Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Cheter

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May 23, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Cheter
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Cheter
Well, I have no reaction sufficient to pass! No, everything is here!
But I want to go through the game, so the cheate…
so! The passage of VC in the style of “Cheat on Chita and the cheat will chase”!
(Missions go in the course of passing from StopGame.RU, as a cracker program used TAVCULTIMATECHEATERPLUS206_AT_GTA.Ag.RU.Rar from there!)

Py.S. In 99% of missions, the default is meant: F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10 and ALT-F12, but in some something you need to disable!

Mission Ken Rosenburg (Ken Rosenburg)

Mission 1: The Party – Party – Monsters Ball

You’re stupid???
Not? Then you can do without cheats! If only deliver Mercedes after the ball into the club on the tank, then enter Panzer !

Mission 2: Back Alley Brawl – Disassembly in Little Tokyo
If you are enabled F5 – there are absolutely no problems!

Mission 3: Jury Fury – blind rage

Jury people quiet and do not resist! Even the police will not call, and therefore the codes are not needed! (unless F5 is the best protection against flush on a motorcycle in the wall!)

Mission 4: Riot – Riots
Eternal Life, Eternal Cartridges… Send as soon as possible!!! (Py. SY: first move all, and then collect money! And only then wrap trucks!

Mission Averi Carrington (AVERY CARRINGTON)

Mission 1: Four Iron – Party, Lord!
Item 1: Come in the club’s building – weapons are selected, but clarify the goal.
Paragraph 2: From the entrance to the left and on a lean to the rink, it is crawled to the street.
Item 3: Take a weapon.
Paragraph 4: Customize the car back to the rink, jump on the car, and from it – on the rink and the territory!
Paragraph 5: Load Duum!

Mission 2: Demolition MAN – Destroyer
F9 Inclusive??? Fly how much your heart! Definitely not sure, but Alt-F12 or just F12 will reliably protect your helicopter!

Mission 3: Two Bit Hit – Waste Prayer

How did you get down – get out of the car and… “Bigbang”!!! (or “-” on the main digital series – reducing the same!)

Mission Colonel Juan Cortez (Colonel Juan Cortez)

Mission 1: Treacherous Swine – Doom 3
The main thing is to catch up and crumble and crumble! F8 will reliably cover you from the police!

Mission 2: Mall Shootout – High Technologies
I passed this mission quite easily – created two tanks and burst with them outputs from the store! After which the rest was the case of equipment and eternal life!

Mission 3: Guardian Angels – Guardian Angel
The first half of the mission is pretty easier – if time to slow down (- on an additional clave), then the mafiosa shooting turns into a slight entertainment! Alt-F5 will probably cover the main partners!
The second part is built on Mate! How I passed her – a mystery! Basic Tools “Production” – Time Braking To Simplify Bazook Maneviers – There is a chance that the enemy will make a hook on the outside street, and if you drive along the parallel, then you can overtake it, get off a motorcycle and break it like a bazuki! Undermines of all machines do not use – Diaz also flows and the mission is failure!

Mission 4: Sir, Yes, Sir! – On the field tanks rumbled
Part 1 – Capture a tank using eternal life and lack of search – like two fingers!
Part 2 – get to the garage – everything is real! Especially if time to slow down!

Mission 5: ALL HANDS ON DECK! – Fifteen people on a dead man’s chest that machine gun with an optical sight + Bazooka and eternal life – the mission is passable!

Mission Riccardo Diaz (Ricardo Diaz)

Mission 1: The Chase – Running the hare through the fields
Slower time when running along the roofs and in pursuit. Eternal life will protect you!

Mission 2: Phnom Penh ’86 – Good morning, Vietnam!
When flying slow time – it will be easier to shoot assholes! When you run through the building, eternal life will help you!

Mission 3: The Fastest Boat – Caulter Boats
With eternal life and without investigation??? Do not mock!

Mission 4: Suppy & Demand – smell Napalm in the morning
There – slow motion, back – slow motion! In the first case, helps for maneuvering, in the second – smoothes sausage of waves and sharp turns of “Mad Lance”!

Kent Paul Missions (Kentpaul)

Mission 1: Death Row – sentenced to death
Eternal Life, Eternal Cartrons and Impact Auto (F12 – Alt-F12).

Mission Tommy Versetti (Tommy Vercetti)

Mission 1: RUB OUT – Washer
With eternal life and cartridges – like DUUUM with IDDQD!

Mission 2: Shake Down – Roof caused?
Hmm… Uzi here is clearly not why, but from Bazuki – much more pleasant! Police not pay for you (with F8)

Mission 3: Bar Brawl – Fighting for the territory
Passage – the main thing is to quickly extend the first two gangsters and undermine the cars instead of chasing motorcyclists!

Mission 4: Cop Land – Country Copy
With F8 cops, you will not pay attention to you, but for passing, they should be lured into the garage…
Enter the garage, click “3”, leave (or they themselves will put???) and travel back already with the kopami!
Further – on the machine!

Mission 5: Cap The Collector – Mafia in the city!
What difficulties??? Shoot everything that is moving, not paying attention to the shelling

Umberto Robina Missions (Umberto Robina)

Mission 1: Stunt Boat
Challenge – Racing on the boats F9, and your nerves are fine! The mission will go smoothly as much as you will pass it!

Mission 2: Cannon Fodder – Cannon Meat
The main thing is to get out forward that would not climb the “naptery” to the shelling zone, and eternal life and cartridges will finish the case!

Mission 3: Naval Engagement – Sea battle
Problems??? If you can slow down the time for an accurate shooting, and life is better than that of the innocent??? Yes, and the policemen on the paw F8 Dali?????

Mission 4: Trojan Voodoo – Trojan horse
Not reached, but with eternal life!

Mission aunt Poult (Auntie Poulet)

Mission 1:
JUJU SCRAMBLE – Powder supplier
Main problems – wanted, shelling and time solved with the help of the program! F5, F8 and F9!

Mission 2: BOMBS AWAY! – Pigeon mail
Mockery these airplanes! If the real is more or less controlled, then the radio models of sausage are not for childish! I’m stuck here!

Mission 3: Dirty Lickin’s – Sniper
Not sure (I did not reach), but Alt-F5 will insulate your guys, and from the shot of sniper in the head of ordinary people does not save!

Mission Love Fist (Love Fist)

Mission 1: Love Juice – Love Potion
Yes you will confuse it nafig! And time – dofiga and more!

Mission 2: Psycho Killer – Bodyguard
Undermining all machines – this is our way in the fight against killers!

Mission 3: Publicity Tour – Speed-3
The main thing to go to the highway and drive to the discharge of the bomb (it is not too fast and with braking!) looking at how the crowd of drunk assholes trying to disassemble the bomb…

Mission Mitch Baker (Mitch Baker)

Basic ideas:
Time braking. Undermining will not help. After turning over the time there is a direct plot – for those twenty times that I played this mission,
We never drove the end of this plot, inspired by turning!!! During the rain driving the bikers even worse! Therefore, run the “gift of aunt polli” and install the magic of Voodoo ray weather!

Mission 2: Messing With The Man – Psycho in the city
Mission and Police time – things solved!

Mission 3: Hog Tied – Flying Motorcycle
Heck! It is on this motorcycle BG (the main biker “” Eternity of the Machines “and does not apply! So, we fly (on a motorcycle or helicopter) to the roof, and knock all opponents, while they do not stop climb from all the cracks! Then sit down on a motorcycle… Peel, jump out (without a motorcycle!!!), 4 cars and climb back! Everything! Motorcycle no longer threatens!

Missions Phil Cassidy (Phil Cassidy)

Did not reach, but IMHO – I do not see anything complicated!

Telephone missions (Phone Missions)

Mission 1: Road Kill – Cold Pizza
Options – undermining, or cut it on a tank – from a grenade…

Mission 2: Waste The
Wife – husband and wife – one Satan
Disconnect the eternal cars! (SHIFT-F12 and Ctrl-F12) otherwise it will kick her machine for a very long time and to no avail! Recommendations: I passed the mission at the police van for the transport of criminals – it is heavy (it does not twist in collisions) and quite stable! Best results – turn it over the car and periodically sign, She for some reason can turn over the roof back to the wheels!!!

Mission 3: Autocide – Six Negreat
The first – grenade launcher, motorcyclist – Bigbuumum!

Mission 4: Check Out at the Check In – Do not tell me what time?
Come, shoot, pick up Chumodan… During the chase – get out and put the jeeps so as not to be disturbed!

Mission 5: Loose Ends – Ends in Water
What!? On the roof of my plant for ice cream????? Yes, I am… Moreover, you can’t do with me!

Real Estate Mission (Assets)

Mission club “Malibu” (The Malibu Club)

Whether my will – I would take only a hacker! The arrows and drove at eternal life nafig is not needed, especially, that according to the results of the tests you have to be cooler!!!

Mission 1: NO Escape? – Nowhere to run
Came, saw, freed… Well, what that shoot?!

Mission 2: The Shootist – shooting on plates
Bremening time and turn off the mission timer until the moment when you get tired of shooting (glasses are sufficient). Then turn on the timer back (SHIFT-F9) and lazily shoot until the end of the mission!

Mission 3: The Driver – Schumachers against Schumacher
Did not pass – the racer I was still fig, much more that you can not choose the car!

Mission 4: The Job – Hello
“IDDQD and in hell, as soon as!!!!”

Mission for typography (Print W ORKS)

Mission 1: Spilling The Beans – Tommy’s first primer
– Shot!
– And what that was shooting? Did not kill the same?!

Mission 2: Hit The Courier – Courier Death
The main thing is good Bazook, strong skin and fast reaction! Hasomeh Yassen?!

Mission of the Ice Cream Seller (Cherry Popper Ice Cream)

Mission 1: Distribution – cocaine ice cream
Hmm… Enemy groupings did not shoot me, the police did not pay attention…

Missions of the Boat Station (The Boatyard)

Cm. Mission 1 from Umberto! And yes will save F9 your time!

Mission Taksopark Kaufman (Kaufman Cabs)

Mission 1: V.AND.P. – Fighting for the client
Cheats almost do not need – drive not paying attention to him to the airport and get up in a circle!
When will arrive – he will fly past the circle, get it up and the client transplants to you to immediately get out!
Bazooka do not use – the sequir to the client will come!

Mission 2: Friendly Rivalry – Triple Skewer
Chase here behind them… Bigbang – and all business!

Mission 3: Cabmageddon – Karmagedon
Just shoot everyone while they try to crush you! (Get out of a taxi – so shoot easier!), then undermin the machines and chikaldyk the analogy of the leader!

Mission of Film Studio (Film Studio)

Mission 1: Recruitment Drive – recruitment
Ishi! Veri Isa! Detail – undermining the agent together with the rest of motorists!

Mission 2: Dildo Dodo – advertising company
Mat, mat and once again mat “[” and kerosene at least! I “passed” a mission – all the checkpoints flew around, and she did not want to complete! If hard to maneuver – slower time!

Mission 3: Martha’s Mug Shot – Blackmail
I do not see anything complicated – blow up the helicopter with the “Auto-Eve” – the problem is still! A police… when she bothered us for the last time??? Five minutes ago??? What, F8 did not press???

Mission 4: G-Spotlight – Jumping Program!
GMMM… Well, slow down time, if so hard?! As a last resort – stop playing time
Generally (code-code to look for yourself!)

Mission Club “Pole Position” (The Pole Position)

You are impotent??? Porn look with codes???? BUT! Understood! With finance problem?! Well, there are ways!

Sunshine Autos Store Missions (Sunshine Autos)

Long, zhind, but not difficult…
This thought is: running between expensive and garages, stinging the garage by cars, and then launch the “Garage editor” and make “modding” machines in those. who want us! (Single car I did not bother – ice cream van!)

Racing time – not trying… But speed slowdown should help!

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