DBMB 3: Caucasian Mission: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 26, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

DBMB 3: Caucasian Mission: Passage
DBMB 3: Caucasian Mission: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Having found disassembled paths, go to the tambour. Through the Stop Crane lever there and after stopping the train, go out on fresh air.
Cut the branch from the bush and give the Baran, then you can pick up the rope that the animal is tied. Then go back in the coupe and take a broken table from there. Next, go to the brass and talk to him. After that, throw a rope on the top branch of the tree to climb the rock.
Talk to the driver’s driver, then with the wind, then talk to Masutkina again. Having finished the dialogue, give him a table that you took from the car. An opener has been attached to him, with which Masutkin can now open beer.

Military unit

At the gate of the gearbox, show the passport of the hour, then go to the places, and from there to the headquarters. At the entrance to the building will stop you watch and will need to show the military certificate that you do not have. To go inside the headquarters and get a certificate, you need to give a soldier your watch.
In the reception headquarters, give your passport Captain Tupikov. In return, you will get the “peel” certificate. After receiving the document, go to the Cabinet of the head of the part – Colonel Korshunova. From him you will get a task to produce an inventory warehouse, so do not bag leave the headquarters on the place and go to the warehouse.
In the storage room, take off the shelf, standing at the right wall, take the red folder. In the Capterka, open the drawer of the table and take the pencil out of it. From the box standing at the wall, take the jar of stews. Then put the folder on the table found in stock and apply a pencil on it to get an inventory. Go to headquarters with her.
At the entrance to the building, talk to Lieutenant Colonel Detkin. He puzzles you new instructions. After talking with him, go to the headquarters, find out the mood of the colonel from Tupikov, and then go to the places and go from there to the main alley. Go to the Sunchast, show your certificate to the doctor and get a vomit powder from it. Next, visit the buffet and buy Mineral water there. Place a bottle with water on the sink to pour into it the powder obtained from the doctor. Next, go to the receiving commander of the part and treat the miner’s adjutant. When he will be scared to scare a “white brother”, you can go to the office to the Colonel Korshunov and give the ones made by you. Next, go out of the headquarters and go left to the second alley. There you need to go around the corner of the barracks and talk to the sergeant. From him you will learn how to get to the booster. Schedule this information to the garage, which is located in the main alley, but if you go through the checkpoint, it will turn out faster.
Talk to Masutkina to the ride in the barbashmak and hand him a jar of stews. The driver of it will be little, it will also be needed to shovel. You can get it in the study part, asking the sailo from the sapper. Return to the garage and go to the Comference.


Take advantage of the shovel to rake a bunch of garbage, and then go to the building of the command. There, give the demand to Majora Melina, after which take the training materials lying at the safe. There is nothing more to you in the office, so go out and go to the market.
Seller ask about draining. He will send you to the street of winemakers, where the Arvaz trader lives. Having come home to him, talk to him, and you will get plums who ordered a sapper. Next, come back to the commandant, sit down in the BTR and go back to the part.

Military unit

Go to the headquarters for a Detkin depicure, report on the task and put the brought materials on the chair. Then go to the study part to give plums to the jacket. From the study part, go left to the landfill. There you will find Captain Dukhova, who needs to report that Arvaz has kidnapped his brother. After that you will be called on the sophistication. To get into the dining room, you need to go through the second alley. The entrance to it is located next to the officer hostel.
Perlovkin – So Cooking Cooks – will give you a task to find lamb for cooking dinner. It is clear that you need to go to Aul, but the road there is unknown to you. Before finding out how to get to the local village, go to the headquarters to the Colonel and report on the status of the warehouse. Then go to the landfill, and from there you can get to the shooting range, where you will find the commander of the reconnaissance platoon. It will outline the way to the local village. Talking with a respected person, go to the checkpoint and leave there on the road. In the left side of the location, you will find the entrance to the path leading to Aul.
Go to the pasture to Shepan. Talk to him, go back to the trail. There you will meet the Duchman who will ask to detect the field on which his rams graze. For this he promises you a couple of rams.
For the minebook, go to the learning part to Zakopaylo. The device he will not give you immediately, in return you must bring him spiritual food type “Playboy”. To do this, go to the receptionist Colonel Korshunova. Talk to a dead end about the magazine. Then go to the toilet, located next to the warehouse, and go back to the headquarters. In an empty receiving on the table adjutant lies a subscription list. Use a pencil to add the necessary log in it, and then take the sheet and go to the barracks.
Repovering the soldier for non-statutory vegetation growing in the part of the part, go for the corner of the barracks, where you need to pick up hemp. After that, put the package with a pack leaning to the fence with cartridges and use hemp on it to get a “jamb”. Having touched it, go to the toilet, behind the door of which hid dead deadlocks. On the hole in the wall of the closet, use a cherios with cannabis to lure the captain’s sorts. When it appears, ask him to sign a blank. A dead end will fulfill your request, thank it and advise anywhere to hide so that he does not see the colonel. After that, go to the study part of the mine detector.


When you come to Aul, go to the meadow of the Duchman, where we apply the minion detector. Get to the lonely tree and work near him by the minion generator. When you find mines, bother the branch from the tree and mark the place where mines are worth. Next, go back to Aul and go to the house of the Duchker. By informing him that you found mines, go to the skewer, where you can pick up the promised meat. Return to it in the location of the part and go to the dining room, where you first need to talk to the cook, and then give it meat. After that, you will be brought to the headquarters for a kindergarten.


Look at the door window, and then the window located in the wall. There, behind the wall of the soldier will gather a little drink, but he will not succeed, t.to. You need vodka. Taking a bottle, give her watch to he let you.
Going out, go to the places. Toilet Talk to the ordinary, then go to the bath, which is located on the main alley. There you will again meet an ordinary who will give you a lipstick. Next Go to the bath. When you find yourself inside, use lipstick for decks, and then go back to the places. Near the headquarters you will meet Colonel Korshunova, who will instruct you to go to the city and bring the helicopter from there.
Go to the warehouse to pick up the explosives lying on the shelf. Then go to the shooting range and blow the penage near the fence. Next, go to the garages where you need to send sent to the search for saboteurs. When the soldier goes, sit down in the BTR and go to the city.
In the commandanttia, take the lieutenant of Berkutov and come back with it into part. Upon arrival, go to the officer hostel.

Morning new day

Go to the places, listen there, how Delkin spent the night. After that, go to the watchman in the dining room. He will ask you to go to Aul to his familiar Aksakal, who should give you a local self-sided. When you get a bottle, thank the elder. After that you will have to drink CHARCH with grandfather. Next, go on an unknown trail, the entrance to which is located to the right of Aksakala. Near the fence you will see how militants lay mine. You need to break the branch from the growing nearby tree and shine to her head of an armed gangster. Next, talk to Revaz, take the video tape from him and go back to the part.
At the landfill, let the captain of the perfume about the neutralized militant, then go to the club and go around the corner of the building. Through the open window, you will see Tupikov, asked pictures from a fresh magazine. You need to dump the pot with a cactus to the chair so that the Colonel’s adjutant ran out of the room. After that, go back to the alley and go to the club. Take advantage of a video recorder to view an entry on a video tape resulting from revase. After that, go to the headquarters. There, talk to the adjutant, then go to Korshunov and after talking with him, go back to the dead end to get the allowance and pick up the letter.
Coming out of the headquarters, take the scroll of a bottle of moonshine, after which go to the hostel. In your room you will find the Soldier Sleeping on Your Bed. You need to wake him up and send to the dining room behind the knife. You go to the checkpoint (you need to go outside the garages), where to meet a soldier sent to the dining room. Having a knife from him, check the hourly allowance and go out into the gate.


Sitting in the pit, refer to the rat for help. After she strips you the rope, the rope staircase will be shuffled in the pit, for which you can go upstairs. Next, talk to a girl who saved you from the Ostrog. Then go to the fire and overheard the conversation of two watch. Having learned that militants in the morning bring weapons, go to cars. With the help of a knife, push the tires from “Pajero”, after which you sit down in Landvert and go to the part.
Talk to the clocks near the headquarters, then go to the warehouse, take a condensed milk out of the trash and give her soldier. When you find yourself in the receiving colonel, take off the pass and go to the barracks. There you will find three soldiers who need to be sent for shovels. When they leave, go to the checkpoint through the garages. Near the gate, check the hour and go to the meadow of the Duchman. By ordering the soldiers to perform excavations near the tree, wait for them when they find something. Then go to them and send them back to the location of the part.
Picking from the box a grenade launcher and a radio, return to Aul. From there, walk along the secret trail to the fear of the part. Next, go on the same trail on the base of the militants. When you go on a break, use a grenade launcher to destroy the terrorist group. Meanwhile, the leader will have time to escape by car. You need to go to the pasture and from there go to the mountain gorge. There you will meet hostile inhabitants. To save your life, use a wound on yourself, and after a while a helicopter appears, manned by Berkutov. Clicking on the coalcasting machine, you will complete the game.

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