Nioh 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide of all bosses

How to defeat Madzuki
This monster with a horse’s head attacks a huge sword, thanks to which it can get you from a long distance. Near it sometimes tries to grab the hero, and at a great distance he shoots turtles. The key to victory is the devastation of the ki (endurance) highlighted with purple color. After that, the enemy will be stunned, and you will have a few seconds for your own attacks.Madzuki.
To begin with, examine its movement, keeping the distance and do not think about the attack. Pay for 2-3 minutes until you remember all combo so that you know the sequence of blows and movements. In particular, after a series of three blows, you can attack his head. For example, you may have time to hit it twice with a spear of a high rack (square, that is, a light attack), then run away away. Over time, you feel how far he can get to his giant sword. Try to get up on the edge of the lesion range to force it to attack, and then bounce back to avoid damage. When it finishes combo, again apply 1-2 impact from a high rack, and then retreat.
Another important point – charged attacks with red energy. Each time the boss is going to perform a similar reception, use the counterdad, simultaneously clicking on R2 and “Circle”. Here are important timings, and you need to press the buttons immediately before hitting the enemy. Such a move spends some of your anima, but will bring big damage boss. So this reception should be used whenever you see a red glow.
When you see that the ki boss is practically exhausted, use one of the EKAI’s abilities, fixed behind the Guardian – R2 + “Triangle” or R2 + “Square”. One of these attacks will be enough to bring the boss for a while. When this happens, be prepared to attack the enemy using the top rack. To restore ki between attacks, press R1 to use pulsation.
The moment of the exhaustion of the ki boss is dangerous by the fact that you do not see the second hidden strip of endurance enemy. And if you do not have time to exhaust it, then he calls the kingdom of Ekai, turning into a more aggressive demon. With all the ensuing consequences. In this world, you get a slower regeneration. Just wait when the boss is engaged in a red attack, and execute the counter. When ki boss is depleted in the kingdom of Ekay, then in most cases you will not even need to destroy the hidden strip of endurance. The kingdom will disappear, and the boss will fall on his knee and will be temporarily immobilized.
A very important point is that the attack from behind bosses allows them to be elevated damage! That is why attack the enemy who put on his knees, rear. Continue to act as usual using confruders in response to red attacks. At certain points, apply single strikes from the top rack.
How to defeat Enerra
Before entering into battle, be sure to use the hot source located behind the wall on the first floor of the burning building. In addition to healing, this source will temporarily strengthen Hide. In battle against Enerra, it is enough to use one technique – a heavy blow (triangle) from the top rack with a spear, an ax and almost any other types of weapons. Constantly run away left. Keep run around Enerra clockwise. He will attack you, but all blows will go into milk. As long as you continue to run to the left. By the time it is completed by its combo (usually from 2 to 4 strikes) you will already find yourself behind the enemy and you can perform one heavy blow to the “triangle” from a high rack. Such a blow will give + 200% bonus damage. In addition, high rack implies maximum damage for one blow. Multiply it on the attack bonus from behind. Incredible! Repeat tactics throughout the battle.Enerra.
Fit the burning explosive, which periodically appears on the floor. Continue to act on the studied tactics: run to the left, wait for the misah and attack 1 time behind. You can also use the minimum window after explosion of fire shells scattered on the floor, or landing on the floor after the jerter of Enerra to attack the usual blow (square). But remember that in this case the pause is minimal, and therefore your attack is risky.
Also wait when the boss prepare red attacks. Especially when he is trying to use his movement “Tornado”. Each time in these situations, press R2 + “Circle”. To evade or block the tornado is difficult, so instead it needs to counteratactics in the rose. Such a move will also allow an elevated enemy damage. After that, if you use a spear, press “Square”, “Square”, “Triangle” to activate combo.
After exhaustion, the enemy will be somewhat stunned, but be careful, because after a few seconds it is transformed and activates the world of Ykai. During the transition, it turns into a tornado. Despite the fact that in the world of Yokai, your ki is restored slower, it is enough to use the same tactics with the movement around the monster.
How to defeat Yatsunokami
Before you a slow serpentive creature with a set of predictable movements. The main attacks you can easily take advantage of:
one. When the boss robs two small snakes in the ground, located on the sides of the main head, so that they escape from under the earth under your feet. The boss remains completely defenseless.
2. Red charged attack when the enemy rushes a trick. Run sideways, as a result of which Yatsunoks simply misharned.Yatsynokami.
You can use his lunges, moving to the boss at an angle of 45 degrees. He misses and for a while will become defenseless. But remember that near Yatsunoki can try to grab you or attack with a long tail with a turn.
When Key is exhausted, the enemy will release two snakes that will attack you as individual enemies. Obviously, it is easier to fight against one enemy, so to begin with, focus on the destruction of these two snakes. Even if the boss activates the world of Ykai, but one of the snakes alive, continue to pursue it until you kill. Movement of Yatsumokami the same at each stage.
Use only one attack with a spear – a square, triangle, triangle from the top rack. This combo large range of lesion and enlarged Hitbox, which simplifies the hit by boss. When using other weapons may occur. In the sense that the range of defeat has the same katana much lower. In this case, you will need to adhere to more powerful triangle strikes.
How to defeat IMAGAVA Yoshimoto
IMAGAVA Osimoto.
This is the first boss-man in Nioh 2. Already here you will realize that the battle against such an enemy is much easier thanks to predictable movements, a limited range of defeat, the possibility of applying blowing and lack of phase with the world of Ykai (in most cases). You can fight the Imagava as if you are in front of you an ordinary opponent. Location is spacious, so you can run clockwise around the enemy or shy back. When it flies, apply your blows. To simplify the battle, you can attack once a heavy blow from the top rack. Imaagava’s life supply is limited, and even a big damage he can not apply. Is it possible to run away as far as possible in those moments when Imagaw calls his spirit-keeper attacking zipper. And zipper, as you know, slows down your movements.
How to defeat Kamatati
This is a very fast, similar to the monster Panther, constantly jumping and climbing on trees. On the other hand, he has a low health supply and relatively weak blows. On the way from the first altar at the level of the boss there is a hot source. Use it to increase the power of the hero. During the battle, use the middle or top rack. Using a spear in the middle rack, attack a combo from three clicks on the “triangle”. Always move towards the boss left, at an angle of 45 degrees. Most of his attacks will go into milk.Kamaataati.
The boss uses a combo from three shots, and the last – the tail of the tail. It needs to be blocked because it is difficult to evaporate. Also be careful because it can use a red charged attack. Use R2 and “Circle” for Conrtedar.
When the enemy is climbing the tree, hold the lock button. From the tree, he always launches several shells, but you can easily block them, and with minimal losses of ki. The second reception from the tree – flight with rotation in your direction. If it is the “red” movement, then just leave to the left to avoid it. If you do not see the red energy, you can easily block the lunge. After such a reception you will have time for a monster attack. Always try to attack it on the left. Instead of evades, it is safe to move to the left at an angle of 45 degrees and block different attacks, because they take at least a minimum. Attack the side every time at the end of the enemy combo.
How to defeat Saito Yoshitatsu
Another boss man who can use the guardian spirits of all three types (strength, wildness and ghost). While he is in human case, you need to use only one move – kick a spear with a high rack with the help of the “Square”. You can then buy Spear Flourish skill, which will allow you to attack the enemy by pressing R1. Repeat both movements to reduce the assembly of the enemy. Thus, you need to repeat the “square” and R1 from a high rack when using a spear. Thanks to this, you will constantly stun the enemy and drive it into the corner. The only thing he can oppose – capture. When you see that white haze appears on his hand, fall, then repeat the familiar combo.Saito Yoshitatsu.
Twice for the battle, he will take the random shape of the Guardian Spirit. If this is an electric spirit, you will still be able to use a commerous hit and R1 with a spear. If he uses the shape of the fire, just shy up so that he misses his combo, and then apply 1-2 impact and repeat. If he uses a purple spirit, then just run away from Saito until he returns to human. About a minute. Then repeat the actions. Such tactic is suitable against most people bosses.
How to defeat Tatarimokke
You have to fight with a huge owl. Throughout the battle, run to the left, especially when the enemy on Earth. And while the enemy on earth, no longer worry about. The only course you should take advantage – when owl takes off into the air. At this moment, he will shoot with gray turtles every time. Run ahead at an angle of 45 degrees to avoid hitting, then block the released knives, then once again fog and knives, and after the charged red attack goes. You can either counteratactics the owl during the Red Attack, or just run to the left. The latter is enough to make owl every time. Being in the air, Owl always repeats this accurate sequence of actions. When she misses, then attack her from behind. Wait until the owl again takes off into the sky, and then repeat the action. Attack exclusively after such a sequence. You will be in complete safety, and no risk!Tatarimokke.
Twice for the fight, Owl will call the Dark World of Ekay, where the Red Sphere also appears. You can either run away and wait when the dark world will disappear in itself (about a minute), or destroy the red sphere. Be careful, because while you are focused on the sphere, you will probably try to attack Owl. Attack the sphere only after the owl will execute the above-described combo with a red attack at the end. Make sure that the owl fell somewhere away from the red sphere, and not next to it. Also follow the reserve. You must have enough endurance to unload a powerful combo on the red sphere and instantly destroy it. If you do not want to suffer, just run away and wait for the world of Yokai to disappear by itself. Then run to the left around the owls and attack after the charged lounge.
How to defeat Magar Naotak
Before you a huge ice giant. At the moment, this opponent has the greatest supply of health among all the bosses. Separate boss strikes apply a minimum of damage, but it has many combo, any of which can instantly kill Hi. Fortunately, you can easily avoid all Magara attacks. And for this, again continue to move left, around the boss. The presence of light armor (with a total weight of equipment below 30%) will help increase the recovery rate of the ki, thanks to which you can still run.Magar Naotaka.
Pick up this distance with which he will try to attack you, but at the same time will not be able to get. Run clockwise around Magar, and when he finishes his combo, you will find yourself behind him or nearby, thanks to which you can apply 1-2 impact from the middle rack (remember that the attack is in the back inflicts elevated damage). Again, it will be useful to a spear, which is associated with a large lesion range. Just press 1-2 times on the “triangle” from the middle rack. In this battle will have to shy a lot and stick to the middle rack, which has the above protection and minimal flow of ki. Avoid a high rack that consumes too much ki when evasion! And in general, evasion is more slow.
Do not try to attack the enemy long combo. He simply applies to you. Act carefully, attack one blow at a time. Be prepared for long battle. As long as you hold the rule of one, the maximum of two shots, you will be in relative security. If we carry heavy armor, then come across problems associated with the restoration of ki. Therefore, change it on light armor so that the weight of the equipment was below 30%.
Before the boss is a hot source. Behind the hidden wall to the left of the enemy, where there are 3 samurai. When the world’s activation of the world, the boss begins to use 2 new movements at once. Especially a lot of blows he causes with a charged, red attack. The last impact will have a large lesion range. Equal from the last strike is difficult, so it will often have to block it. And if you feel well with timings, you can apply counter. Also, the enemy will start scattering ice spikes on the ground, but they are easy to evaporate from them if you continue to run to the left around the enemy.