Patrice Desile again left Ubisoft

Home » Game News » Patrice Desile again left Ubisoft
August 12, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Patrice Desile again left Ubisoft
Some black cat runs between the former chief designer Assassin’s Creed Patris Desile (Patrice desilets) and Ubisoft, Although both sides are not recognized which. However, running exactly. Otherwise, why leave the Patris to leave the studio recently created by him? And he leaves her.

We, of course, about the former Thq Montreal, which after the bankruptcy of the parent publishing house Ubisoft. Then, we remind, the representative of “Yubei” assured that they are very happy to return the prodigal developer. Although the developer himself was modestly silent and did not comment on anything.

And now he finally expressed his attitude to the deal. But not in words, and a act. Which is more eloquent than any words. In response to requests to add to the act at least some kind of syntax, Patrice answered briefly with the words of the popular song “I Will Survive”.

IN Ubisoft Already confirmed care Desile, Volume reporting on disagreements and silent about the fate of his project codenamed 1666. There are rumors that the game is frozen.

A little later, Patrice said, as Kotaku writes that he did not leave, and he left – after noticeing about the dismissal, two guards brought him out of the building, not letting me say goodbye to colleagues and collect personal belongings. He intends to fight with Ubisoft For your rights, your team and your game.

It seems to be interesting.

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