The Sims: Castaway Stories: Game Walkthrough and Guide

one. Paradise
The first day spent on the island will introduce you to the local living conditions. Many functions will not be available yet, so clearly follow the advice, arranging the chest and climbing the palm trees.
From the very beginning it is very important to collect as much resources as possible. Just chop all the logs that see. Picking up fruits and cutting firewood should be in habit. Met the whole log – do not pass by! Stay and recycle it to resources. Just so you can equip the house exactly those subjects that you want. Well, food is a minor matter. Almost every plot there is its source in the form of a banana tree, coconut palm or papaya.
So, after you have been equipped in place, filled coconut chest, installed a fire and a tent, it would be nice to sleep well. At night, shaggy friends will come to the camp, they will break down a little and leave you a “present”, which later will have to handle it personally.
2. Fight for survival
Morning your SIM will meet on the garbage. By purchasing a hole in the Barter mode for waste, post it near the place where you are going to pigs most. Then your task will be to clean the beach after uninvited night guests. In order not to spend your time and in the future, do not click on each dirt source separately, but simply press the keyboard button “k” several times – Sim himself guesses what it is worth throwing out first and what – in the second.
In this chapter, before us will have a new and main task – to build a raft. Do not worry, we will have time to solve it, but the raft itself will bring us more problems than the benefits.
3. Search
It’s time to master the island. Peel in the sand on the beach, and you will be magically to find the machete, which some kind of well-wisher buried specifically for us (well at least on the beach, and not in the children’s sandbox). With this blade, we will be able to chop bamboo, thereby raping resource reserves. The main thing is the weapon not to throw away.
Before going to learn the island, I advise you to restore vigor. She will need for a ring of firewood, which in large numbers are located on the section “Broken Wings”. Great place to replenish stocks!
Having missed the location of “broken wings”, inspect the cockpit of the aircraft, crashing. There sim will find the map of the island – the thing you say more than once thanks. In the future, with its help you can instantly move from one site to another, without passing by many unnecessary locations.
Collecting in the “wings” all possible resources, we go to the next site. His name “The City of Monkeys” corresponds to reality only half. One tree and three bored orangutans. Your task is to pick up their totem. How much do not try to – do it just will not come out. Go to the banana tree, make fruits and give each of the family monkey members to banana. When they all go into bushes, quickly go to the idol and select the action “Take”. Then you can do directly orangutans or chop logs. When the SIM gets tired, come back home. You can on the map, and you can select the appropriate action on the movement portal.
4. Mysterious idol
New day Start with the installation of idol. Put it on the stone next to the right bamboo toilet (if you look from the sea). Sim will begin to be curved and talking with a poor piece of wood.
At the end of this classes, the goal will appear to “come up with a survival plan”. If you have turned off the prompts, then do not immediately understand what you need to do. Click on your Sime and select his future profession.
Career: Hunter
Level 1 – Sail Raver
Food: 74
Resources: 33
2 level (required: body culture I) – jumper through the hoop
Food: 94
Resources: 65
3 level (required: body culture II, charm I, cleaning I)
Career: Collector
Level 1 – leaf collector
Food: 62
Resources: 40
2 level (required: logic i) – thief
Food: 78
Resources: 83
3 Level (required: Logic II, Cooking I, Creativity I)
Career: Master
Level 1 – Cinner
Food: 50
Resources: 48
2 level (required: Technique I) – basket
Food: 63
Resources: 98
3 Level (Required: Technique II, Logic I, Creativity I)
Note that developing logic and charm at this stage is very hard, while the technique, cooking and cleaning is available to study using books from the chest.
Some time after choosing the profession, one of the recent orangutang friends will come to you. Do not be afraid, he does not steal your idol. All you need is to make friends with him and take a family, an extra pair of hands will never hurt. Just let the monkey bananas and clean the wool. Over time, the shaggy friend will become a full member of the family and will be able to go to work just like your sim. Choosing an animal profession, keep in mind that each of the three skills required for a particular career is easily evolving under certain conditions below.
Career: Hunter
Main skill – body culture. Develops in fights with people. At the beginning of the game, you do not fight with anyone, so choosing a hunter career is meaningless. But if you still need to develop the skill of body culture, then playing orangutung simply select several times on one of the sims action “threatening”. Animal will be intimidated by a person and get the glasses of body culture for it, but the attitude between monkey and the sym will be significantly reduced.
Level 1 – Fruit Catcher
Food: 16
Resources: 37
2 Level (Required: Culture III) – Lichringer
Food: 57
Resources: 50
3 level (required: body culture VI, logic III) – Yaguarov’s premiere
Food: 76
Resources: 84
4 level (required: body culture X, logic VI, creativity III)
Career: Collector
Main skill – logic. Develops with the use of “sniffing air”. Choose it by clicking on your orangutan. Repeating the procedure several times, you quickly fill in the skill to the maximum.
Level 1 – Garbage
Food: 31
Resources: 20
2 Level (required: logic III) – fruit prey
Food: 47
Resources: 62
3 level (required: logic VI, body culture III)
Career: Master
Main skill – creativity. Easy to develop when interacting with the owner. Choose on Sime Action “Play…”>” Kind face “. Do it constantly to raise the skill.
Level 1 – trees decorated
Food: 25
Resources: 24
2 Level (Required: Creativity III) – Technician
Food: 38
Resources: 75
3 Level (Required: Creativity VI, Logic III) – Master
Food: 51
Resources: 125
4 level (required: Creativity X, logic VI, body culture III) – specialist
Food: 64
Resources: 176
Now you have a choice – you can develop skills and work in your field (but you will not achieve the vertices in the profession, because sooner or later you will need friends to promote the career ladder), and you can continue to undergo plot missions. In any case, it is impossible to stop. It is best to advance at work will be released in a new place of residence, to which it is not so far.
five. Magic eye
Searcable plane wreckage in “broken wings”, you will find a lost eye for your idol. But immediately insert a gem pebble in the eyeboard is not worth. The fact is that as soon as you spit it there, Sim will poison an unknown disease and it will be necessary to urgently cure. In the meantime there is time, go to work and replenish the resources.
Relaxing, follow the “broken wings”. Lightning will destroy the tree and will open the path to the new location called “Quiet Laguna”. The place is beautiful, and in the future you will have to live here, so do not master.
In the house you will find a first-aid kit. Use it to recover from the ailment. Sim fell into fainting – not scary, will revive.
6. New day
A rope was found in the hut. Grab it and run to the beach to the raft. Use the card if you do not want to spend time on the download of the excess area.
Tied the raft, the newly minted Robinson will solve to move to a more comfortable place – the lagoon. Click on the “Go to” portal, Load the download and enjoy the New Resource. Purchase a couple of cheap items, get the chest from the baggage with the supplies and go again in search of adventures, taking with you the old friend of that emo. But do not forget to meet the needs of your sim! You will not return home soon.
7. Quiet Laguna
Finding an ancient destroyed temple and freeing the entrance from bamboo thickets, put an idol to the altar. The gate opposite will immediately open, and you will go to the beach where you meet other survivors after shipwreck. This is a group of clowns that will not leave you alone until the end of the game. Tagged with everyone (click “chat” for everyone. Chief – Hugh Bailey), you will go in search of a single sensible person in this crazy world – Professor of Voter Maulda.
In the next section “Swamp” there are two outputs. In order not to spend time, go to the one that is opposite the portal through which you entered.
8. Solution
On the “dump of bones” you will meet Professor Winter Mauld, who was looking for. Select the action “Coup” and listen to the dialogue of two lost. Before leaving the plot, do not forget to collect all the bones that you will see. Each handhrum gives 15 resource points.
Going out of the “landfill”, explore the unexplored portal. On the “Crossroads” you need only one thing – wooden pole. A kitty for the tail is not necessarily.
Bringing a find to the “Robinson Beach”, install it as a mast on a raft. Talking with a professor, come back home in the “quiet lagoon”.
nine. Hungry guests
As it turned out, a group of clowns got here. You will have to cook on all my sobe ear. To do this, use the “super-modern” grill in front of the house. Guests themselves take plates.
Wait until everyone comes, and a professor will not talk to you. Then you will again have to communicate with each of the guests. Choose the action of “chat”, as before. After everyone leaves, the heart will suggest a rumble sail for a fleet of a strong grass, which grows on the “field of padelvers”. Study and then go there by using a map.
10. New life
Getting on the field, do not rush to rip grass. There are four sowing stones on the site. Together they are a mini-game for training memory. Stones are lit alternately in a certain sequence. You need to repeat this sequence, clicking on the stones in the same order in which they glow. Each time another such glow is added to the already established sequence, that is, at the new level you have to press one stone more.
Tip: Review yourself how many times the stones glow. Every new number and comply with one or another stone. For example, this stone – from 1, 3 and 6, one – from 2 and 7, and the other – from 4, 5 and 8. If you find it difficult to memorize combinations, put the game by pause and write them down on the paper.
At the tenth level of the game, a singing stone is issued as a gift. You can place it in your site, and you can give one of the Aborigines.
Checked, start cutting grass. You can cut only the one that above. There are two types of grass, so take the cursor on Earth to see which one you need. Enough three beams.
Only you will collect them, as a small black girl pursued by hyenas. Take the bone that you picked up on the “landfill” and select the action “Throw the bone” on the hyena. Predators will scatter and girl will go down from the saving tree.
By successful coincidence, the baby will be the daughter of the leader. Now you can not be afraid to go for her to settle the Aborigines.
eleven. Communication – Progress Engine
Movie Avshi with Guardians, you have to solve the most difficult task for the whole game – to meet four residents of the village. The snag is that finding all four are very problematic, first of all, because they are very rarely appearing within reach at the right time
It was not exactly possible to calculate the system on which the aborigines appear in the village, but it seems, somewhere in the middle of the first and fifth solar phase, one of them go and come others. Timothy Fetita remains on the site around the clock.
Attention: to perform secret actions standing after you get a gift!
Council for the future: If you do not want your sim, wanting to sleep, beat in hysterics, periodically waving your hands and shouting something into the camera, increase his vigor using coffee bushes. Chewing coffee beans, I will not need to sleep, but in return for it, he will have to run to the toilet often.
Emobi Vet (gift: 100. resources)
For instant filling of relationships: Find two broken simulators near Timothy Fe. Choose “Repair” on one of them
Kiri Roimata (gift: sculpture)
For instant filling of relationships: Spill fire in one of the trash
Eranya Orama (gift: 20. food)
For instant filling of relationships: Choose a “Give Singing Stone” on Orama (the one you won on the “field of the Padochikov”)
Timothy Fe. (Gift: +1 Creativity Ball)
For instant filling relationship: Find a chess table near him and sit down. During the workout, click on Timothy and select Action “Invite”. Play together for a while and finish the game
After you make friends with all the people you need, go to the next plot, where you will be given exactly the same task – make friends with four local.