War Thunder updated to version 1.25

Home » Game News » War Thunder updated to version 1.25
July 20, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

War Thunder updated to version 1.25
Gaijin Entertainment, Not embarrassed, Beta-Tests MMO-flying War Thunder And even just recently updated the game to version 1.25. And she again was nothing for that. And where is the Society for the Protection of Virtual Airplanes?

Probably not where it is necessary, but it is his problems. As for the update, the players must have a new user interface design. Almost all his elements were modified and improved, and now it has become much friendlier, the sooner, and even almost stopped biting.

There was a common chat that allows pilots to communicate out of battle, create private channels, invite friends, and most importantly – to form combat links from two, and for premium users – of four people. As a result, you can now fly organized crowd and benefit from it.

Another fishing of updates became realistic battles. This is the third mode of air bruises for which they pay experienced and money. Mode Features: View from the cabin, control on the complexity “Simulator”, lack of markers on enemies, as well as specially configured maps and mission … A complete list of changes can be found on the site War Thunder.

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