Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of The Underdark: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 12, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of The Underdark: Passage
Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of The Underdark: Game Walkthrough and Guide
To begin with, you can say a few words about the features of “Hordes of the Underdark”. The fact is that it pays much more than you expect you from him, and this is not advertising. Previous addition loses in this regard seriously seriously, not to mention the original. Apparently, the authors tried to do not just another add-on, but rather a new game that in the end and it turned out, it was a pity that just came out so short. It all begins quite traditionally, but already in the second and especially the third chapter, the bag with breathing on the head surprises seems literally bottomless. It seems to be outwardly everything remained in place, but in terms of quests and puzzles, sometimes so strange and unpredictable, this Add-on unequivocally survived everyone. Rather, it turned out something in the spirit of the unforgettable “Planescape Torment”, especially in the second and third chapters, rather than in a more predictable BG style.

So let’s go…

Kill Drow Elf’a, which is growing in your chest, and talk to the new Tamsil, the daughter of the owner of the Durnan tavern. Tell her about your missing gear. Her father turned out to be a very generous man and offers to use weapons and armor, which lie in the weapon, everyone to protect the town of Waterdeep. Get out of the room and go to the room to the right, this is a weapon. Take what will like. In another room, talk to Tanarell, he will tell you about Undermountain and a little about that mighty sorcerer, who created it.
Go down to the stairs to the bottom floor, find yourself in the main dining room. Here you will see old acquaintances – Huckmen, talk to them. Something immediately they do not burn with the desire to join you, but it does not matter, you can include them in the team a little later. Then go to the door at the end and talk to Durnan. He will tell you about building a tavern near the entrance to the dungeon… The conversation suddenly interrupted by a powerful DROW attack. Run there, from where they came running, and get there remaining. Suddenly, from where they were not waiting, the ugly flying head with the eye will appear, firmly will be a ray of Durnan and hobs back into the abyss. All Vataga fighters will rush over her in the pursuit, descending into the well.
Before descending into the well, go to the city (you can visit several places here), fill out the magicians and warriors DROW and go to the shop “Little Musings and Magic”. Check out you will be discharged. Talk to Sobrey, he can be serving with weapons, armor, amules, scrolls and all sorts of other trinkets. Return back and talk from a well with White Thata. She is also a walking shop, but the main thing – you will receive from it “Rod of Resurrection” with which you can resurrect killed partners. Talk finally with Durnan, press the lever, opening the dome, and go down to the well to meet the main troubles.
You will be met by Goblin and tell about Halaster’a – the sorcerer, who built a labyrinth under the city. It turns out that he suddenly disappeared, leaving after himself chaos and the army of monsters, which no longer restrains anything, why they broke out. Go down and go to the gate.

Undermountain Level 1.

The road to the bridge to the next level will block the bridge with colored columns (12 pieces, three in a row). In front of these columns there are four levers with mechanisms that lack important items. We’ll have to search them. At this level, you will come across the corpses of your Henchmen, resurrect and turn on the command if you want.

There is also a gallery with mirrors, where you can get a different useful items, and a lot of things else. Go to one of the portals that take you to “Undermountain Level 1, North”. In the lair Ogre Mage there will be a descent in Level 2, which he will tell you when it will already be at death. Only the entrance to there, unfortunately, tightly littered. To learn how to clear it, you need to talk to Olgin Hasterean in the northern part.
In the central location, go in one of the rooms to the skeleton on the throne and try to pick up a speaking sword. Previously, he was the same as you (not a skeleton, and the sword), the seeker of good luck, but then his souls sharpened in the sword. Skeletons immediately rolling all over, overload everyone, and take the “Blue Rod” from the chair. The missing color Rods can be searched in chests and boxes at the level. Patience and attentiveness – and they will be in your pocket. When you have all the missing “sticks”, go to color columns and insert the levers as follows: in the first (left right) – green, in the second – blue, in the third – blue, and in the fourth – red. Columns will be devastated by forming a passage, and you can descend on Level 2. Before it can be revived Henchmen, Daelan’a and Sharwyn.


Skeleton will run away from the DROW soldier. From the corpse of Goblin Take “Small Key” and “Yellow Chain”. She and other color chains you need to in the center of the map where there are four color pedestals, open the door and get access further. It remains to get three more color chains in different parts of this location. In the eastern part, kill a bunch of a warrior with lion heads, take the key and go to the room with the portal. Talk to Shareesh, he is the main one among the slaves. He will also ask to find a stone that activates the portal, with which you can get to the surface. For this he promises to tell you about the chains that you are looking for.
If you begin to threaten, so that you all told you sleep (on your head) – slaves will turn into warriors and immediately attack you. In the next room there will be another Hunkman, Linu La’neral. In “Undermountain Level 2, South” You will find the body of another partner, Tomi. You can resurrect it if there is a hunt. Here I will cross all the drow with their commander and take the “Green Chain”. It remains to find a couple of chains. Return to the central part with chains and go to the door in the north. The inborn thief Tomi will help you open it.


Break or open the door and turn the goblins whip. At the end of the level, behind the bridge with lattices, there will be a room with levers and light balls over them. From the corpse of Argo Blacktooth Take “Purple Chain”. Also there is a jeans chest, which will give you a stone (slaves spoke about), activating the portal in Waterdeep. Return to the central part, now you have to get the last chain. Go to the room with the throne and the red arrows on the floor, from the body Shareesh Take “Red Chain”. Insert all four chains in the pedestals (in Undermountain Level 2, Central) and click on “Pool of Colors” between them. Remember the combination of luminous balls that appeared above it. It looks like she can be different. Then in the same sequence you need to pull the chains. I had this: green, yellow, red, red, purple, green. If you are all done correctly, the door will open. For her, talk to Berger, from which you find out that Halamber is in captivity. Go down to the next level.


You immediately attack that it has long ceased to cause surprise. After that, from Nathyrra from the rebel group, learn that the magician is kept somewhere in the West. Go to the door, next to which Nathyrra met, and get ready for a cool battle. Then free the Queen of the Muravyev, Formian Queen. Her holds a power field. To disable it, simply press the lever near. After that you need to get to Passage North. The queen will suggest to bypass the reinforced drow camp, taking advantage of her secret tunnels. Want to hard and hurt – forward! Lose from the front entrance. No – agree with its proposal. Then you will quickly and painlessly find yourself on the other side of the wall and you can go to Passage North.


Nathyrra will appear and will warn you about the danger spent and how best to deal with it. Against drow you can use balleys on the hills. To do this, you need to go to the secret passage and activate all the ballists in turn. Next, just see how they are famously spaced with the enemy, can also take part in this too. Pass into the passage (exit) in the southern part of the card.


Cutely cute with Nathyrra, and she joins you. The next door will be Halaster himself. Destroy three stones near so that he can join the battle. And one fell in one fell, destroy all those who have not deigned to die in their own will. Talk to Halaster’om. He somehow scares and start talking to himself. Then he catches Spell, making you with his slave. He wishes you to agree to remove for him ValSharagess. Agree – then will cross the following chapter.

Chapter 2.

Here you met with resistance to DROW forces. Talk to SEER, she is home. Nathyrra and Valen will help you, becoming your Henchmen. The rebels will agree to enter into the final battle with the Drow, only if you can lure a couple of allies to your side and to significantly weaken their forces, tipping a few mighty cones. Talk to all and go on the door. There are many interesting places here, you can wander into your pleasure. Then go to Lith My’athar: Environs, then in Northwest Passage and in Underdark: West Of Lith. On this map you will find three inputs in the tunnel (North, West, South) and the bridge with the control panel in front of it. You need to go through the bridge, but you can look around, say, in South. Talk to the gnome, and a little further knock on the gong. Inside Temple Cult Temple, we climb down, in Drearing’s Deep, going down deeper and deeper, on the second and third levels. Local tyrant will appear, magician Sodalis. Take the “Lower Crypt Key” and go down to the bottom, in Crypt.
Fall a few Bone Golem and go to the edge of the pit (Pits Edge). Throw a stone into it, then take the rope from the chest next and go down on it down. In Inner Sanctum, talk to the monk Zeremund, then disappear with him and his golems. Finally, it can be killed if you use a wooden cooke. Take the “Energy ORB”. Get out of the temple and return to Underdark. You can fall into the hole if you come to mushrooms. Then the spy will be found and in addition they will attack a big swolish cube. Take from the body of Spy Lesser Amulet Of The Master. In the north of the card, next to the waterfall, there will be a hole that will lead you to the card with the bridge and the panel.
So, Most. To go through it, you need to use the “Bridge Control”, where you should press the buttons in the correct order. Local inscriptions You will not help you, so push the buttons, paying attention to how the icons move on the panel!”.

There are only four of them, and you need to do so that they all lined up in a vertical line over each other. Then you can pass through the bridge and get to “West Tunnels”. Bear there with Eldath Ra’sin and descend to the cave with Beholder. Then even lower, in “Lower Tunnels”. At the end there will be a hefty spider, and behind him Obelisk, with the plates diverging from him in the floor. Install the same set of plates on all rays (one stove is fixed – change the three remaining so that it coincided with it). Then you can pick up from Obelisk Core obelisk.
EVER ALL BEHOLDER’OV, if you have not done this yet and in the central cave to defeat the most important thing – Beholder Tyrant’a. In this case, the remaining flying heads with the eyes will cease to be allies of ValSharageess, although it will not prevent them from attacking you. Behind the cave with the main beholder will be a small cave with three chests – as always, in the assortment rare, not identified weapons, armor and t.P.
Select to “Western Underdark”, while looking at the scene of discontent in the lair of your opponent, and go to North Tunnels that the north of the bridge over the abyss. There will be a Duegar Raider who will tell you about a special helmet that blocks your thoughts so that they cannot read all who are not too lazy. Then he will pounce on you (although it is possible, there is a peaceful outcome of this dialogue), turn and take “Helm of Shelding”. Go through the waterfall, it will disappear, you will come to a small girl (QUITE VILLAGE). Talk to Illithid ABYSMAL from steps leading to the next level – Zorvak’mur. Here you can either cute cute, remove the helmet and go further without a fight, or to kill such a nasty monster.


Pass on the bridge and talk to Arthuur. He will tell you about Elder Brain and that you need to transfer a pair of words with guards in the southeastern part of the city.
Go there, you will stop next to the portal Mind Flayer Venerator and starts to ask who yes why. Tell me about ValSharagess, then he will miss, but will ask to pre-remove the helmet. Remove and pass to the portal, or do not remove – then let’s go to the face, and only after that pass. As you wish.

Zorvak’mur Grand Hall.

Talk to Elder Brain, such a big brain with tentacles that swims in the pool. Try to convince him to terminate the Union with ValSharagess. For this he will ask to bring him an artifact, a kind of magical mirror. If you kill this poor fellow, then still do not weaken the union with the ValSharage, so it seems that it is still necessary to search for this mirror. I got excited about and fastened this brain-overgrown, so I did not beat behind the mirror. By the way, shortly before the meeting with Elder Brain, I was transferred to another world, some solar cleaner, where one men tried to explain to me in my love (I played a female character). Did not come out. Then a cup of monsters appeared, including Umber Hulk and Pit Fiend. After disassembly with the brain and his handicrafts, if you still adopt it, you can wander around the surroundings and put up for funny mechanisms, sculpt the sarcophagi and sweep the Mind Flayer. In the north-east map, go to the portal that will take you to the city. Here you can visit several local attractions: Illithid Chambers with sarcophagi;Oison Chalice Palace (where to talk to the Golemn Bartender, which you will be the first visitor for so many years);Slave Pens. Talk to the latter in the list of location with Warden, take away the key and in the chamber, chat with Argosus. This gladiator conceived escape along with his models, you can express it, and only then let go of the revolution on all four parties. While you will smoke on other cameras.

Return, finally, back to City Core & Port, on the way through Underdark and in Lith My’athar.
Tell SEER about your successes and failures. The murder of Beholder Tyrant will approve, but overmind’a is not very. Still not worth it is probably pushing these speaking brains, but what to do. Have done. Go to the port and talk to the Carallas boatman who will tell you about two islands. Swim on the island with Golemas, Isle of the Maker. Look a small scene from the series: “And we ride on the boat…”.


Talk to Dahanna and convince her to oppose ValSharagess. It did not work, sorry… Go down to the dungeon, there are a lot of rooms here, completely deserted corpses and valuable uniforms. And in the laboratory, for example, the door behind me was closely closed, and I began to attack my own ax, Eka arrogance! I had to first nourish and put in the handle of my heroine. Also there is a central room with three consoles. If you click right and left, then digits will be displayed, so you can put from 00 to 99. Although still need to first find, what kind of digit you need to portray.
Go down to “Lower Ruins”, in front of the entrance of a powerful golem, and watch the scene of the mass brawl. In the southwestern part of the map, a golel will speak with you, who will tell that he wants to take you to his owner – agree. Talk to Ferron’om. Uff, rebel again. This time in the golems tribe. They need some kind of artifact so that they become free, but the whole thing is that now he is at the Golem named Aghaaz. After the disappearance of the creators of the golems, this inflated type proclaimed here the most important. Agree to help the rebels in exchange for their assistance in the fight against ValSharagess. After descend to the next level.

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