Postal 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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February 21, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Postal 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

You Will Have 3 Tasks:

2. Choice.
3. To Cash A Check.

One. So BUY MILK. First You Have A Map. Open The Map And See The Location of The Store Where Milk Is Sold. Any Important Point In This Game On The Map Is Indicated by A Round. SO, We Go to the Store. On the Shelf In The Section Milk Lies Like Not Strange Milk. Take IT. Now We Have A Choice. Either Kill The Seller and Leave. Either Just Leave. Either Pay 5 Dollars. How Do You Go to Solve You, The Only Thing If You Want to Pay For the Milk, Then You first Need to Pick Up and Cash The Check. And If You Suddenly Be Taken in A Turbulent, You Need to Be Able to Run Out of IT. You Need to Throw A Match in the Fire Alarm. IT WORKS AND NOW YOU JUST Need to Run. In One Of The Rooms That Are Below You Will Find Your Uniform. NOW WE WILL DEAL WITH THE CHECK.

2. To Do This Card And Look Where IT IS. Go there. Before Building IS A Strike. WELL, OKAY, AND WE GO ON. We Go Inside. Find and Raise On The Second Floor Check. And Then Our Strikers Begin to Might Indirect and You Do Not Avoid Fights With Thatm. We Go The Same Way in The Opposite Direction and Choose from the Building. Now You Have a Check, It’s Time to Cash IT.

3. Open The Map, Look Where We Have A Bank and Go There. What a Queue!!! You Have a Choice Again. OR WILL RAINE UNTIL THE QUEUE WILL REACH YOU OR WILL NEED TO UNBUCKLE AND DEPRIVE THEM ALL. Everybody Will Scatter, And Your Turn Will Come. We Give A Check In Cashier. But Here Is One Trouble. Robber Breaks and You Will Have To Brand a Little Again. WELL, make your way to the exit killing everyone on your way. NOW THE SIMPLEST. We Need to Return Home and We Just Go to Your Trailer.


Your tasks on tuesday:

One. Collect Signatures
2. Return a Book
3. Get Autograph Gary
4. Confess in Sin.

One. Collect Signatures Fairly Easy. Just Need to Arm A Sheet for Signature in Inventory. Total Signatures SHOLD BE 8. Come to Passersby and Start to Persuade Them. Some Agree Quickly, Some Pull and Agree, and Some Run Away AT All.

2. RETURN THE BOOK TO THE LIBRARY. Near The Library, There Are Again Protesters, But Others. Go to the Library. We Rise To the Second Floor. NOW ON THE LEFT. Go to Double Doors. AGAIN THE CHOICE. You can Throw a Book in the Box on the Wall, But You Can Wait for Your Turn. You’re Already Know How It Is Done. ProTestSers Ignite The Library. Your Task Becomes Getting Out Of It. You Will Have To Sweat. The Most Important Thing Is Not To Touch The Fire. Wish You Luck! After You Choose, We Will Go to Perform The Following Instructions.

3. Take Autograph at Garry. ALSO QUITE EASY. We Go to the Destination. AGAIN TURN AND YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. After Gary Gives You An Autograph Burst Badly and Start to Fall Across Everything, But Mostly Gary. You can Run or Fuck Off. But It Sems To Me The First Option is More Logical. We Leave The Building.

4. GO TO THE CHURCH. You Need to Go On a Common Road and It Will Be Blocked, But It Is Not. THERE IS A PASS BETWEEN THE BOXES. NOW Go to Church. Climb Upstairs and Looking for a Confession Room That Is Right. There as usual. WELL, WE+.. GO TO THE ROOM AND CONFESS. Fanatics Begin to Be Nervous and Again You Get to Break Through Through the Hordes of the Monks. Go to the exit. If We Now Go Left Until You Stop, You Will Find A Sniper Rifle On the Way.

Let’s Go Home.


One. Vote.
2. Squeeze.
3. Find a Christmas Tree.

One. SO, We Go to Vote. IT’s Simple. We Go to the Checkbox. Simply Nowhere.

2. IT’s Time to Daddy. We Go Through the Church. We Approach The Grave, Unbuttoning The Shirina and + Urge. Now We See How Two Guy Beat You and You Turn Off. NOW YOU ARE ALREADY IN A COFFIN IN A BLACK SUIT. Get Out Of The GRUDE AND BEAT GUY. Now you have a weapon. Further Go Through The Top Door and Now Directly Proliferate Under The Pipes and Again Right. There Everything Is Simple, The Main Thing IS to Be Able to Shoot Exactly. THERE WILL BE MANY MORE SCUM ON YOUR WAY. And Now You Came Out Of this Terrible Place. IT’s Time To Go to the Clothing Store. SHOP CELEBRATE ON THE MAP. Just Come to the Booth in the Store and Buy Clothes.

3. WE GO BEYOND THE CHRISTMAS TREE. Come to Your Destination and Start Looking For a Christmas Tree. Your Christmas Tree Will Be Highlighted by Light From Heaven and Characteristic Sound. But Here Foresters Appear. WE’LL Have To Beat. NOW THE MAIN THING TO GET OUT OF THE FOREST. Go Home.


Your Tasks Will Be Today:

One. Take Crotcky
2. Take Napalm
3. Pay Tax
4. Take Bifhtecs.

One. We Go to the Supermarket. Inside You Will Find A Guy In A Suit That Will Tell You That There Is No More. But WE Know What to Eat. You can Kill It Naha. After IT Will Remain A Bazook and Falls Out, What We Need.. IT Is Difficult to Kill It, But You Can. Throw IT with Grenades. If You Do Not Work Out, Then You Beat IT With Scissors. Also Crotcky Be On The Door, But It Will Be Necessary to Fight Well.

2. NAPALM IS AT THE FACTORY. Go there. We Pass Through The Labyrinths and Finish The Guys. Go Forward and Forward. And So. And Suddenly + Because Of The Professor, The Whole Base Takes Off On The Air. And You Have to Get Out Of There.. RUN THE SAME MOVE BACK AND GO OUT.

3. IT’s Simple. The Main Thing To Have Money With Yourself. Go to the Site and Approach The Cops Sitting Opposite The Entrance. He Will Inform You The Amount You Owe. If You Have Little Money, You Can Be Collected in Homes or When Killing Passersby. Now Pay!

4. We Go to the Destination. THERE IS NO ONE IN THE STORE. Weird! Go to the door. I Like The Department with Carcasses. And about god! Factory Owners in Your Eyes Throw People’s Corpses and Notice You. To Retreat Now. MOVING DEEP AND AT THE EDD OF THE WAY YOU WILL FIND WHAT THEY CAME FOR. Time to Go Home!


For Today:

One. Birthday Uncle Dave.
2. Go to the Hospital.
3. Take the generator.
4. Go to the post.

One. Go to your uncle. ON YOUR WAY THERE ARE BARRICADES OF POLICE. Kill Everyone. NOW GO TO THE HOUSE. Just Not to Get Into The House, So We Climb On the Roof and Go Down Through The Hole On The Roof. WE FIND UNCLE AND GIVE HIM A GIFT TO CHOOSE IN INVENTORY. Police Breaks. KILL, KILL AGAIN KILL. We Go out on the Street. And There Is The Police. THE SLAUGHTER BEGINS AGAIN. Go to the Poce Where You Came Here. And The Outlet Comes a Thick Man With A Base. I DID NOT KILL HIM, I JUST RAN AWAY. Come Out of this Area. All The Most DiffiCult, In My Opinion, The Poce of the Game Has Passed.

2. NOW OPEN A SHILL AND WRITE. IT TURNS OUT WE GOT SICK. We Go to the Hospital. Come to the Nurse and She Will Tell You Where to Go. We Go According to Its Instructions and Come to the Great Unit. Piss In Columns. THE CAR WILL GIVE YOU A MEDICINE. Take and recover.

3. The Generator Is In The Landfill and Protects: Very Evil Dogs. We Go to the Landfill and Beat Those Who Come Across Our Arm. And now he is in front of us. Take IT. Mission Is Lightning, But Evil Dogs.

4. Go on Mail. Your Friend Sent You A Parcel, But to Pick It Up, Bucks Are Necessary. But Them, You can Simply Shoot Everyone and Climb Other Side. There You Will Find Your Parcel, But The Troubles Is The Door In Which You Entered Closed. So You Have To Go Around. AND AGAIN THE WAR. Get Out of the Building. AND HERE APCALYPE BEGAN. THE WHOLE CITY WENT CRAZY. You Only Need to Run Home.
And. What Will Happen There Ne See Ourselves. Congratoulations, The Game Is Passed!

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