Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 24, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban: Passage
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban: Game Walkthrough and Guide
one. Game Review
Trick fighting monsters
General advice
Buying collection cards
2. Hogwarts Express (training)
3. Test carp retractum
4. Fairies and hippogrifs
five. Dragonphors and Lypaphors Test
6. Dementor defense lesson
7. Protection Kluvocryla
8. Book of Monsters
I. Testing Glazius
10. Rescue Rona
eleven. Salvation clustered
12. Final exams
Exam for carpe retractum
Exam on Dragonfore Lyapifee
Exam for Glyusius
one. Hogwarts research


The HP3 version for PC is very different from the submissive, and is so simple that even a five-year-old child will cope with it. (This is not a hyperbole in this case, in fact, my five-year-old son perfectly passed the game without any help.) In the PC version you can play for Harry, Ron and Hermione, but it is impossible to change the character himself, it is defined in the game in advance. Spells are smaller here than in the console version, and they are differently distributed between characters.


Aloomora: Opens items. This spell can apply all three characters.

Deputy: in HP 1 and 2 This spell was called Flipendo. It is used to move objects as well as against books. This spell can apply all three characters.

RIKTUMEMPRA: Stunches enemies (not all, but only those on whom it applies). All three characters are also owned by this spell.

SPONGIFAY: turns the Spond Company platform to the trampoline. All three characters are owned by this spell.

LUMOS: Applies to Gargul, which allows you to see secret rooms. All three characters are owned by this spell.

Carp Retractum: attracts the subject to you or you to the subject. Only Ron owns this spell.

Lyapifor: turns the stratum of the rabbit in a live rabbit. This spell owns only Hermione.

Dragonfora: turns the statue of the dragon in a small live dragon. This spell owns only Hermione.

Glazius: freezes water, getting icy slides. Still used against salamander. This spell owns only Harry.

Exptees Patronum: Kills Dementors. This spell owns only Harry.

Trick fighting monsters

In the game, several species of creatures that will have to fight. Some of them will often meet you, others only in certain situations. I will talk about frequently found monsters, and special battles will be described in another part of this passage.


It is not clear why it was generally needed, but the fight using magic crackers from HP1 again appears in this version. The essence is: demons throw magic crackers in you. You must first dodge the cracker, then raise it (just run on it) and throw it in demons (aim almost impossible), before the cracker explodes. The main focus is to be in about the center of that room where you fight demons. Then, if a cracker was thrown in you, you can run back, then run up and raise a cracker. If you stand at the wall, then you can run away from the crackers only to the right or left, where the path can block the furniture, besides, see the cracker lying on the floor will be more difficult. Try to throw crackers in a group of demons, one cracker can kill two or three demons at once.

Fairies and books

(Under the books I mean those “ordinary” books that attack you. About the book monsters I will tell later.) The main tactics in such battles is the same as with demons, only on the enemies you need to send spells. On fairies – Rickettispra, on the book – Depuleso, although what a spell on whom is not so important because the spell is chosen automatically. You only need to aim and click the mouse button. Throw away these little annoying creatures from yourself, and you will go away from the energy clubs that fairies are rushed. In general, it is very simple battles.

Fire crabs

The most unpleasant in the battle with these creatures: they can get stuck in the corner, and they cannot be pulled out from there. I have to give them to wake up and run away from them until they are in the open space. Sometimes they bounce off the walls, but the physics of the game is so long, which is usually such a reception does not work. In general, send to the crab Rickettemm, and then use the spell until you shook the stunned crab in the nearest trap, or do not collide from the platform or protrusion by which it crawles.


These creatures most likely can make you feel if you won’t be very careful. They are not even life for life, but you can or two. Use Ricthesemm to stun such a creature, then jump on her back, jumping through the acid footprint that she leaves. When you jump from the back, do not move the mouse and do not press the keys, and then you automatically jump there where there is no acid. And if you try to maneuver in the jump, just come right in the acid. Wait until the acid evaporation disappear, and collect all the goodies that remain from the Bundimun.


Salamandras are extremely unpleasant, because they are reborn from their own fire. Therefore, when you met with several salamanders, I don’t first try to try to deal with them with everyone, and then with their fire. It is better to figure out the turn with each salamandy and at the same time with her fire. Direct Glaxius on Salamandra, and then use Rickettsem to destroy it. Then use the Glasi to freeze the nearest fire. All this time will not stand in place, and run there and here so that other salamanders cannot aim and shoot in you fire.

Enchanted skeletons

This, probably, the most disgusting creatures in the whole game. To destroy them, they need to send Rictitsempra twice (this should be done or at the same time Harry and Hermione, or Ron twice), and they are very quickly thrown by their bones. Do not stand in place, move, and as soon as Hermione joins you, let go of the button.

Book of Monsters
With this creature you will come across in training, and in one of the mini-games. Battle tactics with a book described below, in the passage of mini-game.

General advice

More often with a magic wand. Some items are obviously exposed to spells – boilers, chests, armor. Some are not so obvious. For example, at multiple images and portraits hide caches. However, there are no caches for many. But to make sure you need to send spells for every subject.

Apply spells to things several times. From many objects of beans, pies and boiler glasses can be satisfied with no time, of some even four or five. From some items, you can get special awards if you apply spell several times.

It’s easier to do so: first go through the whole game in the plot, then go back and finish mini games and find caches. The game will not end until you buy from Fred and George all passwords to portraits. So do not rush to buy them, and you can play even after the final exams.

When Ron comes to the prize legume room, there are only beans. When Harry or Hermione go there, there are also pumpkin pies, and boiler glasses. Collect better pies and cakes, not beans.

Buying collection cards

Everywhere there are pupils offering buy collectible cards. They all sell cards from one set, so it makes no sense to run for all students, and no sense to buy cards for the first time you met such a student. First, go through most of the game and type enough beans and pies. Then find one of these students and buy from him (or she) cards while he (or she) will not run.

Here is a list of collectible cards that can be bought from students (in the order of how they offer them):
– # 1 black (sorceress), beatrix bloxam 25 beans
– # 6 black (witch), carlotta pinkstone 100 beans
– # 12 black (sorceress), cliodne 30 pumpkin pies
– # 3 blue (wizard), crispin cronk 100 beans
– # 7 black (witch), dorcas wellbeloved 175 beans
– # 2 black (sorceress), dymphna furmage 50 beans
– # 4 blue (wizard), edgar strolger 150 beans
– # 8 black (witch), elfrida clagg 125 beans
– # 2 blue (wizard), Ethelred the ever-ready 80 pumpkin pies
– # 8 blue (wizard), glanmore peakes 60 pumpkin pies
– # 10 black (sorceress), Ignatia Wildsmith 10 pumpkin pies
– # 5 black (sorceress), jocunda sykes 200 beans
– # 14 Black (sorceress), Morgan Le Fay 50 Pumpkin Pies
– # 11 blue (wizard), mungo bonham 50 beans
– # 6 blue (wizard), novel twonk 125 beans
– # 5 blue (wizard), oswalk beamish 225 beans
– # 14 blue (wizard), thaddeus thurkell 70 pumpkin pies
– # 4 black (witch), wendelin the weird 75 beans
– # 9 Blue (Wizard), Wilfred Elphick 40 Pumpkin Pies
– # 12 blue (wizard), dzou yen 20 pumpkin pies

Fred and George sell six collectible cards in the store. They will give you one card free as soon as you get (find or buy) 74 cards.

List of collectible cards that can be bought from Fred and George store:
– # 7 blue (wizard), grogan stump 25 pumpkin pies
– # 9 Purple (Animal), Mountain Troll 150 Beans
– # 10 Purple (Animal), Streeler 200 beans
– # 11 black (sorceress), Hesper Starkey 125 beans
– # 13 black (sorceress), Mirabella Plunkett 25 pumpkin pies
– # 15 black (sorceress), gunhilda of gorsemoor 100 beans
– # 15 blue (wizard), harry potter for free

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