Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 30, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Passage
Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Case 1 – murder Martina Castillo

East shore of the river
Look at closeness of the victim. Inspect the wound in the neck area and analyze the character of the wound (click on the icon with the image of the microscope). Inspect the victim and shoes coat. Enter your observations on the clothes of the victim in your CCP. Go to the left side of the location and talk to a person who discovered the corpse on the shore.

Ask him all questions and analyze his answers. Go to morgue.

Medical expert
Talk to a medical expert that they were able to find out as a result of the opening of the body. After a conversation on your card will add a new location.

Station Coc Ed
Go to the right side of the screen. Look inside the garbage tank and pull out the nippers. Later they will come to you. Go forward. Get off the asphalt and find an active area on Earth. Examine it from close range. You discovered even fresh traces on Earth. Go down slightly down. Examine a bloody trail on the ground and pick up a root of the cigarette. Go to the edge of the shore. Carefully inspect the territory around you and find gloves lying in the grass. Return to the asphalt track and close to the fence. Try to crawl through the hole in the fence. The hole is too small for the dimensions of your body. Use nippers on the fence and climb into the station. Come to the equipment and look at Gravel. You will see print prints on gravel and find keys. Here, pay attention to the stain of blood. Exit the fenced area. Roll over the corner and go to the car. Take a picture of the car. Click on Auto to see Salon. Look at blood on the driver’s seat. Add it to the list of your evidence. Take a look at the ashtray. In it you will see a torn wrapper from cigar. You need from five pieces to restore the wrapper in the original condition. Send a wrapper for research and examination.

Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Medical expert
Specify the expert a new question. Listen to two new messages that came to your PDA.

Criminal laboratory
Get reports on all evidence found during the investigation.

criminal investigation
Talk to captain Dickens. He will explain to you how to use a laptop lying on your desktop. Come to the Document and Research Department (Records and Research).

Department of Documents and Research
Get reports on evidence experts found at the crime scene. After you receive a report on the examination of the cigarette, you can visit the victim’s apartment. A new location appeared on the map. Get out of the department and come to your table. Right-click on the laptop. Enter the evidence and real evidence into the database, assembled during the investigation: wound the throat, plug, shoe prints on the ground, cigarette cigarette cigarettes, gloves stretching on the ground, gloves, penprints on gravel, car photo and an opening report.

Residence of the sacrifice
Write 2 B in the apartment located opposite the sacrifice. Ask a man questions about his former neighbor.

Open the apartment 2 C using the key found on the station. Take a screwdriver from the table in the hallway. Pay attention to letters and invoices lying on the same table. Go to the next location and go to the bedroom. Examine clothes lying on the bed, boots on the floor and bills on the night table. Get out of the bedroom and follow the kitchen. Look at the bill for electricity and solid roglik on the table. Pay attention to the strange floor tile. Her color is different from all other. Open the screwdriver tile, and you will see the safe. Look at him from a close distance to see a cunning lock. To get to the content of the safe you will have to paint all squares in one color – green. Small color dots on the sides of the squares must show how the neighboring square is painted. Click on the lower points in such a sequence:

1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 1, 5, 5, 5

Take an apartment for renting an apartment for Martin Castillo from the safe. Go to the dining area. Take a look at the journal lying on the dinner table. Find a photo on the coffee table in front of the TV and carefully consider it.

Bar in Windsor
Go to the kiosk for the sale of cigars. Find Juliet Cigars, they are on the bottom shelf to the right of the ladder. Wrapper from these cigars you found a car parked next to the station. Talk to the seller of cigars. Ask the seller, about who bought these cigars in the last days. Ask him all questions from the list. Get out of the kiosk and go to the bar. Talk to Carla. He must give you a check. Remember him for examination. Listen to new messages that come to your PDA.

Criminal laboratory
Get the latest research reports of the evidence you are interested in.

Department of Documents and Research
Get just ready-made evidence reports. A new location appeared on your map available to visit. Talk to captain Dickens on how the investigation into the murder is progressing.

Brooklyn apartment sacrifice
For the entrance to the apartment you need to know the cipher of the castle. You will find it in the photo found in the apartment of the victim. Dial the cipher 7262439 on the lock and you can penetrate the apartment. Come in the bedroom through the door to the right of you. Go to the night corner table and look at the drawer. Use a screwdriver on the drawer handle. Come to the headboard and look at the picture hanging on the wall. Insert the handle into the holes matching the arrangement with the length of the handle. The picture will be revealed by a cache. In it you will find a police report. Send it to the examination. Get out of the bedroom and go along the hallway to the hall. Take a look at the photos raised on one of the walls of the hall. Take them from the wall and send to the study in the laboratory. Look at other papers wipe on the wall. Take a tax report from the table and send it to the examination. Look into the box lying on the floor to the right of the sofa. Listen to fresh messages on your PDA.

Criminal laboratory
Get the latest evidence reports.

Department of Documents and Research
Get new reports.

House of Melinda Brooks
Talk to Melinda about Martin Castillo.

Prosecutor’s Office
Enter the office and talk to Howard Scheffer, Castillo Boss. Ask him all questions and leave the office. Go to the window. To the left of you office where the killed Castillo worked. Right office colleagues victim. Enter office colleagues. Discuss with Dennis Campbell Killing Castillo. From the office, go to prison on the island of Riker.

Prison interrogation room on ricker island
Ask Arrestant Emilio Sanchez Questions regarding Martina Castillo. After visiting prison, you will meet with the captain to discuss the last details of the investigation of the killing of Castillo.

House of roses Sanchez
Write at the apartment door and wait for the hostess to you. She will refuse to talk to you.

Office Captain Dickens
Ask Captain Paper To Protection Chu Morales. Listen to new messages from the laboratory and the Document and Research Division.

Department of Documents and Research
Get new reports from a girl at a computer.

Office Captain Dickens
Ask Captain About Paper on Witness Protection. Take it from the table.

House of roses Sanchez
Show her paper obtained from the captain. She will agree to answer your questions. Ask her questions about Martine Castillo and Emilio Sanchez. Listen to the Surveillance Unit (Surveillance Unit).

Observation department
Receive observation reports for suspected persons.

Motel Twilight
Speak with Melinda Brooks. Look at the binoculars on the table. Listen Comment Melinda about binoculars. Go to the long part of the room. Take photos from the table and send them to the study. Show Melinde folder with the murder of Ellen Doherty.

Talk to her on all topics. After a conversation with her, a new location will appear on the map.

Company Vernon Gas
Go to the third entrance machine. Climb up the stairs. Look near the hot radiator. Near it is a cylinder with oxygen, take it. Exit the building and go a little right. Look at gloves lying on the asphalt next to the truck. Enter the last entrance and climb the stairs. Talk to the inspector Vernon Gas Tino Pooking. When he refuses to respond to the next question, show him an oxygen cylinder, and he will become a little talkative. After conversation, take the map on which the work of Frank Doherty. She lies on the shelf behind the inspector.

Criminal laboratory
Get new reports.

Department of Documents and Research
Get documents on the latest evidence studies discovered during the investigation.

Frank Daerty apartment
Take the Everwood Cemetery Card from a small table in the corner and send it to the study. Take a look at the stack of letters on the table to the right of Frank. Get conversation with Frank Doherty. Ask him questions regarding his work in Vernon Gas. When he wants evidence, show him the card you took in Vernon Gas.

Department of Documents and Research
Get in the Dossier Dossier on Frank Doherty.

Everwood Cemetery
Climb on the porch of the building. Go to the room with coffins. Talk to Jan Lancaster. Tell him that you want to find the burial place of your distant relative and show the map taken in the house of Doherty. Also ask him the rest questions from the list.

Climb the stairs to the second floor. Check out the brochure, which tells about the history of the cemetery. Come to the table, followed by a woman. Look at the business card on the table. Talk to Carolina Higgins. Ask her all your questions. Enter the telephone directory in your PDA. Call Frederick Granta. Ask him about the tombstone.

Go down to the first floor and go to the room to the left of you. Exit the building through a black move. Go along the path to the gate of the cemetery. Come on the territory of the cemetery and turn on the path to the right of you. Go a little forward along the track, then fold to the left. Go back a little ahead and turn right. Go to the fence. Turn to the graduation on which fresh flowers lie. Take flowers and send them to research. Look for us the gravestone. Talk to the guard. Ask him about people who came to this grave.

Criminal laboratory
Get new reports.

Department of Documents and Research
Take new folders with a dossier on people passing in this case.

Frank Daerty apartment
Ask him a new question.

Your office
Open the laptop and enter the dossier to Frank Doherty in the database.

Office Captain Dickens
Ask him a search order in Frank Doherty’s apartment.

Frank Daerty apartment
Enter the apartment. From the hallway, go to the kitchen. Take a look at the textbook on judicial practice lying on the table. Take it and send to the study. Go to the gym. Take a crumpled cigarette bundle from a coffee table and send it to the examination. Turn to the TV and take a letter from the couch written by Doetty Boss Martina Castillo. Send it to the examination. Return to the hallway and from there Follow the bedroom.

Raise the floor boots and send them to the examination. Take another book with bedside tables near the bed and also send it to the examination. Look at the casket lying on the Tumba next to the TV. To familiarize yourself with its contents. You will have to make on the top cover the name of the wife Frank Doherty – Ellen (Ellen)

Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Go to the bath. Take the detergent and send them to the examination. Listen to new messages that come to your PDA.

Criminal laboratory
Take new reports on the examination of the last evidence.

Department of Documents and Research
Get the reports you are interested in.

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