Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”

Home » Game News » Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”
September 27, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Passed a whole year since the studio Neuronhaze announced its intention to release a science fantastic role-playing multiplayer Project Genom In “Early Access” Steam. And developers kept their promise.

Starting from today, anyone can go here, lay out 799 rubles from your wallet (this is taking into account the discounts of 20%) and find out in the “unpredictable world of the future”.

Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”Project Genom Calls To Modify Your Body And Master The Hostile Planet In “Early Access”

Note that falling into Project Genom, All users begin an adventure in equal terms – in a weak human body (in one shorts!). But then you are free to choose who to be – to remain a person (pumping special skills in a multi-level development system), to become a mutant (experimenting with mutagens) or synthet (modifying your body with artificial implants).

Among other things, at the disposal of the participants of the “early access” will be an open world with an area of 10 square kilometers, to study which will be at least on foot, even on quad bikes. True, it is necessary to take into account that this terrain is very hostile and it inhabit more than forty species of living beings, ready, according to Neuronhaze, “Rip out any stranger on the part”.

Finally, the developers promise to regularly replenish Project Genom Fresh content like grave equipment, robots, mounts, pets, opportunities to build a spaceship and travel in space, as well as new adventures and grand PVP battles.

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