Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 27, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End: Passage
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End: Game Walkthrough and Guide
So, here he is, Jack Sparrow, his own person. Alive, healthy and unharmed. Well, let’s say so while alive. Lies herself, in the ceiling pulls. Wait-ka… And what is this gloomy room? Lattices some… Ay yes Jack, in prison pleased! I find out, I recognize the plut! Again, I suppose I did not share anything with the head of the port or and that Pushcha – his wife carried him! I’m sorry, what? How to execute? When?! In one hour?!

Alas. So “joyful” news game and meets. No, what doubts will not give Jack abyss, fall into this place! And indeed, salvation came in the face of Captain Tig, who reminded Jack that, they say, everything left nothing to execution – an hour! Well, slipped the Jack sword, of course. Follow, says for me, yes sweep! The sword, of course, not so, but on the way, I will find better, I do not have trouble! First, just from this prison islands we will choose, and further flourish!

But first I would like to deal with the Office. Fans of games on console consoles are unlikely to notice something too unusual, but those who spend more time for a personal computer, at first will become uncomfortable. The problem is hidden not so much in management, how much in the kinematics of the camera. Its position is not static, as is usually taken in games overlooking the third person, but dynamic. And the speaker, as it seemed, is simply not amenable to logic, or tied to the surrounding objects than to the character. Therefore, at the beginning, while the eyes, hands and the vestibular apparatus are not accustomed to the focus of the submissive vision of the world, some discomfort may be observed. Well, okay. Pirates we are in the end or not? Whether we get used to tamper your vestibular apparatus!

Map keys

Since the game came to desktop computers by porting from the console, to expect more function keys than on the gamepad, do not have. All nine them, not counting the movement keys.

It is very important to remember which graphic image which key matches. In the future, this will allow saving some of the number of nerve cells. The default key layout turned out to be quite comfortable, so the conformity of the icons keys are in this option, in which creators presented.

Combinations of strikes

Combinations of shocks – this is a certain combination of the “weak blow” keys, “strong blow”, “Capture / Combo” and “Paring”. In principle, after the first combustion, almost chaotic keystrokes have every chance will continue a series of shocks. Major blows:

X + X + C – Punches almost any protection, very powerful.
Z + x + c – spreads enemies around, but does not cause severe damage
X + Z + C – knocks down the enemy from the legs, can reset the enemy down.
Z + Z + C – Powerful hit in a straight line, not very strong, but fast.

Prison Island

So, the grill is open, in hand the faithful saber, and swallow me the sea turtle, if this is not the wind of freedom walks at the corners of this damn stone box! Forward! Boxes, braving path first, will continue to stand just around. It is in them that the main treasures of this game are hiding: money, additional weapons, amulets and, of course, food, an integral component of the success of pirated life. However, most of these items will periodically fall out of the defeated enemies. Without food that restores health, here nowhere. Permanent health fights do not add! Therefore, it is impossible to forget about the boxes in any way, cutting merciless!

On a note: In the “Pirates of the Caribbean”, in contrast to the “Prince of Persia”, the developers eliminated the opportunity to fall somewhere. Therefore, approaching the edge of the cliff, you can not be afraid to break, you simply will not allow this to do, the hero will stumble on the invisible wall. For which some thanks to the developer. With such control it can be considered for the benefit.

Prison entertainment

In the first episode, in addition to the main task – to get out of the stone west to the will – there are also a few mini-tasks, most of which will be found in missions and in the future:

Collect 4 amulet.
Defeat 10 enemies.
Release 4 captives.
Defeat 4 enemies fraudulent movement.
Collect 850 gold coins.
Spend a series of fifteen blows.
Dial 1500 points of towns.

The list of tasks, as well as the progress of their execution, can be viewed at any time in the statistics menu by clicking on the Tab key.

Amulets – silver medallions, which can be found only In boxes (or vessels, if it is a mission of savages). Their strictly limited mini-job quantity, so it is very important not to miss no one drawer, even if the circle boils the battle.

The liberation of captives – to release people who are in imprisonment (often strongly reminiscent of whether twins, or clones).

Defeat enemies fraudulent movement – Speaking easier, drop the enemy in the abyss. To do this, stand with your back to the cliff, keeping the block, wait for the moment when the enemy attacks you, and take a step to the side. Beautifully fly, you need to tell! Unfortunately, it does not work with strong rivals, only with the crowd.

Collect a certain amount of coins – Gold coins are either in boxes, or knock out of enemies.

It is important: Sometimes, especially in the initial levels, in order to dial the required amount of gold or experience, it is not enough to simply collect it in the boxes and get from enemies. In such cases, it helps the implementation of additional mini-tasks, as some of them give money, and for some – experience.

Spend a series of a certain amount of blows – Perhaps this is the most difficult task in the game, and it is present in all missions, except for one. A series of blows should be continuous;If you can not hit anyone for one and a half or two seconds or for you someone gets – the series is reset. Usually for this requires the simultaneous presence of three or four opponents. With each mission, the number of defined strikes increases. If in the first task it was fifteen, then in the latter reaches twenty six.

Dial a certain number of points of town glory – glasses for the township glory are given depending on how the current episode was passed in general. The more enemies are defeated, the more combination strikes done – the better for glory.

Main game items

All game items that you can carry with you have three levels. With each new acquired level of additional weapons, the damage applied to them is increasing, and in food – the number of regenerated health units. The second level of objects is obtained after passing the episode of the “Battle of Dutch”, the third and last – after passing the episode of Singapore.

Bomb. Inflicts powerful damage, it is convenient to use against several rivals at the same time, but you need to take into account that the throw of the bomb takes quite a lot of time, and in the heat of the fight it is not particularly leaving. Practically useless in the near battle.

Pistol. One shot. As a rule, one shot is equal to one bit of the weakest opponent from those present in this episode. It gets very long, but when there is little life, and the opponents on the distance of the blow – it is not deprived of meaning.

Knife. Throwing weapons. Gets very fast, but the damage almost does not affect.

Chicken. At the first level restores 30 units of health, at the second level – 40, on the third – 50 units.

Going down the stairs, you need to talk with one of the prisoners. With whom we can talk to, tells an exclamation mark over his head. You can start a conversation, approaching it close: when a sign corresponds to the “Action” key at the bottom of the screen, proceed to communication by clicking on this button.

Well, and it came up for the first fight! Opponents come across different, but those that attack two and more, as a rule, the weakest. Prefer to take a number and not the ability. Rats land!

Now you need to approach the prisoner and release it. They are honest guys, the experience will share, and you can prompt what interest can… If you know, of course!

Now, it’s time to climb up the rope, for what you need to approach the flickering target on the floor, and as soon as the action icon appears! That is, in this case, of course, up.

Releaseing the next prisoner, jump over the bridge. This is where the first meeting with a strong opponent awaits us. This can be understood by the number of his life appeared in the upper right corner of the screen. be careful! This guard knows how to defend and how to attack! Do not forget about the lock key, here it is very by the way.

It is important: In a fight with a serious rival (they always occur alone) you can not use any objects except food. No fraudulent techniques will not work.

Talking with the next prisoner, you can find out that gold, which was selected with their jailers, the head of the prison hides in the upper room. But the golden does not exist! Go down, run forward along the cliff and climb the ladder to the very top, to the guard. Get rid of it, open the door, approaching the target on the floor, – drop the gun on the bootheet, the saber is carved by a spark, and here we are in the room leading to the stairs. Raising the stairs, smash all the boxes, collect money and, approaching a proloma in the wall, go, using a saber down the stretched rope. Without forgetting to pick up an amulet from the box from the drawer, open the gate.

It is important: If you forgot to break down any box or perform any mini task, and you have no opportunity to go back – do not despair. When you pass to the end the mission and continue, you will have the opportunity to go back, without having lost already earned trophies and not performing the mini-mission again.

It is worth a little passing forward to the bridge, as the gate slaughters behind us, cutting off the way to retreat. Western pure. And again from us promise to make Lulle-Kebab, kebabs and other goodies, but already four soldiers, led by the boss! Well, the four then they will not attack. The eldest will first release three, weaken, go ahead, well, if they do not cope – it will take it. By the way, on three opponents it is possible to take off the combined blows.

Defeating enemies, we collect objects that have fallen out of them and continue the way. After breaking all the boxes over the cliff – slip down the rope, but do not immediately go to the hall, and first climb up the stairs, in the next room, where the head of the prison stores gold selected from the unfortunate prisoners. Take it from the boxes, and go down to the hall. In the hall begins “Joker”.

Jack, as always, in his unique cynical repertoire – even here can play to deal with the busiest enemies, and so that they themselves will not understand that it happened to them! Mostly no weapons, hand dexterity, legs – yes pirate email! Well, we only need to help him, consistently pressing the keys tanning in the lower left corner of the screen. It is important to remember what kind of key indicates. An example of drawing matching for each key for standard layout is shown below.

It is important: The rights to the error of the jobenet does not give. It is enough to notice only for a split second – and the jobenet fails. And the failure can often not allow us to get important prizes – such as magic cards for playing poker and bones.

We turn on in turn (no matter what order) three suspension bridge drives, running on it to the other side of the abyss, where we release the last, fourth prisoner. Having received a prompt from him, go down, where the last amulet is taken from the box. Further, we have to fight with the head of the prison itself, who speaks with a strong Uzbek accent. Be careful, he has 200 units of health, and at the moment – this is the strongest opponents we encountered. During the fight, try to put it out on the space in front of the gun and shoot it at this moment. For one shot, our amateur is hiding in someone else’s money in attics loses 100 units of life. You can, of course, to defeat it and in direct battle – but the experience will give less, and they will have to spend more. Everything, then in a straight line, to the exit! Those lumps that will fall under our feet should not cause any problems. Nobody will stop revealing the salty wind of the sea wolf!

On a note: The passage of all missions is not a final point of the game. All items and characters that you get as a reward for the implementation of mini missions will be placed in the Hall of Fame, and after passing the main part of the game they can fully enjoy.

On the berth, we will meet Captain Tig, who will give a parting to meet in Port Royal with a fortune name named Tia Dalmo, which should help restore the Pirate Brotherhood.

After that, convicted of us in the coffin on the water, and we will go to our ship, to the “pearl”. The misfortune of Bill Turner, who, in theory, should be on the “Dutchman,” who, in theory, should be on the “Dutch”, will warn us that Davy Jones, the captain of a terrible ghostly ship, is already on the way and eager for payback. But Jack is not going to surrender! Raise sail!

Here, actually, and the whole first mission. In it, we knew the basics of fights on swords, learned to use the items, move through the cliffs, collect gold. In further episodes, everything is the same, you only need to move forward, to retreat from the plot almost will not be able to. Next, I will tell you about each mission, lowering the details of the direction of movement, but focusing on where necessary, on new types of tasks and subtleties of the plot.

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