Battle of Britain 2: Wings Of Victory: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 6, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Battle of Britain 2: Wings Of Victory: Passage
Battle of Britain 2: Wings Of Victory: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Perhaps the key difference between the game “Battle for Britain 2” from other airlinters is a rather complicated and interesting strategic regime. He, of course, is not the main thing in the game. But if you do not figure it out and just fly and fight, you can lose the lion’s share of pleasure. True, all the little things are difficult to understand, but we will try to alleviate your life in flights over Britain during World War II.

Table commander

Strategic Map – Main game window. Behind him you can spend more time than behind the steering wheel of the aircraft, because the main in the game – we, and it depends on us, where and when the battles occur. In other words, the player sends the interception, chooses the purpose of the bombing, appoints escort and t.P. And only after the army will meet in the air, the usual simulator begins.

If you don’t really want to fight, or your help is not needed, instruct the battle with the computer. He will all decide himself. You can also hang strategic regime on it, but then do not wait for Victory – AI is not perfect, and it is better to take the brazers of the board in their hands. Do not scare a complex interface – let’s deal with it together.

So let’s go…

Main panel

At the bottom of the screen is the main panel. It has all the basic bookmarks of the strategic regime: eight pieces for Luftwaffe and nine – for royal Air Force.

Distribution of aircraft

The window that opened shows us the products of aviation factories. Here we expect the number of aircraft. There are seven points in the window.

Aircraft. Type of aircraft produced: fighters, bombers, attack aircraft.

Squadron. Appointment of machines: whether they are created for the protection of airfields, bombing of ships, accompanying bombers and t.P.

Aerodrome. Shows the place of return and departure of aviation.

Ready. There are planes capable of climbing in the air. In brackets indicated the total number of machines, including repaired.

Required. The number of aircraft required for departure. For example, it is impossible to bomb the city with two bombers.

Time. Shows how much another aircraft left before appearing in our ranks.

In Week. Shows how much a certain type of aircraft is produced per week.

It is important: Luftwaffe does not replenish the stock “Junkers-87”. Do not waste them.

Luftwaffe resources

Under the “Resources” icon opens a window with four tabs: one for each type of escords. The number of aircraft in each of the selected groups is displayed here. The following types of squaders are available.

Fighters. Squadgers of fighters “Messerschmitt BF.109 “(Me-109).

Picking bombers. Assault squadrons of dive bombers “Junkers-87” (JU87 Junkers “Piece”).

Heavy fighters. Squaders of two-dimensional heavy fighters “Messerschmitt BF 110” (Me-110).

Bomber. Squadgers of medium bombers “Heinkel-111” (HE111), “Junkers-88” (Ju88) and Dorne-17 (DO17).

Resources of the Royal Air Force

In England, as well as in Germany, there are only four types of squadr. With one difference – they have Sectors And Airfields. Let’s talk about them and talk a little more details.

Sectors. The map is divided into several sectors denoted by letters. Everyone has a reference point or command post. He is on the airfield. If you click on the sector name, then we will open Statistical panel, where the condition of all squadrons attributed to this sector is shown.

Airfields. Like sectors, airfields divide the map to segments. Each territory has its own runway, followed by certain aircraft.

List of escar

The window that opens shows the Squaders available for departure. Here you can distribute aircraft by groups, combine or disconnect them. The list is very well sorted, and you can easily find the necessary aircraft and groups. For example, if you assign some cars category A, then when requesting the letter will be displayed exactly the airplanes we need.


In the days of World War II, there were practically no complex electronic devices for air orientation and the search for the enemy. Much was defined “on the eye”. Therefore, the weather summary is extremely important – in bad atmospheric conditions, it is dangerous to fly.

By clicking on the corresponding icon on the main panel, we will get the weather forecast for the day. The main factor is visibility. What it is lower, the worse for us. In the case of high cloudiness or even the fog to fly clearly should not.

However, there are other weather factors, such as temperature and pressure – which, however, do not play a significant role. But information about the clouds – how good they are and at what height are – very useful. Still, it is better to fight in the pure sky, which is not clear where it is not clear with whom, is not true? The density of the clouds is displayed on a five-point scale. 8/8 – everything is prolonged, 0/8 – Clear.

Communicate us and wind speed. True, the course of the battle is influenced by a real hurricane, and it does not happen in our territories. However, in addition to the usual speed and wind direction, there are his impulses. They are much more dangerous: a sharp impact of the wind can turn the plane. To fight in this weather is not worth getting around the enemy it will be very difficult. Yes, and you can easily break.


Summary resembles a campaign statistics. Our successes and failures are displayed here. The window is divided into five bookmarks.

Combat power. All our forces are described here: Types of aircraft and their number.

Aircraft. Detailed characteristics of aircraft: their total, how much is in repair, and how much is done on the factories. There are good statistics of all fighting.

Objects. Here are information about key points in Britain. All of them are divided into categories depending on the number of damage: the stronger the object is “crippled”, the higher it is in the ranking. Naturally, for fascists – this is a plus, for the British – minus. Five categories of objects differ in total: Radar stations, main industry, auxiliary industry, docks, airfields.

It is important: The main industry is aviation plants. Take care of them, otherwise there will be no aircraft.

results. Window statisticians. Combat departures, shot down enemies and a number of trifles.

Enemy. The tab speaks of an alleged location of the enemy: where he is flying and when. Very important information. Sometimes, guided by her, you can intercept the enemy and knock down the bombers on the amount of. Available only during the game for England.

Pilot Diary

Here you can read about all combat clashes – of course, if such were already. Useful information is practically no.

List of objects / goals

If in the “summary” talks about the objects “by the way”, then in this window you can find comprehensive information on all important objects in the south of England. In addition to the already named, there are two more: convoyes and london.

It is important: If you play for Luftwaffe, then all key points are called goals. If for the royal Air Force, then objects.

Luftwaffe magazine

All tasks for the next day are listed in the magazine. They are divided into four types: Flip, escort, free escort and exploration. The list can be changed both in shape (sorting, changing the form) and content (transfer or cancellation of actions, replacing one goal to another).

Flap. Combat operation number. Letter means the type of combat task, and the first digit – take-off time. For example, R703 – raid (RAID) appointed for seven in the morning.

Size. Number of aircraft for a certain combat mission.

Type. Talking about the combat task: whether it is, the bombardment, intelligence and t.P. Here you can provide an escort and choose its type: dedicated – goes close to “sweepy” aircraft, free – flies near bomber, return – meets aircraft on the way back and flies with them to the base.

Takeoff. Time to start operation.

VET. Time above. Shows the approximate start time. Possible clashes with an enemy on the amount of birth.

State. It is described here how our planes are damaged.

Target. What we need to bomb? We read here.

CVS. Supporting number of opponents.

Losses. Forecast of losses – both our and enemy. Positive number in the column – enemy loss, negative – Luftwaffe.

Royal Air Force Journal

As in the Luftwaffe magazine, you can see the tasks for the day. We will not repeat, and consider the opportunity only inherent in the British.

Flight. If you put a tick in this window, we can personally take part in the battle. Here I choose and the plane on which we want to fight.

Redirect. Before takeoff, you can change the tasks for groups. After takeoff, changes becomes significantly less.

Report. It is in this window that all information received from exploration is presented. True, often the purpose of the operation is unknown…

Delete (on the base). Allows you to cancel the not started operation or withdraw already boiled planes.

List of opponents

Available only for the Royal Air Force Button. All taxes in England are displayed here. In each line, it is described in detail about what happened: how much power was on the one hand, how much on the other, what are the losses. The list of opponents gives an idea of a complete picture of the fighting – you can understand where you are mistaken, and where they did right. In general, excellent self-improvement tab. After reviewing statistics, you can adjust the interception parameters for the next plaque. And here we are given several bookmarks.

Forming. Talks about preparing enemy aircraft, gives an approximate number of fighters and bombers. Data comes with French airfields.

Farming. The aircraft of the enemy are in the air, but have not yet managed to fly to British lands.

Over the goal. The enemy is over us – it is time to take action.

Returning. The number of aircraft enemy flying back to France. If their quantity has not changed since the take-off – it is time to resign or take more decisive measures.

It also contains a lot of relatively simple parameters: height, number of aircraft, distance to the target, type of aviation. All this we looked at the above.

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