TUROK (2008): Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 20, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

TUROK (2008): Passage
TUROK (2008): Game Walkthrough and Guide
I still remember, with what kind of mohere was watched by the “Park of the Jurassic period”. Then, even at school, we changed the cassettes, rewrite themselves and inspired the first film. It was a fairy tale, a fantastic dream, carrying you on a mysterious island with dinosaurs. Well, tell me who does not like dinosaurs who did not imagine themselves in a tropical paradise, surrounded by the relics of antiquity, freely by pacing, where it is elegant, lever, hunting and constantly refrain by each other? And with what ease of Mr. Spielberg handed the feeling of the reality of these lizards, in our favorite games with you turns into a frank shooting. It’s hard to remember at least one game where the tyrannosauri or brontosaurs would look organically and naturally. And now we are Turok (Turk), a game where you can not just look at the busy animals, but to feel the whole horror of staying next to them.


Task 1: Get to Arsenal

You need to follow your buddy, he will show you the road. Go through the door, then turn right and climb the stairs. Then turn left and continue to follow the conductor through a number of rooms until you reach the arsenal. Arriving in place, you look at the roller demonstrating the emergency landing of your ship on an unknown planet.

Lost Earth

Task 1: escape from the ship

Waking up your game embodiment immediately understands that it is necessary to get into a safe place, if, of course, the jungle with dinosaurs may be called. Well, let’s help him. So, we go straight through the destroyed room, turn left and pass through the door. Here you will find a soldier, follow him, he will show a safe passage. It is a pity that as soon as you descend, he will be killed by an explosion. There is no time to grieve, you need to save, so turn right and pass through the door. Passing a little forward again turn right and make your way under the collapsed partitions. Go forward until it is sleeping on a soldier trying to open the door. Quickly run up to it and help open the door, then go inside. Passing forward, jump over the destroyed section to get to the stairs. All that remains to be done – climb it upstairs to leave the ship once and forever.

Task 2: Get to the main crash site

Follow your buddy through meadows, overgrown with grass, then descend down the protrusions down. Wait for you past you are not flying pterodactyl, then follow the temporary partner up the hill. Closer to the end of your path it will be captured by dinosaurs, do not worry, here you can not help with anything, this is a script scene.

Moving forward, you, sooner or later, get to the protrusion with the corpse. Next to him you lie automatic. Run to him, but note that as soon as you take the machine, the dinosaur will attack you. Take off his attack, but stay on worship, t.to. You can be subjected to a new attack at any time. Run forward to the next corpse, I have to borrow a hunting knife.

A little distracted to say a few words about a knife. This is one of the best guns, kills almost any enemy from one strike. The only thing for this is needed to dry up behind and stick the knife in soft cloth.

So, ahead there is a great opportunity to stretch. See soldier? Surride to him from behind and squeeze the knife in the throat. When it is ending with him, a well-ahead of the corpse and take everything that it will be useful for you. Yes, in the way you can not worry, the enemies in this game completely deaf and for some reason you do not hear. Go forward, aside you will see a stone descent, climb up and slightly ahead kill one more enemy (naturally secretly with a knife). Left stone ledge, you there. Then there will be an entrance to the cave, go inside.

As soon as you pass the cave through and go to the exit, your enemy attacks you, but you will not have time for you, for you all the work will make your friend from the ship.

Task 3: Find surviving people

Go for a partner. Having descended from the hill, you will find yourself in the meadow, on the other side of which another hill. Look carefully, enemies come down from the opposite slope. The easiest way to hide behind the stones to the left of you to get a shelter and remove enemies at a distance. They will not get a lot of problems. Pick up the speakers remaining from the dead, after which go to the next glade.

Slightly weather, arrive a helicopter, you need to cuddle as soon as possible to stones, on the side of you to hide from the enemies sitting out of the helicopter. Like the last time, kill them at a distance from the machine, do not enter into the near battle, especially since a new member will be released very soon – a giant tyrantozavr. You are not able to harm him, so just sit and enjoy the spectacle, he himself will overcome all your enemies, and at the same time he donates. As soon as he leaves, run to the corpses and assemble the cartridges until the mission is over.

Bad blood

Task 1: Find the main place of crash

Looking a video, you will find yourself in a completely different piece of jungle. Just follow my partner, he will show the road. Having reached the fork, you can choose any direction, they are identical and lead to the same place – Polyana with the victims of the helicopter. Although, purely subjective, the right path seemed to me shorter.

Task 2: find out the cause of the crash

Just examine the helicopter to finish this task.

Task 3: follow the slade

Go for him until the video starts. Get ready as soon as the scene comes to an end, a bicycleraptor attacks you. Your task to unlock it and as soon as he departs to the side to quickly run up and cut into a knife. After that, two more rapeners will appear, but they can be killed from the machine.

Task 4: Get to the skull

Go beyond slat, but be careful, you can attack the raptor. Then take a knife and shout a couple of small lizards. Finally you get to the wall with Liana, pick up it.

Task 5: Continuation of the task 1

We again go for a slave after a few following locations. When you get to a small platform with a pair of small lizards, drop back, your partner will take care of them, and you better care the cartridges. Passing a little forward, you will come across a short tunnel, to the right at the exit, pick up the cartridges for the machine. Reaching the fork, on the left of the staircase, on the right descent, it is better to go left. This path is shorter, yes, small living creatures will not touch you if it is not provoked. A little ahead will be a wall, seized by Liana, scribble on it.

Passing forward, you will once again come across the fork, but wait, do not run forward, t.to. Now the pair of dinosaurs will be attacked. Killing them, go on any way, they are the same and lead to the same place. Reaching the platform under the tree, retreat a little back to be in the shelter and destroy enemies, including one rapetor. Before climbing the wall, we have a well-all around and collect all the cartridges. A little right you will see a grenade, it is also worth grab.

Task 6: Scatter to the building

Picking up, you will see a helicopter, just go forward until you find enemies.

Task 7: Stripping terrain

Going out to the enemy base, get ready to destroy it. Do not rush to break inside, there now and without you hot. When dinosaurs will end with the enemies, you will learn about it, seeing how Slade went to the database, go forward and destroy surviving lizards.

Task 8: search cryogenic zone

Clearing the zone go to the burning building and go deep. There, slightly away in one of the cryogenic cameras you will find onions – excellent weapons. Carefully read the description, you will tell you how to use it and what you can do.

Task 9: Continuation of task 6

Go forward until you go to a group of three enemies. One right in front of you, and two others in a small deepening. Use the bow to kill the enemy closest to you, and then quickly switch to the machine to deal with the rest. Go forward and kill two more enemies. Then, at the second passage under the tree, pay attention to the narrow bridge, you can move on it to the other side. Remove the attack of the pair of enemies.

Now there will be a difficult moment. The path is absolutely linear, but in the heat of the battle, it is very easy to turn around and go in the opposite direction, so try not to spin, but stretch, so as not to lose the direction of movement. Having moved through a pair of natural bridges, you will stumble upon the helicopter, which dropped the enemy landing. Hide behind the next wall, to the left of you, and kill enemies.

In the next development, go to the left, since the right path leads to a dead end. But the next fork ordinary, both ways lead to one place, decide where to go. Paths are equivalent. Go forward until the enemy camp appears.

Slade will offer you to attack from two directions, score, he is wrong. Screw up on any of the elevation sites nearby and taking advantage of onions, silently destroy enemies. Then aimed camp and collect ammunition.

Task 10: get into the building

To begin with, kill the enemies located nearby, then pick up the hill to the left of you, kill all dinosaurs. When the helicopter arrives, climb the site, on the left side of the building. From here it is very convenient to kill enemies from the bow. Yes, on the left, in the box, there will be additional arrows, replenish the stock. Right to the platform adjoins the pipe, jump on it and go around, killing enemies along the way. Run to the end of the pipe jump down. Jumping down down pick grenades, they will be very close, a little right. Then go to the door located on the right side of the base and come inside.

Task 11: Base

Passing the first room, Slade will leave you. Your task to go and blow up the database. Your door left, go there. You will find yourself in a room with a bunch of boxes and a pair of soldiers, hide the drawers and destroy the enemy forces from the shelter. So moving forward until you get to the door.

This room is best to overcome running, not paying attention to the enemies. Kill only those that will be right in front of you. So, we run through the stairs upstairs, and immediately deploy 180 degrees, there will be another lifting. We climb on the top floor and run to the opposite wall, there is a door. Passing through a computer room and two more rooms, you will be attacked by enemies. Hide the corner and from this shelter to destroy them. Turn right and go to the opposite end of the room. Slap on the door, you will find yourself in the hall with huge pipes.

Do not run forward, staying in the doorway, kill all enemies in the vision field. Check that there is no one left at the top, and then go ahead and also do with the enemies on the lower platforms. Raising the stairs, turn right to the big doors of the angar type. Caution, doors are guarded, so hide behind drawers and cross the security. Then go inside and go forward. Passing a couple of rooms, you will receive a message from Slade.

Task 12: Meet Slade

In this room you need to go down quickly, and run to another end, where there is a staircase. Rising upstairs, you will find yourself in a very well-place. Hence the destruction of enemies turns into an ordinary shooter. When enemies are run out, go down and go through the doors to meet with your partner.

Task 13: help slad

Stay at the entrance to the room and using boxes like shelter, destroy enemies from the bow.

Task 14: Climb upstairs

In the center of the room rising platform. I think to rise to the top for you work will not be, you just need to stand and wait.

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