Fable 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 15, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Fable 2: Passage
Fable 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Beautiful world Fable II so manit in their arms. Legendary Studio Lionhead, led by Peter Prayer, throughout his path she went to this game. Everything that was before Fable 2 – Only a prelude before the real holiday. Prayer managed not only to transfer the spirit of a real fabulous kingdom, but also a stunning way to create the illusion of freedom. Perhaps this is the first game, where to be a bad hero as fun, as well as good. Developing the hero from childhood, we do not know what we get then, only our actions will define fate and create either the hero, or a villain. Well, let’s see who we succeed.


Town of Burovestone

Starting the game, we must decide for whom we will play: Shitrical Skelett and Friendly Girl. I chose a male character, ladies, do not be offended, for you in the passage almost nothing will change.

After the entrance vide, you will see like Rose, your girlfriend runs away from you. Need to follow her, for this run along the indexing shiny thread. Note that all important objects in the game are highlighted, as well as on Earth there are glowing routes indicating the right road.

Following the pointer, you will always know what your next goal is not to get lost. Changing Rose, you will chat a little with her, after which you will go to the kibitka of the merchant, where curious zevaki crowded. The blind shop Teresa will offer you to buy a music box, with the help of which she herself says: “Your dreams will be a javle”. The casket is worth five gold, the problem – we have no one.


Run to Dereke – Guardian standing nearby. He will ask to find five search ads that are lying around the city. Agree to this task, you will be given one golden. A guide thread will appear indicating the direction to the first announcement.


In fact, before you go to search for ads, the pointer will lead you to a new task. Well, everything is simple, enough to agree to help Bernume experience his camera. Agreeing, you will find yourself on the scene. Press the buttons to accept some pose – completely any. As a result, you will get the first golden.

Keep running on the sign. In the alley you will face Rex, local hooligan. Will have to teach him. A couple of blows with a wooden sword enough to knock out all the fool.

Continue running forward. Having passed by a small group of children, you will find yourself at the first search announcement, it is lying on Earth. Pick it up. Now the pointer will lead you to Balthazar, he also needs your help.

Hunting of Zhukov

Taking the task of Balthazar, you will automatically find yourself in stock. Passing forward, you will see a man named Arfur, looking into the window, he will offer not to kill the beetles, and break the goods of Balthazar. This is your first moral choice, it depends on how you will develop further. In this case, to learn how to play, give up his offer and go to exterminate the beetles.

Climb the second floor. Beetles that need to be destroyed will shine with red. Choose firearms and destroy them one after another from a respectful distance.

When you task you will get a second coin. Continue to search for ads. Go down and turn right, you will run the following announcement. Follow the pointer, and in the end, you will get to Piet and Betty. They will ask to return the bottle stolen from the store.

Treasure Trempa

In the alley, to the left of the place where you met Petya and Betty, there will be a tramp. Touch it and hang a bottle. Take it back. You will have a choice: give Betty or Peit. Select Betty, for this you will get another golden, as well as a search announcement.

Remaining announcements

It remains to find the last two announcements. Wrap, right behind you, in front of the stray dog, will be lying the fourth announcement. Go and take it. The last announcement will be at the opposite end of the street, you will immediately see it.

Having collected all ads, go back to the wood. Pointer will show where to run. Give him papers, and in return get the fourth golden. Yes, I almost forgot, on the way you will again meet Harfur and try to incline you to evil. I did not succumb and decide.

To get the last, fifth golden, go on the sign to Monti – hopelessly in love.

Love Message

Go to Monti and agree to his task. He will give you a letter that will have to attribute Belinde. Go to the door and knock on it. Open Mom Belinda and misses you inside. Close to the second floor and give a letter – now you have five gold and you can run to a merchant for a music box.

Follow Rose to the end of the alley to launch the box, then go to bed. Waking up, you will see the guards, follow them.


There are no secrets here, just follow the butler, watch the videos and empathize with the heroes. At this stage of childhood ends.

Birth of the hero

Lake Bower

Well, now you are 10 years older and probably wiser. With you faithful dog and Teresa. First go to the chest standing next to the wagon. Open it and take the contents, now run to Teresa, it spends you to the gate. Before you go, you will learn about the tomb that you can visit.

Go to the route marked. Before entering the water, look around. Nearby there will be a hidden chest, you can take a health elixir in it. Now go into the water and swim to a small islet, there is a tomb. Before going inside, go around it around and take a silver key. Now come inside.

Old tomb

Once inside the tomb, go through the first room until you find yourself. Dive and swim by the pointer until you choose. The next room will again have to dive to get to the next room.

Here you have to face the sip of the beetles. In fact, they are more than, it seems at first glance, so move carefully. Destroy them best of the bow. By destroying beetles, move forward, on the way without forgetting to capture the silver key – on the left in the corner of the wall. Follow the path to the specified path until you exit open space. Pay attention to the door to the left, it can be opened, there will be a treasure in 150 gold.

To go through the next room, you will have to shoot a luminous target flying around the hall – it will force the door leading in the next room. In the hall on the left there is a small passage that leads to a chest in which the Bulava is stored. Taking her, immediately turn around, because several beetles will appear behind you. Before going further, it is necessary to destroy them. Go forward until you find yourself at the underground lake. Here it is necessary to search for all the catches to find two skeletons to find two letters.

When you take them, a guide thread will show where to move on. Passing a little forward on the tunnel, you will hush up on the third skeleton, and next to the letter. It will be said that Drake threw a precious stone into the underground lake. Well, come back to the lake. Pay attention to the shimmering right point, there you can take a stone. Just swim and pick up what is looking for.

Return to travel thread. Just follow her, destroying the beetles on the way. There will be a lot of them, but they will not deliver any problems. At some point you will get on the walkways passing over the lake where you recently were. On the way you need to destroy the beetles until you reach the room with a puzzle – this is such a big room. You need to get up in the center of the circle and shoot in the luminous goal. When she can come to you – hit her to the mace, and then when she flies away, shoot again. It will make the door open and you can go on.

Go forward, gradually lifting up. For development, roll to the left to pick up a book from a broken closet. Close up to a dead end. Destroy the beetles, then take 150 coins from the chest. Nearby there will be another chest in which you can pick up amethyst, then go back and follow the guiding thread.

Once in the hall with a glowing platform, stand up on it, and you can distribute the points of the skills. Be sure to increase the will, the rest will want. Having received the skill of the will, you need to go to a big glowing ball and hit it with a strong blow. It activates the portal through which you can go back to the surface. Do it. You will find yourself among a large number of beetles, but with your new abilities, you will easily destroy them.


Lake Borv

Run on the specified path. When you find yourself next to the hill, take it around, there you can find a treasure chest. Then go back and follow the route. Note that around the lake is much more secrets, but we are not distracted on them, since it is still passing, and not a guide to the world. Yes, and I will not spoil you.

At some point you will get to the barricade, overlapping the road. It turns out that you need to defeat the gangster to unlock the passage. Guide thread will start you in the forest and a little further to the gangster camp. Once you find yourself in the camp, two gangsters will attack you. You need to defeat them, you can use any weapon and admission. My choice is a shock blow one and a calm battle with another. So you will know that no one attacks you in the back. Then a few more enemies will appear. When all will be finished, Tag will appear – leader of bandits.

Defeat it a little more complicated than ordinary bandits, so you have to be slightly more attentive. When it appears, immediately shove in it a couple of times, and then go to the near battle. A shock blow to it acts badly, but if you pumped dexterity, then you can use a sequence: blow-punch. So you can avoid most enemy counterattacks.

Travel began

Come in the head of the leader and search everything around. Take money from the chest and grab the key with you. Once you go out to the street, Dick will appear and will offer you to buy a cage key with prisoners. I, as a good hero, refused. As soon as you open the cage and free the prisoners, the dick will attack you. Win it very simple.

Come back to the road and go to Burovestone, the road is free.

Buroverstone market

As soon as you get to the city, you will face a bard. He will follow you, do not pay attention and calmly go to the market. It is in the western part, for this you will have to cross the bridge. As a result, you will get to the clock tower, next to which we must meet with Teresa. She has not yet arrived, so you can go about your business.

Task Blykexmita

North from the tower is the store of Blackmith. Run there, you can get a task and take a little. In fact, you will be offered a mini game: you need to beat the hammer to see the sword. The blow should be applied at the moment when the point passes through the luminous area. Naturally, complexity is growing gradually. If you have a good reaction, you are not bad atten.

When the game is informed that Teresa arrived at the place, stop working and go outside. Run to the clock tower that on the central square, and meet Teresa. Your first task to find an abbot living in Okfield. Traveling thread output you manoff.

Road manoff

Passing a little forward, you will face a running person who will tell that there are gangsters ahead. While, Teresa will not tell you that the bandits occupied the rifle positions and shell the road. Just nearby, to the left of you, there will be pieces of some destroyed structure, followally to hide. Select Louk. The main group of bandits is concentrated in the north-east.

Hanging from the shelter, you can easily shoot them. Keep shooting enemies until you see a shot in slow motion – it means that enemies ended and you can continue the way.

Run forward when on the right will see a path leading to the top of a hill. There hidden a chest in which you can sonol. Follow the guiding thread and carefully follow the road: a little ahead of the left of you will have a passage to a small platform, where the statue will be hidden by a silver key.

Return to the main road. When you descend down the hill, stumble on one group of bandits. This time you have to fight in the melee. A little ahead of you will see another branch leading to the north, you can find a book in the chest.

Finally, you will strike another group of bandits. This Trinity is sleeping, so dealing with them is pretty easy. Take the onions and shoot them. A little ahead, on a small glade you can pick up a bag of hundreds of gold, and also to clean the chest nearby.

Go forward until you find yourself on the destroyed bridge. You have one way – bend down into the water. Snapped to the surface, swim by the index line, it will bring you to the shore. Here you will face a kind of man, named Herman: It will ask for finding his son who has lost in the next cave. Login is located a little ahead.

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