Sam & Max: Episode 2 – Situation: Comedy: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Sam & Max: Episode 2 – Situation: Comedy: Game Walkthrough and Guide
September 27, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Sam & Max: Episode 2 – Situation: Comedy: Passage
Sam & Max: Episode 2 – Situation: Comedy: Game Walkthrough and Guide
SAM & MAX: Episode 2 – Situation: Comedy:


According to the largest tradition, let’s start with the management. If you for some ridiculous randomness did not bother to read the passage of the first episode, or, even worse, did not play in Culture Shock – the first episode of the first season, you can safely do not care about this text for the simple reason that it is necessary to start with itAnd then go to Situation: Comedy. Because no one will explain to you who Sybil (Sybil) and why Bosco (Bosco) mows under English Lord and the like things.

Actually, compared with the first series, management, design, characters, yes, in general, everything that could not have changed either on iota. But there was a new story, a new investigation, which to make the brains even the most bachelitis. Not that we were “for” for a dishonest game, especially since all the tasks are solved by simple logic and attentive listeners of dialogues. Passing it and in Africa passage, using solushnami it is impossible to get a complete pleasure from the game. But if it so happened that you are stuck in the game, I tried everything that you can, then this article will help you, friends, deal with the investigation in a matter of hours.

So, still look from a third party with “Point and Click” interface. In the lower left corner of the screen, the box is comfortable. This is inventory. To view its contents, you just need to bring the cursor to it, and press the left mouse button. In addition to various items, in the inventory there are always a huge gun (Big Gun) and a gun with a tear gas (Tear Gas Grenade Launcher). In the second episode, their role is strongly reduced, but take advantage of them a couple of times for the game will have to. It is also worth clarifying that there is no combinatorics as such. The interaction is carried out as follows: Give the subject from the inventory (left button), we bring to the desired object, which is not in the inventory, and press the left button again. By the way, the right mouse button is designed for Sam’s comment about the subject. She, in truth, do not need. The only button you want – left. The keyboard also does not need.


After the cowboy duel, which Sam wins, and call the phone, turn on the TV and meet the main characters of our show. Here it is a chubby woman about forty years, low growth, with foolish hairstyle (and even hair of pink color), name of the world (myra). Capturing the hostages of the audience, the leading requires the incessant television broadcasting of its transfer, and in addition $ 10.000. Check the messages of Max via the answering machine, and for the sake of jokes shoot out of the gun in the open window (in order to remove the neighbors), then head to the street. Before going to TV Studio, look around. If you played the first episode, it will be impossible to get lost. All in the same place: on the left office of the psychologist-journalist Tattooer Shibil, on the right – a barge of every junk Bosco. I remember the location of buildings, sit down in the car and go to the studio.

TV studio

At the entrance you will be prompted by a citizen clearly and missing from his work. It turns out that she is the director of casting, and part-time due to the small budget of the company, the director of all the gears of the studio, to check the popular show tested clones. Alas, it is impossible to pass further. The girl never agrees to miss the police officers, but the actors are pleased! We have to remember acting courses. At first she will ask Sam to play the role of a mad dog. Poor dog will try to squeeze something out of himself, but nothing happens – Sam frankly bad actor. Will have to look for a way out of the current situation. And this exit is in the Bosco store.

Bosco store

Remember where you need to go? Fine. Go. Bosco himself refills this shop, so it is impossible to confuse him with someone. There is a unpleasant bug here. If you speak with Bosco for a long time, then the cursor disappears at the exit. You have to manually close the game, and re-run it. And sorry, because to listen to the Englishman very interesting. Such funny things says. So we advise one time to risk and talk to Bosco, not forgetting, of course, before that, and better for one hundred percent confidence, before entering the store to keep the game. On the table next to the counter stands a can of shaving pot. Full suitable thing for rabies. However, to get immediately a foam will not work. Mafia blind mice on a toy car kidnapped so necessary sama and Max. We’ll have to remember the driving lessons this time from the first episode.


Manage the machine all the same left mouse button. However, there is no special reason to control the vehicle – let it roll. Road signs falling on the way nothing can harm neither Sam nor Max. Every few meters exactly in the middle of the road appear open sewer hatches. To get cream it is necessary with a gun, loudspeaker and beep, make the car mice get into the sewer. It’s a whore and easy. So after the mice fall into the sewer and the canister will be with you, come back to the director.

TV studio

Apply the charm on Sam – and seek good dog to turn into mad. Girl in delight. But this is not enough. Now she asks to play a dramatic role with all proper snotes. The benefit of going anywhere. Give a gun with tear gas and shoot… In Max! Yeah, not lucky colleague! Since the beginning of the day, a couple of times managed to scream in the face. But it helped! The entrance is open, welcome to shoot, dear police!


It’s time to justify the name of the episode. So we will take pictures of Sitkom, that is, the comedies of the provisions. Talk to the director of the director, and when will be ready, proceed to the shooting of the comedy. The plot is: the owner of the apartment in which Sam allegedly live and Max, but they live their heroes in the plot, break on the door. The old damn suspected that in addition to our chickhergeev in the apartment still someone. And not gone. In the middle of the room stands a cow. Hide her nowhere, and no time. We’ll have to join. Take a cap from the table lamp and put it on the head. I just burst the owner of the apartment, which was actually an old blind rooster (this is such a stack of developers, as well as powerful blows Cockerel by door). The owner, as stated, is blinded, so you can lie to him. To the question of what kind of guest is this, tell me that the French chef (“Chief”). Then, while the rooster is engaged in reviewing the overseas guest, take a plate from the table and put on it… hmm, “dish”, cooked “cook”, just not with hands and not even legs. But when you can’t see the cow from two meters, you can take it for delicious breeding. On the subsequent question, what is the sound of such, distract the owner by the proposal to try the dish of the chef (“Moo Gai Gai Pan”). After a disgusting picture (this is also a stake of developers), take a cassette at the director and go to the room on the left.

Rural artist

And here we have something like American Idol, to the Russian manner – “Star Factory” and “People’s Artist”. Just not taken stars, the participants of the show also do not shine talents. What is there! On the whole little town talent one was found. Local Bilan – Paren Parent named (Peepers). What do you want? The notorious finance studios do not allow more! Having performed the song of its own essay about love-carrot and side effects from her (it turns out, not only in dreams fly), the guy will get his points and goes to relax nearby. Go to him and ask for some time his card with lyrics. Then go back to the Sitkom room, and from there – to the central door.

“Who does not want to become a millionaire?”

We speak with the director, after which we immediately switch on a strange type in the corner of the room. Meet this Hugh Bliss (Hugh Bliss) – Leading Local “Who wants to become a millionaire?”. The guy besides the talkative tongue, can show focuses. For example, changing skin color. For the sake of laughter, you can ask him about it, Hugh likes to work for the public. And for the sake of his greatness with him and take a picture. By the way, running forward, let’s say that one of the mysteries will be seen. Remember this. Please, by the way, the attention that there is another door near Hugh – this is the entrance to the main villain show – worlds. There should not be there yet, still not let.

Well, it’s time to win a million! Rules Simple: Lead Specifies the question if the answer is correct – the cherished amount in your pocket. No foreign amounts there, the question is so alone. Of course, you could click on the options for answers at random, thereby expecting questions to be repeated (by the way, in the arsenal Hugh only 4 questions), but there is no need. Whatever you are answered, Bliss will turn the lips with a shoe and disgust so, slowly, blow out “Oh, sorry, this is not the right answer”. Nothing and not with such software met. Come to his rack and change cards with questions about newly taken cards with lyrics. After that we get up for your rack and start playing again. This time in the arsenal Hugh Three questions related to the songs of Pepes. If you are not in English with English, then below specifically for you, the questions themselves and answers to them. People who can translate at least with a dictionary will be able to answer the question.

– Am I Blue?
– Yes
– WHO ARE You?

And now, a million is already in his pocket. Only here because of the wise financial condition of the studio, instead of a million dollars, Sam and Max will be presented with food coupons in the number of millions. And where to give them now? For the sake of interest, you can cringe with Bliss, accusing him in the scaling. That you will not achieve anything, but let’s get out of the soul. Having finished all things, go back to the room with artists.

Rural artist

It’s time to show all your talents, Sam. Pepers, as you remember, has already performed and received excellent assessments due to the fact that it is sitting in the jury to take it: Spex (Specs) – a parenchy in glasses and a squeaky (Whizzer) – with fiery red hair. Another judge became Max due to the shortage of people in the show. Well, it makes it pleases, it means Sam is already one voice in his pocket. It remains to come up with how to bribe the brothers. Talk to both and during the conversation, it will become clear that Spex adores a low voice timbre, and the visree has a birthday today and that he loves pies. With the margin of information, go to the culinary room (in the room Sitkom, the door to the right).

Hollywood “Smak”

Let’s start at first to please the visruiser and prepare a cake (in the dialogues “A Cake”). No food, but there is a hair gel, red paint, uranium and many other ingredients that add strictly to the food. You can use anything in any sequence and proportion. The result will still be the same – a beautiful cake. But still made half. A squeezer is not in vain such a redhead. Need something like cherry. Well, all the necessary products are as always at Bosco. We will go there.

Bosco store

What is missing our english lord Bosco? Right, thick wallet. We can help him. I give the Bosco a million coupons, and instead we ask a voice modulator (in the dialog menu there will be a special point; attention! Choose only this item, otherwise the bug will enter). Having received a modulator on hand, you can be sure that Spex is no longer a problem. It remains to get rid of the visa. In the far corner of the store there is a special mechanism with ketchup. What you are not cherry on the cake than you are not a great decoration of beautiful dishes? Pour the pie ketchup – and voila! Hard digestible cake ready! With all the contents, we go back to the TV studio, not forgetting to say goodbye to Bosco. We will not see it in this episode in this episode.

Rural artist

The time of the wicked brothers send to knockout. One physically, the second is moral. First, I give a vision of cake and congratulations on his personal holiday. The guy loves sweetness so much that one will handle the cake in a couple of minutes. However, the atomic composition of the festive dish will make the brother go to clean their body for a while. With speix everything is much easier. We use the modulator on yourself, thereby getting a low voice timbre, come to the microphone – and sing. You can especially not bother about words in the song, choose all your soul. There is no poet-songwriter, so no one will pay attention to the lyrics. But the execution at the height! Spex shocked, signs to you in love, and Max is clearly not careful – he will support his colleague in any situation. So, the victory in the pocket is time to visit the world.

Talk show worlds

To get to the star sofa worlds need to perform certain conditions. Most of them we performed: became the winners of the artists’ competition, a million won, became celebrities, playing the main roles in Sitkom. It remains the main thing – to provide the presenter persistent on scandals, which, as you know, increase the rating of even the worst talk show, some scandalous history for the authorship of Sam and Max. And will help us Bliss. Ask the magician to change your own color on green, and in this state take a picture with Hugh. Happy photo Return to native fenats.

Office Sibyl

Returning to the native streets, immediately go to Sibyl. This time our girlfriend combines several professions: psychology and journalism. As for the first one, you can again for laughter and interest asking to spend a short psychological test. After the conversation, show Sobil collective photos from Hugh. Girl will delight! Celebrity green! Such a rare photo place on the first lane of the newspaper Shibil! Get out of the office and head to the Bosco store. Next to the entrance there is a special tray with newspapers. Take a new newspaper number on which the photo of green Hugh is banging, and the smoking article. With this scandal, go back to the world.

Talk show worlds

The last fight in fact will be not difficult. Show the world to the newspaper and comfortably sit down for the sofa. That’s what happened – a certain strange plush toy sent by the leading, hypnotizes her! Thus, you need to shake the leading so that the hypnosis passed. Pay attention to the water spilled out of a broken cup on the table. And next to the microphone. Caught what to do? Need to cause short circuit. Need one more scandal. Tell the world all sorts of doctors, defilement studio staff. You can take turns to call in the studio Hugh, Rooster and especially Visa, Spex and Peperes. Three brothers, at first glance, seemingly cute and kind, so they will water Mat Sam and Max that the sound operator will not have time to “stamps” (yes yes, it is also a stack of developers). Well, the main weapon will be the same cow-cook. She can’t sit down, so the world will dyate with the microphone to her and… Babah! TV presenter no longer represents danger. Sam and Max again saved his native town from danger, and you, friends, went game. Congratulations!

P.FROM. Judging by the first screenshots of the third episode, which is scheduled for February 7, the new problem of Sam and Max will be just these plush toys. Ready to swear that the first season will generally be dedicated to the search for a villain, causing hypnotizer toys throughout the city. We look forward to and reminding that new episodes will go out with a periodicity of one episode per month, the seventh number of each month until the beginning of May.

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