Larian Studios Announced Divinity: Original Sin

Home » Game News » Larian Studios Announced Divinity: Original Sin
December 2, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Belgian Larian Studios For a while I intrigued the public with a new announcement, which she “is about to do” … Great Intrigue, Yeah. It was obvious to anyone that again some Divinity. True, what exactly, it was not quite obvious. And finally, the final point is set under this exclamation mark.

Divinity: Original Sin will be the first part of the first part, when the series was called Divine Divinity. The Boss Studio and the leading project developer Sven Vintske (SWEN VINCKE) decided that the return to the roots is the surest course. And returned. However, only in terms of history and setting.

Larian Studios Announced Divinity: Original Sin 

Because genre Original SIN will make another pirouette with double silt. First of all, the view from a third party is recognized as ideologically wrong, so it will replace the old good isometry. Secondly, the absence of a cooperative was also not good. Therefore, the cooperative will be on four. And thirdly, battle in real time developers are tired. So he will become step by step.

Yes, and for “members of the cooperative” too. Although if someone from the last to fight in Stepham does not want, he can safely stick this service on the shoulders of a partner, and he himself run on the map and see “Che How”. What happens, if suddenly he will fall on the ambush, while it remains a secret.

As Vinzcke wants his new game guys to pass along with his girls, then the main characters are chosen appropriate. He is some kind of doomed by powerful enemies to eternal flour, but happily them (flour) avoiding. She is killed by unknown who, but livenily by his future adventure partner … not “Romeo and Juliet”, of course, but will come down.

Larian Studios Announced Divinity: Original Sin 

The game in the ruins of some tower who collapsed because there was not a completely friendly meeting on the magical art between the orcs in its surroundings. The fact that it is difficult to wait for the creation from the orcs for a long time is not a mystery, but all the other players will find out later when they themselves are in the essence. Or they will be performed by the explanations of the developers ..

The game will be released in the first quarter of 2013 only on PC and Macs – no consoles. The company became the Russian publisher “1C-Softklab”.

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