Phantasmagoria: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 4, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Phantasmagoria: passage
Phantasmagoria: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter First: Sunday. October 16, 9 am.

Note: Movement in different directions (West, East, Northwest, etc.) are determined by the gaming arrow indicator.

Browse the initial movie about Don and Adrien. When the game starts, then click the mouse cursor to the floor and Adrien will rise due to the table. Mouse over the kitchen cabinet, which stands at the right wall, and see how the drawer opens. Click on matches and adrien will take them. Now you will see as a bookpoint of matches will be in one of the windows of your inventory. Move on Northwest and Adrien opens the door store. Turn on the light, the switch is right above the head of EDRIEN. Click the mouse cursor to the rug, and you will find out that there is a cotton door under it. Do not attempt to open it, because for this you need to get a boat, scorch you now and go. Get out of the storage room, move to the south and exit the kitchen, then move to Northwest and log in to the dining room. Inspect the fireplace, and take the Kechure. Move south and check the mirror. Move north and enter the kitchen, open the door to the storage room and turn the light. Take the box and try to apply to the cotton door and open it and try to descend, but Adrien will say that she does not see anything, then take matches from your existing inventory and enter them to Adrien. She goes down to the basement on the stairs and lit light. Take the hammer that lies on the floor, and then explore the basement. Come back to top and exit the basement. Exit the kitchen and return to the dining room. Move in the east direction and enter the hall for receiving landings. Approach the fireplace and take the newspaper lying on the floor. Test in the eastern direction and then in the northeastern. Try to open the door, but it is unfortunately locked. Go south, back to the hall for reception. Test in the eastern direction and play the piano. Then click on the bar and check the contents of the bottles. Try to open the door to the right side of the bar, but it is like many other locked. Climb the stairs and go to the East. Open the door to the Mary Bedroom. Take the Tarrot Cards, which lie on the dressing table near the right wall. Test in the western direction and open the bedside table. Take the letter and read about Mary’s deal with Hastan. Click the mouse at the output and Adrien will close the box. Get out the bedroom Mary. Move in the western direction and enter the bedroom of the carna. Go to the southwest and read the contents of the box. Open the box and inspect the ring. Open the toilet box View the contents of the Partsigar. You will notice that there are three cigarettes. Specify the mouse cursor on the bed and look at the small video. will come don to save her. Exit the bedroom carna. Double moving north and enter the Trophhi Room. Look at the mirror, touch the chair. Try to run a gramophone. Exit the Trophi room and move to the West and enter the dark room where you will see don. Talk to him and then exit this room. Move the East and Adrien will rise to the third floor. Try to open the door to the right and you will find that in the castle on the other hand is the key. Test to the West and log in to the nursery. Take a teddy bear from the cabinet, and his head disappears. Move south and touch the strange clamp, hanging over the children’s cradle. Out of the children’s room. Move south by the corridor and then turn to the west. Test to the East and go to the bedroom of Adrien. Check the contents of the toilet table located in the left wall. Discover the box and take a five-dollar banknote there. Move south and check that there is on the computer. Get out of the bedroom Adrien. Move to the west and enter the conservatories. Find and explore the statue of the dragon. Test to the West until you find two pictures, read them. Get out of the caner and yield in the room where Don and talk to him. Then go down to the first floor. Exit home through the main door, which is located to the right of the foreman, and move in the southern direction to the car. Click the mouse to the car and automatically Adrien goes into a small town. Upon arrival in the city, move in the western direction to the old house. Open the mailbox and read the letter to find out who lives here. Come to the gate, turn the dog. You will have to search for a dog bone. Return to the car and go to the northeast direction to the city and enter the Office of Targovtsy Real Estate. Talk to Agent. Then open the box in which the folders and Adrien will take from there the key. Exit Office and Test to the car. Drive to home. Sign in the house through the front door. Go to South West and try to apply the key to the library door. When you go inside, click on the log lying on the table. Examine the table located in the right corner, and then examine the statuette that stands on the table. Click the mouse to the box and read the letter of the carna. Test in the northern direction and study the fireplace. Click the cursor of the mouse of him and see how Adrien will nicely squeeze the brick palm. Look through the hole and you will see a secret room. Try to pull bricks with the help of the kocherga and the hammer, but you will not succeed. Carefully look at the statue that is already in your inventory. On this statue there is a button that you can see and press with the help of the eye option located in the lower right corner of the screen. When you press this button to pop up the bursts to open letters. Use it on a hole in the fireplace, and Adrien will make a passage. Enter the chapel. Move west and inspect the book that lies on the altar. You will read about the family tree of the Karna family. Open the box and you will see how the DHAVOL is departed outward. In the video, you will see how it all sets in Don.

Chapter Second: Monday 17 October9 Clock Utp.

PRESSES, which should be from you: 5 dollars, hammer, key, qualification, rolls, newspaper. Look at the video about how Adrien argues with a post. Go down on the last floor and you will hear music. Build on the second floor, enter the TPOFFI room and you will see that the GPamophone needs, turn it off. Build on the first floor. Exit the house of Chanter. Go to Ma Gazin, in which antique products come in and go to it. You will hear like Lu Pazgovat on the phone that someone should be on her. Be sure to look at the glass showcase and you will see a medallion with a press. Speak from LU and when it finishes with you to put on, exit the store. (Lou can give a and maybe not to give Edpian a few old newspaper articles, which Edpien must try in this visit. If this does not work, it will happen a little later. ) Enter the office of Topgovy Real Estate, PP view video and then exit from there. Sign in to the grocery store and talk to the owner. You need to buy some Drain Cleaner. Pay 5 bucks to him for his purchase and after that it will donate Edpen about Malcolm. In the store there is a gapdew more PPS of TPANCE than it seems on a brake look. Test for the store to the West, and then south until you reach the rear of it. Touch the sign above the barrel. Take the soup from the barrel, then exit the store and build a tick-out store. Speak from Lu-to get more informations about Malcolm and his nurse Atel, which lives with him under one ksy. Talking from Lou until you do not take everything to the last droplet. Get out of the store to the car and go home. (You have a choice, you will try to Malcolmu to this hour, but you do not but clearly in the house, or later, when you have everything you need). I will go home to go home and yid in Amabp. Enter the stable, which is located to the left of Adrian and the Cat Sauz will pull out of the satellite. Go to the pots near the fireplace and you mean the evidence that someone lives here. Click the mouse on the saucepan. Don and Edpien will begin to resent on the leading of the Don, which will continue to end as soon. Give Drain Cleaner Don. If he leaves the barn without this thing, then build a house, though on the floor and knock on dona lab. Edpien herself will give Don what he needs.

Head Wheel: Chetwow 20 October 12 hours 30 minutes.

PRESSES: bone, two keys, newspaper, nomad, rolls. After pitching a picnic, click on the mouse to a large defense, which is worth it and you will get acquainted with Cypus. According to him, his mother is in a silent position, and she needs help. So follow him in Ambap. (Promotion: If you don’t get into the Ambap with Cypus, and he will find you a breath than you go to enter there). Speak with the Tsypus, and then touch the pitch and take the miter and use them on the lifting. Use the lifting to save the hape. Exampen duplicate and you will see a nail. Use the hammer to pull the nail. Go down on the forester and Edpien will respond to the happier and tsypus. Test for them and then talk again with them. Get out of the barn, log in to the house and climb on the foresters to the Start Room on the Stage. Take the newspaper from my go inventory use it on two, Edpien will undertake a newspaper under two. Then use a nail to push the key from the keyhole, then moving the newspaper to yourself and you get the key. (Note: If you do not have a newspaper, then you can get the key with the Qache)). Remove the door with the key and enter the turret room. Open the door of the airframe and log in to the bedroom of Malko. Take the book lying on the bedside table and read to whom it belongs. Pit Motpinate in the window and you will see a shore. Get out of the room and build in the hall. When you hear the crying of the Fetribute to enter the children’s room and you will see a chair that myself swings in yourself and you will hear how someone sings a lullaby pest. ((Do not worry if you do not hear the children’s plan, because it is not necessary for further lying in the game). Go to the bedroom of Adrien and go to the computer. Adrien read that she is in danger. Get out of the bedroom. Go out from the house of the two two. Drive by car to the city and go to the house of Malko Djma. Give soup soup dog, open the gate and knock on the door. (If you have a penny never happened to E Eel, she slammed two people with the face of Edpien, the poisoner you can knock again again). Give ETEL book to enter the house. PP view video about how Edpien has Pazgolm with Malcolm. Then Edpien Ca Ma will come out of the house and will impede the car. Go home and watch the video about how Don argues with Edpien when she comes out of the car.

Head of the fourth: Friday 21 October 7 hours Utpa.

Penches: Hammer, Two Keys, Newspaper, Kochn, Caps Topot. Look at the initial video about violence by Don Adrien. Adrien will begin its next actions in his bedroom. I will leave the bedroom, go down to the second floor and log in to the bedroom. Take the Age, which lies on the table, Edpien will hear some voices, and then the Age Tools. Go down to the second floor, and you all Titu Harriet, which will start with you. Keep talking with Ha PPIs until she tells about some kind of building in the forest. Then refue to the kitchen and give the kapti runs, and turn the video about the magical strength of these kart. Love from the house of the side of the side two in the dining room and talk with the tsypus and you will see the video about how he torments the cat. We seek and walk around the WokPug and the location is unlimited. Speak with Cypus again and follow it to the East, SevePotaPad Southwad and Southeastern. After he falls out before and leaves, use the definition in order to continue on the Stamp. Then yield and take a board with Lin for a telescope for the East and enter the departure. Test to the east and click the creek of the mouse to the big clay grocery and winding that in it is lying on the west, raise the masters and wind the video about the murder of GPENSIA Edpien knocks out of the board, sit down the hill and will go, go. Use ka front lenses on the telescope and you evade the window of the tower room. Build up to Mu and you will see a steady jeep picked near the house. Enjoy the house CHEPS LYUE DHUPE and Speak with Mike, which pissed to fix the phone to you. Raise the Tension Floor and enter the largest room, but do not enter the bedroom, and the Posm is on the wall of the SPAVA and use the hammer to finish in the siquing room. Look at cabin, on the zeper, turn off the chest and try to take all things from there, but Edpien takes only a talisman. District on appapat torture. Get out of the room and go down to the first floor and see the video about how Don suits with Mike. On this chapter four ends.

Chapter Five: Friday 31 October 8h. 30m. Evening.

Items: Talisman, Two Keys, Hammer, Kocherga. After pressing the first pountible, about how Edpien in a dream cries with swing tears, you will see a computer, and you will see the words “Clean, go, do not bring”. Come out from the bedroom, go to what you need to remove the view in the zepka. Look in the zero, and you will see an opinion about the murder of Illyano. Exit the attic, and go down the stairs to the trophy room. You will see how the image on the mirror has changed. Look in the mirror, and you will see a roller about the murder of Rigia. Get out of the TPFEF. Go down on the first floor. Tsypus will tell you so that you can be sent to Ambap. Go out of the house of Channel two, and get into the barn. Watch the video. Get out of the Ambapa, see it, which is right there, and you will see the Möpny Bodies of Sofia and Saving Cattle, and then Polyk. Adrien was in one of the rooms at home. Look in the mirror and you will see a video about the murder of Victoria. Watch Poligas. Adrien fits in the kitchen. Go down – in the basement and you will hear how someone cries. Test in the northwest direction, then north and Adrien will enter a small room. Look at how because of the pitch, behind Edpien stretches some kind of back. Exit the basement. When you hear music, go out of the house, and head to the Gazedo. Look at the Red Pounding, consisting of the edge of the road and leading in the Gazedo, and then see Polika about Gastonia and Moneyi. Build a house, climb the stairs to the Stage Stairs and enter the conservation, you will see the statue of the room. Look at the circle of light on the wall, and you will see the secret panel. Adrien will enter the secret corridor. Use the elevator to the right to go down, pick up the cigarette lines on the floor. Look at the window for peeping, which is located on the left, and you will see the Mad Bedroom. Pull the lever to sneak the secret passage to the Mary bedroom, and Edpien will enter the bedroom. Exit Blood Nor Mappy Cheap. Move north and use the second elevator. Move on the north and you will find the pope. Move the southeasus and click the mouse through the switch on the switch, it is pushed by you, so that in yt in theater. Remember where the sequent panel is south and enter Gree Mön. Open the cabinet and find the picture of Carno and Malcolm, which is on a vertex shelf. Look at the poster that is behind the bedside table. Go out and gpimate, wind and examine the chair. You will see a pounty about how Edpien is put on him. Get out of the theater CHUEZ Double two and you will see that the Don you turn into the hall for guests. On this, the fifth chapter stuck.

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