DARK: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 11, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

DARK: passage
DARK: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter 0

The main character of Eric Bayna suffered a fate to become a vampire. Waking up in the dark, he sees a silhouette in front of him who helps him get rid of painful pain. Following the icon, go down to the restroom. Find out how we got into the club. Climb upstairs and ask the bouncer. He sends us to the bar to find out where the Security Service Head is. Cross the dance floor. Stranger makes an order for us and offers to taste “Bloody Mary”. She also reports that tom upstairs. Raised the stairs and communicate with Tom. We tell him that I don’t remember anything, after that follow him to the rose – the owner of the club. She turned out to be the most unfamiliar, who offered a strange drink. We learn that we have become a vampire, but from distrust, immediately exposed to check. Really, such an event has become a complete surprise for Eric.DARK: Game Walkthrough and Guide“Refuge” is the most ordinary club. Here we will return, completing the next task.
Asking a rose about yourself and other vampires in “Refuge”. Girl behind the bar post call Eypril. Twin Kruger, Tom and Jun – DJ. Vampires feed on exceptionally human blood. They constantly hold in the shade of people. There are more powerful vampires that thoroughly control the media and do not allow leaning information. We have not yet become a full vampire. To do this, we will have to drink the blood of the one who drew us into the vampire. If you do not become a full-fledged vampire, then very soon pain in the head will increase, and we will gradually begin to transform into the beasts that “gibbons” are cleaned. Our problem is that we do not know who exactly drew us. Therefore, we will have to look for another vampire, which exists for decades. Rosa gives a tip on John Bloignga – Director of the Harding Museum. Let’s talk with a notprofitful DJ with Eypril and with Tom. Asking the latter, let’s start learning. Some characters will give minor assignments, the successful execution of which will promise us extra glasses. For example, Tom asks to get to him from the Museum of the Book of Vampirism.


Once in the alley, go ahead. Once in the field of view of the enemy, the indicator of the substitution will appear on the screen, which will gradually become red. As a result, we will find and attack. Holding the corresponding button, drink the blood of the enemy. In the upper left corner, two scales are shown, when we drink blood. Without them will be impossible to use skills. In the future, it will be possible to gain an improvement in the amount of scales and simultaneously filling several of them at once for one victim. We go further and, nourishing, we go around the right side. We can hold the shown button and cuddle to the shelter, then the opponents will not notice us. The next enemy is just killing, because if you start to suck blood, then the opponent nearby will notice us. We are moving to the left and, quickly using the “Jumping Shadow”, teleported to the specified area. Any default ability makes a big noise. Pumping a certain branch of skills This noise can be reduced. For silent murder charge extra glasses. Running further and exposed to attack. Having traveled for the shelter, we use the ability to “restore” for instant rehabilitation. Teleporting from one shelter to another, we get to the enemy and deal with it.DARK: Game Walkthrough and GuideEric’s skills are divided into several groups. In addition, we can independently choose, as we do with the enemies – fool them, forcing them to see what is not, or a cold-blooded to attack.
Take off the corpse so that it is not seen and did not raise the alarm. Apply “Shadow Jump” on the gate and quickly move on the other side. We use “Vampire Vision” to see the location of enemies even through the walls. Kill the opponent next to the barrel. The remaining two we can ignore and go further when they will shift to the left. Complete training and return to “refuge”.


Having gained enough points, acquire skills or improvements for them. Choose them in accordance with our passage style. Distracting and camouflage skills will be allowed to bypass enemies without harming them. Or you can buy skills that will allow them to destroy them from the distance to teleport to them behind the back and commit instigated murders. For maximum efficiency of abilities, after the acquisition, we try to pump them in full. Improve the ability of “instant death” and acquire a “deadly shadow”. Asking Tom about “Refuge”. Go down and communicate with Jennifer. Rose is already waiting for us, we inform her about our readiness.

Chapter 1
Museum of Harding

Arriving in the museum, we find people here with automatic machines. Neutralizing the enemy on the bridge. Take off the body and go to the right. Watch the enemy at the top position when it turns away, quickly kill the one that is lower and thawing the corpse. Climb up and straighten with the second. Follow the sign. Touching behind the flower, we wait when two will disperse and sneak into the fact that the stairs. Killing it, pulling down the body down. We are stored so that you should not be replayed if we are killed. We are separated with the next opponent when it turns away. Entering inside, climb up, we turn left and immediately hiding in a small place. Waiting for the arrival of the enemy and neutralize it. Or, if he just started moving away from the stairs, catch up and kill him. From the same room, we take the books about the vampires that requested that. We climb even higher, we are growing up with an opponent at the window. The door is blocked by a laser installation. Rose can open the door if we give it access to the security system.

Go down to the first floor, we go right and kill a lonely enemy. We look under your feet, because if you step on the glass, then the noise will attract attention. We rise to the tower and neutralizing the enemy. Connect the transmitter to the computer and return to the previously closed door. We go further and kill the enemy. Going towards the stairs, we move on the other side and neutralize another enemy. Go down behind the enemy and kill it when located next to him will go away. Catch up with second and also kill him. Take off the body upstairs. We move on the other side of the stairs and neutralizing the enemy. From here teleporting down, pass under the staircase and spread with a lonely enemy. Open the door and leave the lobby.DARK: Game Walkthrough and GuideGhoul’s relatives. It is not advised to approach him.
Catch up with the enemy and neutralize it. We choose at the exhibition hall and immediately teleport down on the right side. From here we enter into a small room and come out on the other hand. We use “Vampire Vision” to follow the enemy in the next room. As soon as he goes away from the door, immediately go to him and kill him. Between this room and the pointer constantly moves the opponent. It will also have to neutralize. We get to the next hall, where the museum security beat off the attack of robbers. We go to the left and on the fork again will overavel. Kill two one after another and necessarily hiding the body. Go down down, go around the first enemy and wait, clinging to the wooden exhibit. One of the guards will go left, and after some time the second will begin to give away. Quickly climb the exhibit. When the first guard returns to his position, jump down and go to the left to the neighboring exhibit. Hiding in the shade behind the wheel and get ready to move to the other side to the column on the left side when the enemy shifts on the left side. Near the door with a pointer constantly patrols the guard. He will move away from her, we will immediately move to her and go further.

On the elevator go down to the basement. Here we find the gay. They see badly if they don’t try to look into something concrete. If they are on guard, then they will notice us almost everywhere within their reach. We go to the right and go down lower. Catch up with the enemy when it will shift to the left. Killing him, hide the body. Hide behind wooden boxes on the right side. As soon as the guard turns away, quickly overtake it and neutralize. Slightly left one more, we kill it and pull out the body back. The remaining two can be bypassed by waiting for the end of the conversation. Get to Bloigning and, undressed with a lot, quickly hurt for the shelter. Singing the shelter until the enemy moves to the left side. Catch it up and neutralize it. With the second problems will not arise. Bodies preferably hide, as additional security will declare.

First of all, neutralize the ghoul, then sneak into the guard. In the next room there is another opponent. Go around or killing it and go further. We climb the stairs and wait for the shelter when the guard will send a gap to another end. Consistently destroying enemies. If there is a complete pumping skill “Shadow jump” best to teleport to the passage on the other side. Bluemangu again manage to hide. Actively using the “Shadow Jump”, go around enemies. Go to the following zone. Not going down, look left and teleported down when the guard goes. We wait for it around the corner and, quickly killing, pulling away the body to the side. Blumen constantly rotates around himself. We select the moment when he looks over the other side, we move to it and suck blood. “Not that blood, not that blood!”- the angel appeared.

New Hope

Returning to “Refuge”, we go to the rose. We inform her that Blomenga’s blood did not help. Rose sends us to. At the same time give him the books that we found in the museum. New goal – Vlad. He is the master of the company “Geoforgzh”. This vampire suffers to paranoia and therefore it is worth expecting serious resistance. Also talk to Eypril and with June. At the first one you can take an additional task.DARK: Game Walkthrough and GuideCivilian unnecessary, that is, it is impossible to use any action. But if they notice us, they will immediately notify about our presence.
Chapter 2

Arriving in place, immediately go to the left and neutralizing the enemy. Take off the body for the shelter from the left side, and they ourselves are moving right. Kill another one standing on the site of the enemy and hide the body. Go left again and hiding behind the flower beds, get to the stairs. Climb up and quickly go to the left. To speed up the process, use the “Shadow Jump”. We rise even higher and, bypassing flower beds on the left side, we get closer to the door. The guard will leave, then we turn to the bed in front of computers. When all the guards will shift left, we can go to the door. Only be sure to follow the civil. It is impossible to let him notice us. Go further, do not rush to kill the enemy next to the machine with drinks. Another guard is suitable for him and when he leaves, deal with the first. I pull out the body back. Bypassing guards, we move to the Security Service Center.

We go back and get to the elevator. It climbs upstairs, after which we approach the door. It is locked, so let’s go bypassing. Hide behind the club on the right and wait for the enemy. Sweep your blood and pass through the open door. Using the “Shadow Jump” we move along the racks and thereby go around two guards. Go to office space. Long passing forward, hide behind the wall on the left side. Now take up the top and apply a “deadly shadow” on the opponent on the second floor. We are moving towards the pointer, bypassing enemies. We proceed to the following zone, where to dig up in a computer, delete Eypril from the database. The opponents look out the window, so we take a key card without any problems and return to the elevator.

Worked the alarm, it means you need to stroke! Once in office premises, we turn left and go to the end, right up to the wall, under which the door. Watch the guard at the bottom and when he goes away from the door, quickly teleport and go further. The enemies arrived on the elevator, we go around the right side. Hiding behind the flower beds and using the “shadow jump”, let them go on the stairs even higher and find themselves in the park.

Saw blood from the enemy, pull out the body and go down when the second guard starts away from the stairs. Kill him, hide the body and continue to move along the path. On the fork you turn left. Guards are located pretty far from each other. You can hide behind the fences and bushes. We pass through the bar, bypassing patrol on the right side. Quickly move (or teleport) from the table to the table. We go along the trail and spread with a lonely opponent. We arrive at the next point, where one of the guards is constantly moving, and the second stands on the spot. We destroy them one after another. Climb the stairs and come across a strange light. Rose reports that this is ultraviolet. For vampires, he is a great threat. Even if you are under it only a few seconds, you will be waiting for an imminent death. Go down to the fuse and turn off the ultraviolet.DARK: Game Walkthrough and GuideAny self-respecting vampire, considers it necessary to have a collection of human parts of the bodies.
Climb up and run forward. Without reaching the end, we turn left and near the stairs we will spend the opponents on the upper and lower level. Killing them both, we turn right and rising above when the enemy will go away from the stairs. We destroy it, pass to the long walk and kill one more. Pull out the body to the left behind the box. On the way to the pointer, we are divided into the last enemy. On the elevator, we arrive in the choir of Vlad. We inspect the coffin, then climb upstairs and interacts with the statuette. Vlad is not here, but Rose manages to find it at one of the levels of “Heavenly Garden”. Meanwhile, uninvited guests declared the apartment. Do not rush down, one of the guards will rise to us. We wait for him for the sofa and attack when he turns back to us. The second, still looking at the picture, is best killed from the distance. Two more disperse on different directions, it is not difficult to deal with them.

Rising to the desired floor, we turn right and go down. We wait for the guards who move in pairs. One of them is lagging behind, I first kill him, then the second. Get to the nearest stairs using the “Shadow Jump” and descend even lower. We destroy two, there will be another couple ahead. I ignore them, let down down and, without facing the ghouls, examine two marked zones. If desired, you can kill the guards in them. We use the “vampire vision” to happen by chance. Get to the elevator, bypassing the scapions on the left side, and go to the top level. One of them occasionally begins to move, so you should wait a bit.

Vlad himself found us. Being behind the shelter, we are moving right. We use the “Shadow Jump”, go down and get to the fuse. Disconnecting it, we are deployed, we wait a little and pass between two groups of enemies. We use “Vampire Vision” to accidentally do not stumble upon opponents. We are chosen to the place where the corpse is in front of the staircase. Climb up on the right side by applying “Shadow jump”. We turn left, go around columns and teleport to the fence next to the signboard. We destroy the guards and turn off the second fuse. We move on the bridge and wait when the guards disperse. We rise higher and neutralize one of them. Hide the body and teleport to the fuse. We go to the right and, actively moving the boxes, get to the stairs. Immediately turn to the left, from here we use the “Shadow Jump” on the highest fence of the stairs. Kill the enemy, go to the place where four guards patrol. The main thing is to push the moment, on time to teleport for the back of Vlad and attack him.DARK: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Conduct any tactical planning does not make sense. Vlad is constantly moving from one point to another. The best way to capture it is to spend a rapid attack, especially since after that, we do not have to deal with numerous security.

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