Sid Meier’s Pirates!: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 8, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Sid Meier’s Pirates!: Passage
Sid Meier’s Pirates!: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Come to the ocean no earlier than you understand my instruction:
Wait until you know the sober. And then –
Come to the ocean, without risk to go blind at the sight
Seven islands from legend, seven islands gold…
M. Shcherbakov
I noon could not decide to open a box with a disk. It would be so felt art historian who learned that someone based on the latest scientific data anew to “Venus Milos”. Watch scary. Have her hands attracted her? And what?

Immediately I will say that “Corsairs” can sleep calmly, “pirates” they are not a competitor. Fortunately, LED Meyer did not make a sailing simulator, but remained within the ancient and great genre of the epic game. Swimming, artillery duels, fencing, searching for treasures, terrestrial battles are still in equal rights, and some new classes added to them. All this is quite accessible to anyone individually taken by the player, although something noticeably complicated (for example, to acquire a decent wife now much more difficult than to take a dozen galleons to take on board).

And all this is damn beautiful!

On the meaning of life

Young man, what for the sake of you chose a dangerous pirate career? For money? Sit down, Two. Zhada go to Port Royale and organize there a trading house. For the sake of romance? Could you clarify your answer? Here, now exactly! For glory!

In the past incarnation of “Pirates”, the question that defines our final position in the “Hall of Glory” and the life path after the resignation, was the main mystery game. That is, the general principles seem to be clear – the title, money, earth, everything and more – but, confess, I felt very stupid, when after completing the pirated career in the rank of Admiral and with several thousand dangum, I turned out to be in the “small merchant” orEven “Tramps”.

In Pirates-2004, LED Meyer decided to dispel the veil of the mystery. In the sea and on land with us always measured our glory, it rests between the crossed blades higher compass. And on the screen of our personal status (see. the picture) can be given in addition, for which the points of glory are due, and how much we can buy.

So, the limit of the possible (where fanfare, damn?): 126Slava points (they are – achievements).

That’s what I should strive for any respected pirate:

wealth(land and money) – up to 24 points;

honors(ranks from four enemy nations) – up to 32 points, 8 per each;

love(marriage on the beautiful daughter of the prosperous governor) – up to 10 points;

Victory(defeated famous pirates) – up to 9 points, similarly;

hidden treasures(found clands of famous pirates) – up to 9 points, 1 per each;

family(wrank relatives) – up to 16 points;

revenge(caught rascals who kidnit your family) – up to 10 points;

Secrets(Search for hidden cities) – up to 16 points.

More details? There will be more details. But first let’s talk about how Flibuster lives in the Caribbean Sea.

Farewell, the birthplace city

Before entering the new light to us, as usual in epic and role-playing games, you need to solve something. Namely:

• as us, actually name;

• What we prefer to smell on sails;

• What kind of power serve;

• What specializing in;

• When the case takes place.

Well, the level of complexity, of course, but a conversation is separate.

The choice of nation is a matter of taste, and nothing more. You will tell you all more than once. So especially do not worry. The emblem on the sail also can be changed to taste.

Advice: Not bad thought – put on sail… Indian signs. Then you do not confuse your ship with someone else. After all, to distinguish the Brig from Indian Pieces will be able even to peacock from the Governor Garden!

The choice of historical period changes the entire card. 1660th and 1640th years – the heyday of piracy, then play the easiest. In the 1600th you will see that almost the whole world belongs to Spain, and in the 1680th piracy is declining.

But the specialty is a thin question. They, as before, is offered to choose from five: fencing, navigation (navigation), guns (Gunnery), charm (WIT & CHARM) and medicine.

Choosing one of the first four, you will get a significant advantage in this area. The fencer will easily manage with duels at the level until Adventurer (unless the opponent has an overwhelming superiority), the navigator will move faster, the canonir – more precisely, and the cute and charming flibisther will get more time to the response to the dance. As for me – it makes sense to choose from this list only the sword and dancing.

Well, if the speed of the reaction is your strength and in the congestions of this kind you do not need – then, no doubt, take medicine. After all, whenever a subtle Spaniard saber leaves notice on your dubble skin, she clings to the hour when the wilts will have to leave marine travel. Pirate gramnog is old, his health is withdrawn, and you have to go on peace – but not so much! Although self-treatment and dangerous for health, for pirate it is the best way to extend the glorious career.

By the raging seas

No matter how much expected temptations on land, Pirate House – His Ship. Let’s talk about what is waiting for us in the sea.

The main difference from the “Last Life” is striking: Finally, we see other ships! In old Pirates, we only accidentally pushed them into the sea, immediately choose the mining from afar. The Dutch gate is running ravo, here is the clumsy spanish galleon… And the handsome one seems to be crazy from the Cartagena for our soul!

The compass on the left below indicates to the north, the little shooter will tell on it where the wind blows, and around it is a useful information: what is the day, how much money in the wallet, how much food is enough, how great the team.

Pay attention to the physiognomy next to the number of the team: it shows it. If the muzzle is cheerful to rock, you faster swimming, better shoot – in general, life is beautiful. Sad dogs threatens sabotage and riot.

On the right below – the menu that can be activated by the mouse, but better – buttons (it corresponds to the numeric keypad.

This is a bug:On some computers for unknown science, the cause of the ship management is possible only with the left set of arrings (and mouse), and all other commands are perceived from the numeric keypad.

The left upper corner is assigned to active tasks. These include treasure maps, information about relatives and t.P.

It is important: missions like “spend the ship there and there something” here notDisplay. Why? And Dolphin knows him!

By sight, the ship is easy to understand how he is doing with sails (holes are clearly visible) and the body (about malfunctions to smoke).

At times, the wind brings thunderstorm clouds;It is advisable to shy away from meetings with them, and if it does not work – to dump the sail to a minimum.

And finally, the most delicious novelty: Spyglass. If you click the right mouse button, you will see distant edges. Apparently, the optics in those times was not a couple: the pipe cheerfully looks kilometers for three hundred. This is useful mainly for searching for treasures, but also on the sea will come in handy.

Here turned onboard flagship frigate…

But we went out into the sea, not then to keep track of how the herring frolic in the azure wave. Sooner or later, a suitable target is found for our attack, and we prepare to press the “5” magic key…

A piece of the card on which this action occurred is rapidly approaching, and now we are only two ships – our and enemy. The whole squadron, which we have already had time to pour, remained waiting for your fearless flagship, which for some reason climbs into battle one. Well, those here are the morals.

This is interesting:At the lower levels of the complexity, opponents also take the rule “one one”, and at the highest, they are not churaged to attack you and in the company.

The rules of the battle changed little. Pirate maneuver, trying to evade enemy fire and attach the enemy aboard his volley. Cannons after a shot of some time charge (depending on the size and combat spirit of the team), but there is no difference, shoot from the left or right side – still beaten all Ship guns. Hitting can damage the body of the ship, cannons, sails and masts – either hit the team. Most of the volunteers combines all these effects. At the moment when the vessels come into contact, the boarding battle begins (or, if the superiority of the pirate is overwhelming, the opponent just raises the legs up).

But there are new…

First Of these, of course, the idea of “with a beard” – the transition to the last decade generally accepted in the “sailing” games set from the cores, boch and bookkels. Now in Pirates, too, you can also use all these fashionable things, and switching from one mode to another, about Divo, does not require time. I already seem to say that there is not a sailing simulator?

To use these fruits of progress, you must still establish the appropriate “improvement” on your ship. On Improvements See. In the chapter “Fortress”. Without this, only the cores are available.

As it should be, the kernels are especially effective against the hull and guns, the Knippel is crashed and rigging, the cannay,. Since any self-respecting pirate seeks to capture and sell ships, the cartoon is the main weapon, but do not forget that her freakue lags behind the nuclei several times!). Strongly beaten ship is better to immediately throw, if the port is not near – only slows down the movement, but will give me anyway.

This is a bug:If you have more than 20 guns, and all of them are charged, you can switch to a bookpel, shoot and quickly switch to the core: in this case you can make a “combined shot” chains and cores. It does not always work, but quite often.

Secondinnovation – now you can shoot, underwhelming – the number of guns that is ready for shooting.

Third– Slops sometimes spoil the ship cargo. But I would not call it important.

And shouted the captain: “On the board!”

Who saw the deck during the boarding battle, he is not confused even during a fire in a crazy house, from which Tornado threw the roof. There and here they run some completely unfamiliar negros, soldiers, jungs, rods and a man in the cook cap. Who is your own who is someone else’s? And the demon knows him. And, that is best, it does not matter. The real hero from a random strike does not die!

Captains find out relations among themselves, as he likes gentlemen (at least natural, at least “good luck”). The teams at this time methodically exterminate each other, and if one of them manage to bring this thing to a logical end, then the captain of the loser side remains only to surrender. Your fencing successes encourage the fighters, and the blunders will instill despondency and pale unfortunate. All as it is believed!

Movements available in battle, exactly seven, and in their layout on the keyboard, the Jesuit trick of Side Meyer manifested.

Attacks correspond to the left up, left and left down – respectively, along the upper, middle, lower zone. But the protection is arranged on the contrary: the up arrow is a jump, effective against Nower Attacks, down arrow – squatting, saving from the top, and the five – Parry of direct strike. Without half a mall of pirate grog you will not get used to. The arrow back means not the retreat – the pirates of such a word do not know! – A teasing opponent. But we seem like pirates, and not Bandar logs?

Before fighting both sides choose weapons. Rapira quickly pokes the enemy, the cleaver reflects the blows, and the sword (LongsWord) is a gold (?) Mid. As for me, the weapon of the real pirate – Rapira: We don’t seek the enemy?

This is interesting:Previously, the choice of weapons meant the balance between the length of the blade and the damage, and the rapier fell from the maximum distance, but three times weaker than the tessel.

The level of skill of the enemy depends on the relationship of the forces of the teams (somehow beyond yourself, when you have two hundred fighters behind you!), and from personal skill. Pirates (especially nominal), villains and (sometimes) Commanders of garrisons own a clinics much better than the captain of the cargo locher. Finally, a significant impact on the result has equipment – Shirts, accelerating movements, kings, improved blades, pistols. At first you can only boast only you, but with time…

All that the sea gives us…

After the capture of the ship comes it is time for “harvest”. I think it is not necessary to explain that the whole cargo should not carefully pacify, demolish it, except that there is no place at all (and in this case, most likely, it is reasonable to leave extra guns – you almost always have an excess, and they are worth the pennies).

This is interesting:Judging by the pictures, our sailors at the Olympics would not leave the rods not a single chance. You just look like cheerfully they are transferred Chests with gold, which should weigh the minimum kilograms of three hundred!

But to place the ship – this is a question more complicated. As I said, a lot of bite extraction is worthless and only slows down on the road. My advice: all sorts of Indian canoes and even Spanish barks just try, except for the friendly port is very close. And if you in the distant seas mined a military galleon, but the board was illuminated by 50% and broke sails by 60% – to the top and do not spare him. Not the first, not the last…

From the moment the repair for you becomes free, you can start taking everything in a row – but only not far from the port, you don’t have to drag.

Sailors captured ship also from time to time offer their services. Take or not take?

The experts of the original “pirates” remember that there the main reason for the discontent of the team was too frequent recruiting new fighters. Here it is not so actually acts, but still, if you type the team every five minutes, an hour of derage profits will trips wherever it would like to. Moreover, it seems, plays the role precisely Number of sets, but not Number of sailors.

My opinion is to take the sailors from the captured ship. It makes sense only when they are not necessary now, or if there is no single little friendly port nearby. Otherwise, it will wait cheaper to the tavern.

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