One of the Bosses Playstation was fired after documented accusations of pedophilia

Home » Game News » One of the Bosses Playstation was fired after documented accusations of pedophilia
August 2, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

One of the Bosses Playstation was fired after documented accusations of pedophilia

George Kachoppo (George Cacioppo) since 2013 held the position of senior vice president of PlayStation Network in Sony Interactive Entertainment. On the eve, he was accused of pedophilia – with screenshots of chats and even video from a potential crime scene.

The accusations put forward PEOPLE V. PREDS, which is engaged in amateur investigations in affairs on online pedophiles. The group has published an archive with screenshots, where Kachoppo communicates via Grindr with a 15-year-old boy. Judging by the pictures, the victim at least twice directly wrote his age, however Kachoppo It is not embarrassed.

Correspondence Kachoppo I offered to embrace, kiss and do mutual blowjob, sent photos of my penis and eventually called the victim to my home – the meeting was to take place about four in the morning. But instead of the sacrifice, an activist from People V came. Preds and filmed on camera as Kachoppo Someone is waiting near his porch at four in the morning.

Poeopla B. Preds posted a roller with Kachoppo December 3, and on December 5 Sony Gave the official comment by the CNET portal: “We know about the situation. This employee is dismissed from work “.

According to People V. PREDS, George Kachoppo 64.

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