PORT Royale 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 19, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

PORT Royale 2: Passage
PORT Royale 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The business approach of German developers can only be envied. The game number No.N is taken into which 4-5 new fighters are added (in this case – ships), a new type of landscape, 2-3 scenarios and a new video (and sometimes it is left to the old one – why repair what has not broken?). It remains only to fix the number on n + 1 and put the game to sell under the deafening applause of fans. And what is the case? They will trade in any case, so what the difference is that changed?

But today everything is completely different. No changed (with a skeptical look at the cover) The strategy suddenly showed discontent about the GeForce 4 MX campaign. Work in the end agreed, but without much enthusiasm. However, further changes shocked me no less – there were unusually many of them. And who is to blame? Yes, we are with you, the fans who expressed their wishes to the creators of the game and got what really cost to wait. Of course, the “Port of Piano 2” has still quite a lot from the previous part of the game, so do not expect a re-retool. But about what has changed – I will tell!

Cities and Construction

Cities stopped being the same – simple and varied. Now they are divided into administrative centers and colonial cities, and are also usually in a state of extreme poverty and undevelopability. In administrative centers, governors are sitting, who are always ready to give you the task and send to the battle with the enemy. In administrative centers, production has been operating, colonists will be taken here and imported high-tech goods from Europe. Colonial cities are simpler. They only produce colonial goods, raw materials and essential goods (read – food). Administrative centers can also be attributed to the residence of the vice-kings of each nation (that is, with a total of 4).

This is interesting: It seems the easiest way to pave the track between several colonial cities and the administrative center – however, there is a trick. As a rule, colonial cities on one island produce almost the same. Then – the longer the trading path, the more realize something to earn something.

With construction it became much more difficult. License and before it was very difficult to knock out, and now – just a guard. Not only is every license to build a bunch of money, so in order to get it (and you can get no more than 6 licenses), you need to have a certain level and for a long time to remove local residents with the supply of goods in extremely lowPrices. Believe me – it’s not easy. Then they, so be, will agree and let you go to the local architect. From here Moral – construction from occupation for the rich has become an entertainment for strong and breathtakingly rich. And I was again gathered to spin the trading carousel between three cities…

But when it is good to the buildings directly to the buildings – then everything is completely simple. The cost of any enterprise is unified up to 30 bricks, 30 logs and some money. All the same long, in the sense – you will not wait. If some kind of house is especially monumental, then it is knocked out of the total number of the double cost of building materials. Otherwise, everything is still – in every city you can only produce your resources, so you will not work on self-service, you still have to buy something.

This is interesting: Agricultural houses are allowed to put close to each other. It is said that it saves a place…


The most important change in trade – the captains learned to trade independently. That is, now it is not necessary to give them an accompanying document in which black in white will be written “to buy here and here and not more than so many, and this is not to sell so much everywhere where it turns out.”. He himself will cope with such nonsense. Only one problem – this can be a captain from the second level and above. And for some reason only the captains of the first level are sold. Here is an ambush! Will have to educate it. Well, pre-pave the route.

However, not everything is so scary – sometimes issued a task for a teacher’s search. We must necessarily – this most teacher will easily teach his captain who has found him a new level of knowledge.

And without captains now at all in any way. This before without them could not fight. Now without them and in the sea will not leave. For each individual ship – according to the captain (but the caravan will cost one). It is good that the captains of the first level can be easily hired in any tavern on the shore.

The following change concerns more convenient trading mechanisms. Remember how forehead was wrinkled, trying to evaluate, expensive what you are going to buy, and what else is produced in this city? Everything became easier. Produced goods are marked in the corner of the “P”, and in what the city needs, the amount of goods is painted in red. True, great? Already on these, you can easily calculate what category the city belongs to which category. Administrative centers produce 3 types of food, 2 types of finished goods and possess a margin of cheap imported goods. Colonial city manufactures 2 types of food, 2 types of raw materials and 1 view of colonial goods.

How profitable to buy goods, not trying to remember their optimal cost? There is nothing easier! We switch the number of goods from units for dozens. If the price has not changed or changed insignificant – the goods lies at the lowest price and it is necessary to grab it until local barygs. If the price sharply jumping up – do not touch, you still find a profitable deal.

As we know well, trading only a stranger product is terribly unprofitable (the exception is imported goods, but there are no much of them). It means to build their production houses will still have to. But there is a chance to purchase cheaper. It appeared in connection with the introduction of bankruptcy. To do this, we need to flood the market of the city of TEW, which is produced in it. Product prices will fall below its cost. The owners of the enterprises will slowly dismiss workers, and then will post the sign “Sold”. Here it is necessary not to be lost, but buy all the enterprises in bulk, while they cost cheap. But! In order to ensure such a catastrophic decline, you need to threaten a lot of money for the fall in prices. Of course, for the sake of the only coffee plantation of a competitor, it is not worth it – we will spend more on the fall in prices than you get on the bankruptcy of the opponent.

Well, again – do not forget that the warehouse was built – then let him trade on his own independently. Burst and sells. This applies to the buying of imported goods – let it be done as soon as they are brought to the city.


All old ships remained intact and unharmed. But four new already added. At the same time, the characteristics of old ships changed a little and a mysterious “precipitation” appeared. Rivers in the game is not noticeable – so where they gathered to enter the ships with a small sediment? However, all the characteristics of the ships – in the table.

Pirate Bark added, Corvette, Military Corvette and Military Galeon. The first at cost, like an ordinary bark, has combat power actually on the class above. Disadvantage – it’s hard to find in the game. Meets how can I understand, only at the name pirates, and they still need to find before it is possible to take this treasure. Corvetts are characterized by high speed and maneuverability, although their arms is not too serious. Well, a military galleon – and the more Spaniards accompany the convoy? Their British on their linear ships will ruin!

Shipyard is now not the same. There are small, on which you can only repair ships and change the names of caravans, and large on which you can build and buy ships. There is an opinion that in the repair of the ships you need to give not one by one, but by large parties – so they will be revealed much faster.

Battles sea and land

What made with the best battles – it is difficult to describe in words! What to say here – learn to fight in a new way!

So, forget about the nightmarish battles of the crowd to the crowd. Everyone has already thought out for you. Each party, regardless of its number, may include in the composition of the warring no more than 5 ships. At the same time, the rest go to the winner. This means that the enemy can have 10 linear ships, but if you defeat the 5 scheduled on battle, then you will get 5 more unharmed. True, it will not be easy to make it – you can only put on the battle only 1 ship. Exception – when one of your ships went to the boarding, and you switch to the next. However, most likely, this possession can already be considered temporarily lost, so it’s not worth building combinations with this exception. But now at least the merchants are not necessary to chase merchants.

How then fight in new conditions? First – walk squadron of 5 ships. Second – buy so many Knippels and Shrapnelie. Your first ship must comply with the following requirements: Fast, maneuverable, big team. Ideally fit a linear ship (although his maneuverability is not the best). Speed and maneuverability will allow the ship for some time to leave opponents, and a large amount of sailors will not immediately rush to the boarding, if the opponent still “grab” your ship. If there is no linear – make a bet on speed. Without her, the ship can not do anything. The task of the first – the enemy’s sail to the maximum. More even do not even count. The task of the second is the same, but it can already shoot a shrapnel (with the successful implementation of the first point of the plan), and it is capable of taken to the board. And then, if everything is so successful, there may be at least halons – finish those horses that will be sluggishly spreading to the sides with your approximation, will not be difficult.

This is interesting: To the abordago sailors are preparing long. But if you suddenly did not succeed in taking an opponent on boarding, you can switch to a salvo from guns, which will not at all delay. The main thing is not to change the charge (for example, Knippel on the core). That is – going to the boarding, charge your weapons in what you may shoot in battle.

The land battle has changed. Now you do not just plan the crowd of thugs, which robs everything falls at hand. Depending on how much I got “paratroopers”, you can create up to 10 mobile groups that will capture defensive structures of the enemy. The purpose of these comrades is simple – destroy the central gate in the city of the enemy. Then you can break into the city and plunder it. In the battle, unexpected attacks are allowed when your squad will be directed toward the enemy dual-clicking. The unexpected attack is running, but protection and endurance is strongly reduced. You can also attach one detachment to another, then the attached will support its “master”. In any case, a limited amount of time is assigned to the capture of the city, and it is not worth diluting it. Otherwise, your people will lose faith in the commander’s abilities of their leader and return to ships.

Another news was the introduction of duel. In order to avoid losses among soldiers, the governor or the captain of the enemy ship can cause you to duel. The winner either gets everything (if attacking), or does not lose its one (if protected). Although there are some “bloodless” duels – the loser does not go in any way.

How does Duel passes? Choose a point on the body of the enemy and with the help of the left mouse button we apply to the injection. If lucky, then you can try to repeat the attempt immediately, then it will cause a reinforced blow. But for this you need to accurately guess with time, otherwise the second blow will not pass. In order not to be a draining enemy sword – secure blocks on the right mouse button. Duel for the lazy – defend against the opponent’s blows, while he does not run out endurance (blue strip), and then calmly make holes in it (the tired opponent is worse protected).

What caribbean sea without pirates? Yes, here is no no. In the first part of the game, find the pirate was a completely pleut. Now the pirates are hidden in minks, and you can only meet the echoes of their presence in the form of a pair of particularly harmful (or at least somehow manifested those present in the “black lists”). However, even behind these rare pirates prefer not to give. So in order to acquire a valuable fur in the form of a pirate barca, you will have to sweat very much. In search of a pirate, of course.

This is interesting: Kanes harm not only the capture of ships and caravans. They can enter the city, disguised, and bother there needed goods or raise a riot among workers. This will also be a pirate diversion.

Mighty powers

No matter how dialing, but we cannot pass by strong sea powers. First, because piracy has become very profitable. And to pirate without a caper testimony – suicide. But with him – choose the country, “sacrifice”, and no one is offended by us for it, only we manage to pass the goods and captured ships.

Also, the vice-king of the country with strong superiority over the opponent may ask you to capture one of the enemy cities. And this is no longer robbery, but something completely different. After the assault, the city changes its nationality, and the ratio of forces in the Caribbean is even more changing. But for such assignments of the state should be in a state of war with each other, and “your” nation should be significantly stronger than the nation of the opponent. Want to speed up the offensive of war – show patriotism and transfer to your nation several caravans with ships (previously selected from the opponent). That’s just war!

There was a tricky opportunity to proceed to the ports of the enemy. Probably, for situations when you want to change the side. At the same time, you enter the port unofficially and can achieve the audience from the governor to improve the attitude towards yourself during it. For money, of course!

Pleasant trifles

But what pleased the most – the sea ceased to be a deserted stroke, on which ships sometimes met. You can generally do not trade and not pirate. It is enough to swim around the sea and look for – formerly simple decorations, the objects of the sea came to life and make sense. So, you can save the victim shipwreck, which invariably turns out to be a rich merchant and thanks for salvation. Apparently, the poor is sinking first, as they understand that they are not enough to thank Savior. Or among the waves, the treasure chest will be deduced. 25-30 thousand local coins – yes easily. You can also raise shipwreck debris or find a bottle with a piece of map. Treasure cards, of course.

Amented and task. If earlier everything was limited to proposals to take something somewhere and the losses of his wife, kidnapped by evil pirates, now, if you enter the restaurants, to the governor and wife, then the tasks can be obtained. And very diverse.

Well, remember the first lines of this text. And what about without a new landscape? So, on the waters of battles, cute fields of algae appeared. I do not affect anything, but the eye is pleased.

Posted by: dash.
The material was previously published in the magazine “Game” (http: // www.gambling addiction.RU).
Posted with the resolution of the editorial office of the journal.

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