Trackmania 2020 subscription – no subscription, but buying a limited time game, explains ubisoft

Home » Game News » Trackmania 2020 subscription – no subscription, but buying a limited time game, explains ubisoft
August 1, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Trackmania 2020 subscription – no subscription, but buying a limited time game, explains ubisoft

Last week it became known that the basic version Trackmania 2020, remorse Trackmania Nations, will be free, but for access to all opportunities will have to place a subscription … Rather, buy a game for a certain period! What is the difference? With this question you better turn to Ubisoft.

Some fans expressed discontent with the game distribution scheme. Someone did not suit prices, and others would prefer to pay the full cost to get a race forever.

In response to the complaints of the representative Ubisoft stated on the ManiaplaNet forum that Trackmania, Actually, does not use the subscription model, but requires a purchase for a certain period:

In fact, this is not a subscription model, but access to the game for a limited time. You pay for access to the game for one period, only and everything. When the time expires, you will need to buy the game again to get access to it again.

Here is a way not to call a subscription subscription! True, this practice is not Nova – last summer Electronic Arts Painted Lutboxes “Surprise Mechanics”, comparing them with chocolate eggs from Kinder.

Trackmania Start July 1 in Epic Games Store and Uplay.

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