Batman from TellTale: first screenshots and actor names

Home » Game News » Batman from TellTale: first screenshots and actor names
August 2, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Batman from TellTale: first screenshots and actor names
TellTale Games Promised bring your new interactive series of five parts about Batman to E3 2016 and there Share project details. However, the developers were not kept and have already published the first screenshots of the game, and also told those who took part in the voicing Batman.

Names, it should be noted, all familiar (especially those who love creativity TellTale Or recently passed, for example, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End):

Throy Baker (Troy Baker) – Bruce Wayne;
Laura Bailey (Laura Bailey) – Celina Kyle;
Travis Willingham (Travis Willingham) – Harvey Dent;
Erin Ivett (Erin Yvette) – Viki Vale;
ENN RATEL (Enn Reitel) – Alfred Ponnihort;
Murphy Gayer (Murphy Guyer) – James Gordon;
Richard McGonagl (Richard McGonagle) – Karmain Falcon.

In the accompanying statement, executive director TellTale Kevin Brunner (Kevin Bruner) promised that in the course of the game – which the developers call the “revived comic” – Users Batman You will get the opportunity to visit the billionaire Bruce Wayne’s billionaire and, of course, in the mask of his alter-ego, passing the “difficult drama” with a bunch of “Action, crimes, corruption and villains, melting at each Gotham Corruption Angle”.

Batman from TellTale: first screenshots and actor namesBatman from TellTale: first screenshots and actor namesBatman from TellTale: first screenshots and actor namesBatman from TellTale: first screenshots and actor names

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