The Suffering: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 18, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Suffering: Passage
The Suffering: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Attention! Better run away from this dangerous toy if you don’t want to start scareting your own shadow with a night hike to the toilet, shuddering with each screen of non-shy door loops and confused nightmares with reality. She really is actually a terrible. The main character is tormented by insane vision, “nightmares in reality”, sometimes even more often than he puts into the course of weapons. It costs him to take a look at the rope – see the Hangman, if a look at the stool, the image of an electric chair will flash in the head, the bathroom will cause associations with a corpse bathing in its blood… And so the whole game, the nightmare on a nightmare sits and the nightmare drives. Although, my business to warn, do, as you know.
So your adventures begin in the prison chamber. You are a prisoner named bargain, accused of killing my wife and children, although no one knows exactly whether it really was or not. However, for you now it is not so important, the main thing is to get out of the island, on which you will soon find out, the mass of imparting experiments. As usual, do not forget to search all lockers and tables in search of ammunition and beneficial items. In the process of passing, you can open all new pages in the diary, new location cards, so do not be lazy to look back there.


After watching the entrance roller in which the bargaining lead to his camera, and the prisoners are trying to communicate with him, although they are much better turned out to be swearing, – leave the chamber. Suddenly, the earthquake will begin, the terrible creatures are improving, which in two bills will finish almost all the inhabitants of the cut. Come to the guard that will assure you that everyone, they say, under control… But he immediately finishes the monster and dragged on her ceiling. Apparently, still not all. Go to the camera, from which the door fell out of the roar (there, on the wall, you will see the frequolous photos of the ladies), and get out of the corpse, lying on the bed, the knife. Now it will be what to defend from the reptiles.
Water in the toilet is better not to descend, otherwise the image can turn into some kind of crazy dance from multi-colored triangles. Do not be scared, it’s just a bug. Get out, you will begin to scare the blown up shield, run to the security room. Gloomy voice for the scene will inform you that he was waiting for you for a very long time… On the back already started crawling goosebumps? No, well, not even evening. Immediately outside the door you can turn on the light so that it is not so scary, then look at the monitors and press a big red button. The nearest camera will open, where you can grab a bottle (Xombium Bottle). This sniffing here should be treated. Go to the blinking red light bulb at the end of the corridor, open the door under it with a fever’s punch.
Roll to the left, someone’s corpse demonstratively, leaving the bloody leaks, dragged into the vent. To the right will be shower where you can find a couple of bottles. Sound the phone – Listen to how excited woman with a broken voice will ask you to run as quickly as possible and away from this terrible place. Hmm, as if so incomprehensible. Opposite the shower is the administration department. Turn on the light next to the door and watch half the body, which will crawl to you, trying to portray something, but then subsides. Grab the bottle from the table, and in the long section, next to the poster with a torch, cartridges for the revolver.
Return to the output from the camera block and continue running right. First, the ceiling will be collected in the passage of the left, where it was just a way out, and then another creature smears the helpless guard on the grid, spattering the bargaining blood according to the ears. Here you have a nightmare prikid, it’s time.

A little further to you leave the door from the guard room, pick up and grab the card two floors of the prison, batteries for a flashlight and a note. Press the Red button and step into the opened doors, where they recently were made to the rods of the poor fellow of the guards. Chekpost. Slowly in the middle of the corridor crashes an exhaust guard, and his exact blow of the blade in the head is nourished to the floor of a terrible creature – SLAYER. Everything, idle walks ended, it’s time to stretch the handles. When you finish this walking disgrace with knives instead of hands and legs, a security guard will appear and will threaten you a gun. Then he, however, will soften and even advise you to get a flashlight. Go to the toilet and take a bottle, then go to Break Room, where to take a flashlight from the table. When it is not needed, it is better to turn off, otherwise the batteries will quickly.
Return to the guard, he will run down the stairs on the B-LEVEL. Follow him. Guard will press the button and will be cleaned into the opened doors. Before running behind him, go to the guard chart and take the cartridges. Next to you will pop up the fresh monster window, and the guard will finish off the whole weapon. Your walking will be in a room with an electric chair, where it will drop forever. But now you have a revolver. Get out from here and go to the lazaret, stock bottles to the maximum. More than nine wearing with them will not work. Also take cartridges and batteries. Bedding will visit new visions.
Return back to the corridor and break the knife from the boxes. Come to the phone, move away from the door of the machine with a gas composition (you have to pull on yourself, not a sidel) and go out into another corridor. Chekpost. On the right there will be an entrance to the Control Station, there are enough bottles, batteries, can stick for the chop to look at the fireworks in the room with an electric chair. Next you will come to the room with chess sex. Native all the neighboring rooms for bottles and ammunition, and then try to open the door to the guard. Monster with knives instead of hands and legs and nails in the head slaughters and jumps out somewhere upstairs. Concede it, go inside, get a map of the island. Click on the red button, notice that one door opens, and the other at the same time closes. Rent a guard bustik to swamp the door.
Press the button again and run on.
Soon you will enter the room, the glass chamber with the guard is visible behind the glass. Take the cartridges;If you click the yellow button, the guard will die in torment. You can not press how the conscience will tell. Next (checkpoint) Torg sees in his visions lying on the Boy. Opening the door to the right, you will connect to a large carcass running away. Go behind him, get into the same gas chamber, which you recently seen through the glass. The guard will again begin to pray for a mercy (if you still did not kill it), and some ghost will let gas. Get out in a broken glass in a room for witnesses, then descend the stairs down and open the metal door.

2. Descending.

Turn on the chopper and pick everything on the eye. Past lockers in the corridor, in front of you suddenly flashes whose growling carcass. Run after her, a ghost will speak with you and wishes you to turn into a monster. It is not difficult, take out the appearing scary, follow the additional indicator located next to the strip of life. When he reaches the maximum, press “C” – will become a big and terrible similarity of the famous Hulk. Except more like a beast than a person. Defeat monsters, go out at the door at the very bottom, next to the fan with the floor. Run along the flooded room, then turn the valve at the wall on the right to overlap steam. Pick up the cartridges, minute the generator and the box at the very end to climb on the second floor. Next to the wooden door there will be a checkpoint, and behind it you will hear the screaming of the guard with a bandage in front of the eyes, which will ask him to quickly finish. What will be done – there is no place from where the monster of no weak sizes, and even with the knitting machine guns on the back, a little resembling a floly. The name is Marksmen. Strange, but it will be much easier to kill it than it looks. Turn the light and pick up the cartridges, go to the door, from where the last wanders arrived from.

Run through the workshop where the coffins make. A couple of monsters simpler and
One Marksmen will not make a long time to wait. To the right of the coffins will be the cameras where you can pick up the first-aid kits, cartridges, also there you will hear the prayer of the child. Blow up the gas cylinders to break the door, enter inside – will see a scene with a screaming child and surrounding his police. Open the Red Door, move away from the next red door of the large box (seaboard shipping) and get into a new block with cameras. Severe a few creatures, pick a bunch of batteries for the lantern, cartridges and grenades near the target for shooting. Twist the valve in one of the rooms, then break the board with a knife, interfering to climb into the camera, and then plunge there drawer, standing just nearby. Close on it and then on the wall. Jump down, take from the table “Official Document”. At this time, glitches will be attacked at the auction again, and he will see a scene with the local chief.
Next you will be warmed by a fat man behind the bars, immediately roasted in the electric rays and will disappear. Close up the stairs with which rats run and pick up Tommy Gun. Well, a completely different conversation. Now only it remains to climb up the stairs attached by the wall, and open a metal door.

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