Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Game Walkthrough and Guide Of Tasks of Fractions

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February 2, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Passage Of Tasks of Fractions
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Game Walkthrough and Guide Of Tasks of Fractions
For the refublic!

IN THE PALACE, I MET WITH NIRRO, A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE VAILIAN TRADING COMPANY. IT Sems That Vailians Came to The Archipelago Seriously and For a Long Time. Perhaps IT IS Worth Looking Into Their Headquarters and Get Acquainted With The Boss.

We Follow in the “Snake Crown”, Which is at the top of the Capital of the Archipelago of Non-Attack, Enter The Palace Where We are Sent Whichin The Framework of the Story. INDITION TO TALKING WITH ONEKAZOI II, WHAT IS REQUIED FOR THE QUESTICE “EOR’S VEINS”, WILL REPAINT A COUPLE OF WORDS WORDS WORRONING OF THE CURRENT MISSION.

WE ARE MOVING AT THE HEADQUARTS OF THE VAILIAN TRADING COMPANY, WHICH IS ON THE PIER OF THE QUEEN. Visit It You Need During The Daytime SO That The Building Is Open. SPEAK WAITINOR FOR A HERO IN THE OFFICE. If The Cabinet Is Closed, Then i interact with the bodyguard of the governor. HE AGREES TO OPEN IT AND LET IT. After Conversation With The Governor, The Task Will Be Completed, But We Will Be Able to Continue The Fractional Line Of The Next Quest.

Reward: 6075 Experience Points and 1000 Copper, IF You Execute The Validity of the Verification.

Trade Conditions

Vailian Trading Company Sent An Expedition To Search for The Island Under The Name Of Quikara. Scientists Never Returned.

This Quest Will Be Available Automatically After Performing The Story of the “Eora Residential”. We Communicate In The Headquarters of Wailians on the Pier of the Queen. This Mission Can Be Completed in Parallel to the Quest “Buri Poor Kohara”. We Carry It Out At At The Action We Return to the Governor and Tell About What Happened, Trying to Explain The Choice (Even If It Is Not in Favor of Vailians). NEVERTHELESS, THE CHOICE AFFECTS THE REWARD – YOU EITER SATISFY THE NEEDS OF WAILIANS, OR DO THE WAYL COMPANY OF THE ARCHIPELAGO WANTS. Depending On This, One Company Will Great Great, And The Other Is A Smaller Reward.

Even If You Do Not Put On The Side Of The Wailians, The Governor Will Still Allow You to Perform The Next Task.

Reward: 1700 Copper, 3000 Experience Points.

Dirty Laundry

Director Castol Said That The Spy of The Secret Meeting Of The Official From The Vailian Company of Kvernoy and Captain Princepipe Named Tula.

After the Mission Is Completed, The Previous Task “Terms of Trade” Need to Communicate With the Governor WHO Will Introduce Heroes with the Director Castol. IT IS He Will Give A New Task.

Climb On The Elevation Of The Island of the Island of Nakitaka and Enter The Shining Baths. On the Second Floor You Can Meet With A Spy Named Brizzi. WE INFORM HER THAT THEY ARE READY TO START SURGERY. This Will Lead To The Download, After Which The Heroes Will Be at The Bottom Partially undRested and Without Weapons, Pretending to the Servants. Brizzi Will Give Two Bottles of Rice Wines. THEY ARE PASSING TOOL, SITTING IN THE POOL, SO THAT OXANE AND TALKED BY ISSUING A SECRET. IF You Can Check The Inspection, Some of the Information Will Get Out of Quinoa Seling Powerful Guns for the Ship.

WHEN WE KNOW EVERYTHING, THEN LEAVE THE BATH TO AUTOMATICALLY RETURN YOUR BELONGINGS. Follow The Queen’s Pier and In The Headquarters of Wailians Talking To The Director Kastol, Who Takes The Task.

Reward: 18 225 Experience Points, 1400 Copper.

Two Of A Kind

This Task Will Be Issued by The Director of Castol. HE COLLABORATES WITH THE CAPTAIN OF PRINCEPIPE FURRANTE AND SENDS YOU TO HIM TO THE TRUNK FOR THE CONCLUSION OF A NEW DEAL. We Follow There. We Communicate With Furran and Find Out That He Needs Help With The Workers of the Island of Croxpur. Task Is Associated With Sevel Quests Princepipe. You can Help The Master of Nuu from Croxpura or Destroy The Slave Traders, Which Eldis Wants, Furran’s Opponent.

IN THE SECOND CASE, THE CURRENT QUEST WILL BE FAILED. Descriptions of Tasks Will Be Given in a Separate article.

Vomida Distriment

Lueva Alvari Convened A Meeting Of Key Investors of the Wailian Trading Castola from the post of director.

The Current Quest Begins After COMPLETING THE MISSION “FORWARD TO THE UNKNOWN”. Go Down and In The Headquarters of Vailians Talking to Alvari Governor. She Will Apply Investors and Try to OverThrow The Director of Custom. We Decide Whom to Support in this Dispute. AT The End I Will Have To Communicate With The Person for Who Stood Up to The Investors Meeting.Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire: Game Walkthrough and Guide Of Tasks of FractionsLueva alvaro.
Reward: 30 375 EXPERIENCE POINTS 2000 Copper


Now That Her Position Is Not Threatened, The Director Alvaro Taught Me in My Plan. She Wants To Undermine The Influence of the Crown Archipelago, Blowing Their Powder Magazine.

Quest IS Taken Or At Alvaro, Or at Kastola Depending on Whor It Is From the Two Characters You Supported During The Mission “Vote Of No Confidence”. We Communicate With The Old Or the New Director, and Follow On “Sacred Steps”, Where The Rooftop Spire Diviners Shower Is Flaune Elett Dedicated to Research in The Field of Animantii. Talk To Her and Agee to Proceed With The Assignment – IT Teleports The Heroes on A Powder Magazine of the Archipelago. WHERE You Need A Diversion.

YOU CAN TRY TO OPERATE Covertly by Pressing The Alt, And You Can Destroy All Enemies. The Main Task – To Get To the Bottom Left Corner Of A Warehouse Where There Is A Large Pot in Which The Explosives Can Be Laid. By Doing So, We Leave The Warehouse, On The Road Killing The Inspectors or Beating Them in Secret Mode. Getting Out, Seeing The Explosion, And Then Find Ourselves On The Streets Nekitaki.

We Go Back to the Headquarters Vayliantsev Where We Stop Assistant Director. She Reported Than Queen Was Atteded by Representatives of All The Factions in Order to Discuss the Explosion Occurred. You Can Do In Different Ways – To Say That Will Lead To the Beginning of the Battle, to Sate All the Fault Vayliantsy Opecify That No One Saw, As Well As Planning Director Kastol (Or Alvaro). Depending on Your Selection, You Can Enlist The Support of Vayliantsev or OneKazy II and Continue to Plat Tasks “Gathering Storm” … For the Crown Will Have to Perform a Very Different Task.

Reward: 36450 Experience Points 5000 Copper.

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