DESTINY 2 beta testing on consoles is extended

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July 26, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

DESTINY 2 beta testing on consoles is extended
On the past weekends, possessors of PlayStation 4 and Xbox ONE could try a piece of Destiny 2. But if you for some reason did not have time to get to the console these days, that is, good lead: Activision And Bungie Better prolong the beta testing.

At the initial idea of the test Destiny 2 should have completed July 23. However, through Twitter Bungie announced that now beta test will be completed only tomorrow, July 25. And due to the difference between time zones, the closure of Moscow time and will pass on July 26 at 04:00. So you still have more day!

Bungie It also warns that during the most intensive test periods, interruptions may occur in network services. Well, the client of the beta version should be downloaded in advance.

Recall that in the open “Bethe” introductory story mission Homecoming, cooperative “Strike” The Inverted Spire and Competitive Multiplayer. On PC Test Destiny 2 will be held somewhere in the second half of August. When exactly – report separately.

The Destiny 2 Open Beta Has Been Extended Through Tuesday 7/25 for Additional Service Testing. EXPECTED COMPLTION IS 6 PM PDT.

– Bungie Help (@Bungiehelp) JULY 23, 2017

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