X.FROM. Andersen’s Ugly Prince Duckling: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 22, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

X.C. Andersen’s Ugly Prince Duckling: Passage
X.FROM. Andersen’s Ugly Prince Duckling: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Ugly Prince Duckling Passage:


To talk to the characters, come close to them and click on the “Space” or click the mouse cursor on the character’s head. I recommend talking a lot, as the characters inhabiting the game world give valuable advice, including those saying what to do next.

If standing near some object in the upper right corner of the screen, an arrow hand icon appears, it means that you can interact with this item by pressing the “space” or clicking the mouse button.

If standing near some object in the same corner of the screen, the kick icon will appear, this means that money is hidden behind this object. By clicking on the “Space” or clicking the mouse button, the money will jump out of the object, and, having passed on them, they will fall in inventory.


Copenhagen, 1819. In the puppet theater managed by Anderson, history begins to emerge. In his 15th birthday, the defeated princess decided to leave the palace and go out on the streets of the city. The king ordered the Advisor Dankeldorff Return Princess to the Palace. Here on the stage, the main character appears, another young Hans Christian Andersen, who dwells to the city to replenish the royal theater and get the greatest fame. He knows that he must initially perform various “cheap” work and meet with people one more influential. But he does not represent, what danger will wait for him on the way to glory.

Act 1: Poor Quarter

Explore the quarter:

We pass to the city. We see Dankeldorff unsuccessfully asks Princess to return to the palace.

We speak with a man in a red coat, standing on the left of the column with water. He is a medical student and he wants to get snake juice. If we help, then in gratitude to get a few copies.

Low growth of a man in a red coat and with a hat will say that only goblin has snake juice. Another time he will say that he would search for his mill.

Speak with the old woman in the green robe. She is a witch. She will tell about the light, and later asks about the living mind and good heart.

Go to the forge opposite the water column. In a stump with anvil and in a stump with an ax, coins will be hidden, which will indicate the pink icon. Also, the coin will be hidden in a barrel in the place where the student stood.

Speak with a fat man in the red stripes. He dials students to theater. But without the recommendation of the educated person, good luck not to catch.

Speak with all other characters. Young boy in brown clothes and in a cap says that snake juice is on a mill with goblin.

We are looking for snake juice:

We go to the left of the place where the girl sells matches. On the hill you see the mill. We pass to the tree. At the heart of the tree we find a coin. At the bottom of the screen near the warehouse we find another. Rising upstairs and being on the edge of the city, in the barrel to the right we find a coin, as well as the coin in the basket on the left.

We go to the left. Raised the steps to the mill. Speak with goblin. It will only allow a prince with a magical spark to get inside.

Go down to the city. Speak with the boy in brown clothes and in a cap. Be he in our place, he would talk to the witch.

We get a magic spark:

We find a witch to which the fat boy Ludwig is stuck with mockery. Come to the boy from behind and press him the very place. After he leaves, the witch will give a magic spark. She will also say that there is a fire on the mill, in which the magic spark should be placed.

We are looking for a goat:

Hearing a man’s cry of a goat, go to the tree. Near him will stand Pazanenok in a red coat and in a hat. He will ask to find and bring his goat Billy. The goat will follow us if we feed him with carrot, which he just gave us.

We go to the steps leading to the mill. Near them, we find the adviser Dankeldorff surrounded by goat. We use the Tab key to put the carrot into the central slot, and click the cursor on the goat or press the “space”.

Now that the goat follows us, we lead it to the owner. He will give us even more carrots. Talk finally with the adviser Dankeldorff and go to the mill.

We get snake juice:

Speak with goblin. He does not believe that Andersen – Prince. Then click on it a magic spark, which he then placed in a light.

We go inside the mill. We take a jar with snake juice that stands on one of the baskets on the left. At this point, Goblin will appear, the verbal danger that lies the princess, large trolls and darkness.

Find a student. He is not far from the girl selling matches. Give him snake juice. What we get 6 coins. Talking to him several times. He can give us a recommendation or find a proper job for us. Just need to visit him in the county of artisans.

Princess and lights:

We find the princess near the water column. Speak with Ne. Appeared Goblin, give her a fire with a magical spark. Next filament flies to the ground, it is picking up the owner of the darkness, which causes the god of darkness.

The city and the princess itself in danger, and she wants a cake. We go to the seller of sweets. For 2 MEDY I buy a cake.

We liberate the princess:

Princess kidnapped. Go to where we were last seen. Speak with citizens. Some of them will say that in the darkness Mill, the princess was captured by trolls, and that if not combined the magic spark with a fire, then the city is stopped in darkness. Student will advise to buy matches. So do it. We buy matches in the girl for 2 Money.

Go to Melnice. We go inside, where two trolls and the princess will be turned into a cage. With the help of matches, we set on one of the lamps. Light will scare the trolls. Use the lever on the left column to omit the cage. Then pull the lever on the cell itself and then quickly pull the lever on the right to raise the cage, but without reason.

Accompany princess from the block of the poor:

Princess together with Hans come out of the mill. Speak with princess. She wants to return home. Go to the right from the mill. We are convinced that the princess goes for us. Return to location with a tree. Keep the virgin and go down slowly down. We must get into the area where earlier the table would be the seller sweets.

When trying to go under a signboard with cakes, the princess wants to try the cake bought to her earlier. Give her cake. We pass between houses and go to the left to the post with the protection. Tell the princess in their hands.

Returning back and this time we go up the street to the witch. Speak with Ne. A passage will appear in the tree through which she will ask for Hans to bring her a boiler.

Puppet Theater continues. Trolls are all staying and staying.

Act 2: Craftsmen Quarter

X.FROM. Andersen’s Ugly Prince Duckling: Game Walkthrough and Guide

In the tree:

We pass forward to the brown door. An attempt to go inside is crowned with a dog lamin. We go on the tunnel. See the boiler, but do not take it yet. We go further along the tunnel past the black and silver and golden doors. We pass through a simple wooden door. Come to the armor to overhear the conversation between the king and the adviser Dankeldorff about the salvation of the princess, provided that it will marry an adviser and he will still get a polish.

Return to Tunnel. Take the boiler. Witch will finish the stairs to us. Raise her upstairs to the county of artisans. Give the witch to the boiler. We speak with Ne. She wants to get a dead ravene, snail mucus and a jar with snake juice. Speak with the witch again. Then she will give us a copper box in which the snail mucus should.

Selling objects of the required witch and other classes:

Tip: Look for coins, checking barrels, borders and other places where it is possible to hide coins. Do not come to the eye guard. Penfanut.

Go down the screen. Speak with a boy in a short red coat and a hat. He will give us a randomly found dead crow.

We find somewhere pig’s pussy, which is a high man wearing a hat. He boasts that he is a prince and that he should experience a princess.

Speak with a boy wearing a gray cap. He will say that a student is looking for us.

We go to the main square. To the left there will be a tailor shop. Signing sign – Scissors on the wall of the house. Inside the shop speak with a tailor. He needs a substruser who would help him finish the Mundir King. But to take us to work, he needs a recommendation.

We leave from the store. We go to the left. On the alley we find a pig. We go through a lagged door that is in front of a pig. Click on Cow. Speak with a poor girl. She will say that the student wants to see us, and also say that he lives in a gray house near Ruins.

We go out on the street. Go to the right. Speak with princess. Go inside the student’s gray house. Speak with him. We receive a recommendation from him. Since snake juice is useless from a medical point of view, then we can take it. A jar is on the bookshelf to the right of the entrance. In the right on the wall, we draw attention to the head of a lion with a missing ball in one eye. I am glad that the student engaged in the study of snail mucus and can be found here. Approach the laboratory table to the left of the entrance. Use copper box on a metal pot standing on the table. Increase the flame burner under the flask. We observe some time behind the process of extracting snail mucus. Then click on the pot to drain the mucus in the box and take it with you.

Go back to the witch. I give her 3 items that she requested: a dead ravene, a jar with snake juice and a metal box with a snail mucus. She will give us as a reward flag with the image of a lion. She also utters a mysterious phrase that sounds so “Dog will give us money”.

Work on the tailor, collecting the necessary items:

Go to the tailor bench. We use a diary in which the student’s recommendation is recorded on the tailor. We get to start the task – to sew buttons to the uniform. We look at the magic ball lying on the table. We will only get it when we finish sewing the Mundir King.

We go to the left. From the boxes with buttons in front of the window we take gold buttons. Turn around. We look at the locker with the belts. The tailor will report that the key from this box has stolen the jigsaw Ludwig. On the screen on the left you see the unfinished Mundir King. Send gold buttons to it. We speak with the tailor. He will give Gansa new clothes and ask how to finish the Mundir King as soon as possible. For this we need a belt, two epoles, collar and feathers on a hat. In general, all that is in the picture of the finished uniform, and what is not on the uniform.

Let’s go out of the shop. We go right to the square. Speak with a woman selling epoletti. We buy for 12 cops one epole. The second earlier bought thrush. We pass to the cow and a poor girl (left from the square, entrance next to the pig). We see a suspended cow. Talk to the girl. If you pull the cow, then she will give us an epolet. To the left of the staircase select a bucket. Put it in front of the water column. We use the lever on the column to type in the water bucket. Take a bucket. Climb the stairs upstairs. Put a bucket before the cow. After drinking the water, the cow will add in weight and because of this falls on the ground.

Talk to the girl. She will give us, as promised, Epole, who previously used as a brush for cow cleaning.

Let’s go on the road. We see kissing princess and pigs. We speak with the latest. If you feed it with a pig, then we get a few cogs. Kick a pig and she will begin to follow us. Feeding it with 3 dandelions (eats automatically). After you bring it back to the pig, we get money for feeding money. Speak with princess. If we have the clothes better than us now, it will allow us to take a walk with her.

Now we’ll figure it out with Zassay Ludwig. You can talk to a boy in a cap, and then go to a tent of a woman who sells epolets and carrots. Behind her we find Ludwig. Speak with him. We are convinced that the key from the locker with the belts in the tailor of his tailor. Then come to Ludwig from behind. And clicking on the “Space” or clicking the mouse button, we applied to him a foot on the fifth point. The key automatically turns out to be.

Find a man with an apron in a quarter. Talking to him several times. Now that we have a job, he does not worry about the fact that his rooster will be in the witch’s savory. We find a state rooster in the quarter. He must be near the student’s home. Kick a rooster, we select a pen. Then followed by him, and again I pin the rooster and select the pen. In total, we should have 5 feathers.

Return to the tailor store. Open the cabinet near the window with the key that we selected from the Maldwig boy. Take blue belt. From the big cabinet behind the tailor we take collar. Come to unfinished uniform. Send to him two epoles, belt and collar. Then we insert feathers to the headdress. Take a uniform. We take a magic ball that serves as payment of our work. Speak with the tailor again. He has beautiful clothes for us, but she will be very expensive. In 50 Medyakov.

Find money:

Recall that the witch said. And she said that you need to find a dog if we need a lot of money. We look at the magic ball. Exactly the same we saw in the student’s house in the eye of a lion on the wall. We go to the gray house of the student. Insert the magic ball in the eye of the lion. A secret pass will open. Go down on the stairs. We speak with a bulldog sitting on a chest with money. We use a flag on a bulldog. He jumps off the chest and sits on the flag. He will also allow us to take so much money as we believe. Take up to 50 copies.

Next, go through the door. We go on a familiar tunnel to the end. Go to the last door. Through the armor, we listen and watch the conversation between the king and the advisor. After Dunkeldorff reports the kisses of the princess with Svetigsham, the king will agree to give a policing, if only his daughter was at home.

Return to the room with a bulldog. Climb the stairs upstairs. Come out of the student’s house. We go to the tailor beggar. For 50 Mediquians we buy clothes of inner citizens. We go out on the street, and there again, the darkness and her minions – trolls.

We go to the left, then right to the student’s house. Speak with princess. She will go with us. We lead it to the left to the end of the street, then left to the shop, where the woman had previously stood and sold epolutes. We welcome it before the post of protection and go through the post, since the princess allowed.

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