Dark Souls Remastered Entered The Pc Earlier Than Expected, But You Can Already Catch A Crazy Ban Due To Cheaters

Home » Game News » Dark Souls Remastered Entered The Pc Earlier Than Expected, But You Can Already Catch A Crazy Ban Due To Cheaters
October 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Official release date Dark Souls RemaStereD – May 25. However, for some reason in Steam, the game began to sell on the night from May 23 to May 24 in Moscow. And even with such an unexpected start in reprinting Dark Souls Cheats already appeared, which make “Git Gud” in anything not to you.

Discussion began on the Resetera forum. Someone under Nick Loomies told how hostile phantom was connected to his friend and showed some street magic. As a result, an egg-parasite egg has grown on the sacrifice, which is impossible to remove in the usual way.

Restera inhabitants quickly calculated the culprit. It turns out, some Malcolm will fight his adventures in Dark Souls RemaStereD. He invades other players and with the help of khakov inflates the characteristics of their characters, hesitates that the worm itself, the curses are satisfied and so on. These changes are written in conservation, and the game believes as if the victim (not Malcolm!) Chiterita. The victim gets a “soft ban” – it is connected only to those players who are also chased with hacked preservation.

Judging by the discussion on Resesera, get rid of the “soft ban” is quite simple: you only need to create another character and play with new saving. But, of course, it will be a shame if Malcolm (or his follower) will get to you in the middle or at the end of the passage – Progress will go to the cat under the tail.

Comments OT Bandai Namco Not yet visible. But you can watch a Japanese trailer to launch Dark Souls RemaStereD!

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