Ice-Pick Lodge Recognized The Financial Failure Of The Remake “Mora” – Studio Is Preparing For Serious Abbreviations [Supplemented]

Home » Game News » Ice-Pick Lodge Recognized The Financial Failure Of The Remake “Mora” – Studio Is Preparing For Serious Abbreviations [Supplemented]
December 23, 2022
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Miracle did not happen: remake “Mora” did not become financial salvation for Ice-Pick Lodge, Therefore, the studio is preparing for serious contractions, and the remaining scenarios of the game are delayed indefinitely.

Chapter Ice-Pick Lodge Nikolay Dybovsky and other studio staff gave an interview with DTF, where they talked about their future. According to the developers, the reasons for commercial failure “Mora” many. For example, tightened production: the first two years studio spent on the pre-graded, but then I realized that the game should be done otherwise.

Besides, Ice-Pick Lodge strongly sucking the financial crisis that broke out in 2014 and 2015. Studio found an investor who was ready to invest in “MOR” Two million dollars, and, based on this, launched Kickstarter with the minimum required amount of $ 250,000. Players sketched 333 127 dollars in the crowdfunding piggy bank, but the investor suddenly refused the deal – just because of the crisis. Naturally, it has greatly hit the development.Ice-Pick Lodge Recognized The Financial Failure Of The Remake “Mora” – Studio Is Preparing For Serious Abbreviations [Supplemented]
According to Dybovsky, Now not enough to be simply “game not for all” – such works has become so much that they have already actually turned out to be “games for all”. Now the question is to get to a suitable audience. And since the releases are very much, in the market “Noisy” – Docked before your buyers hard. W “Mora” Docked did not work out.

Due to financial and production difficulties, the team has not fulfilled all promises from crowdfunding. To send physical awards of the type of artbooks and masks, Ice-Pick Lodge waiting for the moment when the winter deductions gets, – now there is no money for the distribution of goods. Myself Dybovsky Promised the story of “Mora”, But after the hard development of the game of creative forces, he does not have enough – he plans to finish the book only next year.

As suggests Dybovsky, Ice-Pick Lodge Now it will reduce to four-five people. The chief “ice ax” plans to release some small mobile game, earn money on it and has already to finish the remaining scenarios for this money “Mora” – for bachelor and impostor.

When waiting for console versions “Mora” and other two thirds of the game, Ice-Pick Lodge I can not say.

Interesting fact: the most successful studio game in the commercial sense – “Knock-Knock”.Ice-Pick Lodge Recognized The Financial Failure Of The Remake “Mora” – Studio Is Preparing For Serious Abbreviations [Supplemented]
Update on August 24. In the comments on DTF Nikolay Dybovsky Posted by clarification. He stressed that Ice-Pick Lodge will continue to work, albeit in the reduced composition. Cooperation with TinyBuild does not stop working on the console version “Mora” Pins, a certain addon is preparing, which will be present on Pax West next week, and a saving small mobile project is already at the stage of the operating prototype.

Judging by other employees Ice-Pick Lodge, addon will be somehow connected with “Marble nest” – Special demoment “Mora”, which released to the release.

Dybovsky: “Studio lives and works. She will cease to work only when it’s lucky to cold “.

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