take the rescue circle on the left and the cylinder with the cleaning agent right.
Go to the stern and go down on the rope.
Take a rescue circle on the smoking villain.
Using a hammer to lower the staircase. Climb on Ne.
Get the alarm clock (it stands on the box to the left of the boat).
Go further to the right.
Clear the pipe and throw a cylinder with a cleaning agent into it.
Go down and go to the place where the hammer took. The steering should go to understand the alarm clock.
Take a diving helmet and book from the bag. Return in.
Put the helmet and go down to the engine room.
To get rid of poisonous vapors – open the covers on two pipes (pipes are almost under the ceiling, on both sides).
After that, remove the helmet and dress the glasses.
Look at the box.
Puzzle “Box from the bottom”
Danar: Three circles, each two rotating circles.
It is necessary: to collect horizontally headline from the book that you took on the nose, t.E. DuocruBestia.
The most difficult to assemble external circles. Internal tweeted themselves.
By – clockwise, pr – counterclockwise. Numbering from left to right.
PR3-P2-P3-2-to 1-to 1-to 3-PR3-PR2-PR3-PO2-PO3
It remains four times to twist small mugs.
Take a paw box.
Climb the stairs.
From the box on the right take the oars.
Go to the stern, climb the stairs, use the paddle on the boat.

Episode 4

Open the green bag and take matches from it.
Go down to a restaurant car.
Take a bottle of champagne and ice bucket.
Go further down. The next car will be 3 coupe.
Shunt man bottle.
In the top coupe, take a stethoscope in the sacbing.
In the lower coupe using a stethoscope, open the safe.
Take a letter from the safe, an ugly head, pull the ruby out of the head.
Return to the very first screen and go up.
Use your head and go further.
Take an amulet from the statue.
Use glasses and take a book from under the seat. Do not turn the page.
Put a book on a free place.
Under each book there is an emblem, above the book – the regiment, where to put something.
Over the book with a fire emblem, put a match, with an emblem of the eye – ice, with a circle – ruby.
Puzzle “Disconnecting a wagon”
There will be an alternation – PRESKOTT on the roof and puzzle below.
When there is a scene on the roof, click at the moment when the enemy will turn. Then you can dodge from hitting.
After two deviations, the puzzle scene will follow below.
Maximum you have to experience 7 scenes on the roof (counting the very first). On 8 you will cut the medallion that you would not do.
Below look at the circle on the right.
You need to make the way from the lever to the right to the center of the circle.
The solution in the form: How many times you need to turn the ring counterclockwise, ranging from the outer ring.
After that, use the lever.

Episode 5

Go to the door on the left.
Look at the boat model (W3). Take her housing.
Come on in the museum.
From the battleship (W10) take another detail.
On the next screen, take the book (W11) – her number gave you Dr. Smith.
Go on.
Take a comb with helmet (E7).
Decoration from the forehead mask (E4).
Now you have to have all four parts of the ball. Return to the central hall.
Go to the door under the stairs. Go down to the basement.
Puzzle “Gears”
Everything is simple – it is necessary that all gears twisted.
Solution is sad – lower all the levers down until it stops. All but the third on the right, just do not touch it.
Return to the central hall and climb the stairs.
One of the poles is empty – you need to create a planet on it.
Look at the gear on the wall. The left wheel is responsible for the movement of the empty pillar.
When you click on the center of the circle, it will turn. Put the left wheel on the E11 and click on the circle in the center.
Now go left on the second floor. Right in front of you should be empty pole.
Install those four parts of the ball on its top.
Puzzle “Planet”
You need to build planets in a row.
The key is the number of exhibits from which you took parts of the ball.
Solution: Put the wheels in the position W3, W10, E7, E4.
Click on the circle in the center.
Go down the stairs and take the vessel with the heart of the demon.

Episode 6

First take the Vaza to the right.
Look at your partners.
Remove the diadem with Baroness.
Using the time machine
Click on the clock clock.
Use Diagee.
When you click on the center of the circle, three vessels will rotate.
Number them clockwise from the bottom.
Then 1 is the present, 2 is the future, 3 is the past.
You need to put the desired vessel opposite the same pattern on the rim and click on the center of the received drawing.
Go to the past.
Extinguish the candle on the table.
Take a book from the fireplace.
Job with a woman in a chair (get the first card).
Use Diagee.
Talk to the figure in the hood (second card). Exit.
To illuminate the room, take matches from the fireplace. Use a candle and matches on it.
Exit through the door to the right. When you find yourself in a non-smoking corridor, use the diadem.
Cabinet with snake
Such a wardrobe will be behind this door in every time.
To open it just repeat the melody.
When the wardrobe opens, go through the mirror in the room with a spiral.
Look at the left circle.
Put the book to the pedestal, get up next to the circle with the pattern.
Go to the future.
Take the candle.
Type ash from the fireplace in Vase.
Use the diadem, talk to the Figure in the hood, get the third card.
Go to the room with a spiral in the future.
On the right pedestal put a vase with ash. Stand on a circle near.
Return to the present, go to the room with a spiral.
On the middle pedestal, put cards, stand next.

Episode 7

First push the rope from the trunk.
Look at the stone bird over the fountain, take it.
Look at the fountain (it turns out and not a fountain).
Install the bird in the middle.
Puzzle “Bird on the fountain”
How to turn the bowls correctly on the lattice above the door on the right. Need to use infrared glasses.
In general, the upper bowl – three times clockwise (symbol like an inverted arch).
Lower Bowl – twice counterclockwise (symbol like a mustache or horns, depending on which side to watch).
After that, click on the bird – the staircase will open.
Go down the stairs, take the cross to the right of the entrance and go back.
Puzzle “Crosses”
There are iron crosses on five columns. Three on the very first screen. Two more on the screen below.
Five characters drawn around the cross.
When you dress the cross on the column, you can tweer it and click.
To below the bridge opened, you need to press five characters in a specific order.
Key: The correct sequence is drawn on the foot of the statue on the screen down from the initial.
Go down and go through the bridge.
Open the sarcophagus on the right.
Take the crossbow with arrows and parchment.
In the hole of the sarcophagus on the right you can take another parchment.
Try to open the sarcophagus with the king on the lid.
After a failed attempt, look at the lid of the closer. Click on the eye.
Go out in a frame with a bridge.
Use Proskott’s glasses.
Remove the glasses and go to the middle of the bridge.
Click on the crossbow icon to take it in hand.
Use arrows on Proskott with Crossets so that he shot.
Another shot.
Dress Talisman.
Purchase by the rope to the eyes of the demon.

Episode 8

First look at the trunk machine. Take from there all parts of the demon, shovel and rope.
Near the car pick one of the stones.
Go to the left. There will be five columns.
When you touch the second and fourth, you see how the demon hits his hands.
You need to hit as well as he in vision.
T.E. Use your hand on the second column and spend it from left to right.
On the fourth column is also, only from top to bottom.
Return to the car and go to the right.
Use glasses.
Dock a hole near the plate. Hook for the plate rope.
Return to the car, get to the trunk screen and tie a rope to the hook.
Sit down the wheel of the car.
Go to the plate.
Look at her shadow.
Use the stone on the stove that you picked up near the machine. Draw a circle (draw a bigger circle).
Go to the portal.
Use glasses and pick two pieces of plates.
Disable glasses.
Puzzle “Part of the Demon Body”
I’m not sure that I decided the puzzle, maybe I’m just lucky.
You need to position five pieces of the demon in five deepening.
If you position them correctly, you can all together together to go to the screen where you scratched the columns (and on).
Keys are followed: In the same screen, the dungeon on the circle is at the bottom of the demon part.
On the screen relevant where the columns were scratched on the arches next to the symbols are burning Roman numbers.
I can say what I was guided, but I’m not sure that this is what the developers implied.
Based on the list, I numbered a body part: 1-wings, 2-hearts, 3-legs, 4-hand, 5-eyes.
Then, based on the numbers on the arches, numbered symbols: 1-square, 2-plug, 3-triangle, 4-circle, 5-arrow.
As a figure simply took the first of the Roman pair on the arches. As I understood these couples are associated with what slab Ray (or where it goes).
Well, then just put part numbers by numbers.
Total put part of the body from left to right: legs, eyes, wings, heart, hands.
Now we go to the frame with scratched columns and then right.
What is interesting – now you can use glasses to see how the rays are reflected from the arches. To solve the puzzle, it would be useful. But the whole focus is that you give it to see only after the decision…
Upper and extreme right arches are broken – replete them with the help of panels from the dungeon.
Look at the demon who appeared.
Now we need to defeat the woken creature.
Pick the amulet next to the fact that it remains from Baroness.
You need to grab it by hands, at that moment when he wakes up.
After connecting both hands, he will start attacking the mouth.
Also, when it will swing, overlook his neck.

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