More Than 70 People Want To Dry Tmartn For Scandal With Csgolotto

Home » Game News » More Than 70 People Want To Dry Tmartn For Scandal With Csgolotto
September 7, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Gambling using skins for weapons in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Attracted a lot of attention this week. And all thanks to popular users YouTube Trevor Martina (Trevor “Tmartn” Martin) and So Kassella (Tom “ProsynDicate” Cassell), which in their videos advertised, not recognizing that they are its owners.

Not yet clear what kind of punishment is waiting for guys for hiding so important information. However, a simple public disgrace, it seems, will not end.

The other day, lawyers specializing in cybersport, Ryan Morrison (Ryan Morrison), Bryce Cloum (Bryce Clum) and Jeff Iphra (Jeff IFRAH) answered REDDIT forum users regarding the situation with CSGOLOTTO. And there one of them admitted that he had already received more than 75 emails from gamers who wanted to sue Personally Tmartn. All these people lit up in the videos of Letter, when they lost to him. And now they are convinced that it is supposedly excellent proof of fraud.

Moreover, according to Morrison, civil or group lawsuit is not the only thing that threatens Martina In the near future. History may well pose into a criminal case. Especially if some circumferential prosecutor wants to make a career and “stop it disgrace” with the robust kids for millions of dollars.

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