Batman: Arkham Knight Tips & Easter Eggs

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September 19, 2016
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Batman: Arkham Knight Tips & Easter Eggs

Batman: Arkham Knight is an action adventure game developed by renowned studio Rocksteady and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for platforms such as PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. Batman: Arkham Knight is the 4th game in the Arkham series. The game was postponed several times and finally came out in 2015 on June 23rd. This installment completes the series of games about the adventures of Batman and answers all the questions that fans of the Bat story might have.

# 1 Choose your skills carefully.

Once you have acquired a new skill, the game will strongly advise you to spend it. At the beginning of the game, almost all basic improvements require only 1 point, but the most useful ones require at least 2, or even all 8. Think over your playing style, and only improve useful skills. Notice how much the next skill will cost.

# 2 Do not reduce the speed behind the transport.

The car really swings backwards. But don’t bother yourself and slow down when cornering. You need to hold the “brake” while turning, then you will not fly away from somewhere.

Batman: Arkham Knight Tips & Easter Eggs

# 3 Superman.

In the city you can find signs, logos, advertisements with the LexCorp logo on high-rise buildings. And in conversations, it is possible to hear conversations about Superman.

# 4 Oliver Queen – Green Arrow.

In this game, perhaps, will meet the Queen Industries shop, which is owned by Oliver Queen, best known by the nickname “Green Arrow” (a character from the DC Comics universe).

No. 5. “Gray Ghost”.

There are many art posters out there to interest. But there is one and only one that differs from the others. THE GRAY GHOST (Gray Ghost). This is a reference to an episode of the animated series about Batman.

No. 6. Batgirl and Birds of Prey costume.

In one of the houses of Gotham, you can find the location of a computer, the display of which will be written “Birds Of Prey”. This secret refers to the comic book series about Barbara Gordon and Helena Kyle. If you try hard, you can find the Batgirl’s assistant costume – Batgirl.

Batman: Arkham Knight Tips & Easter Eggs

No. 7. The weapons of Deadshot, Killer Croc, Black Mask and Ra’s al Ghul.

While walking or even traveling the islets, it is likely that you will encounter the weapons of Batman’s worst enemies.

Batman: Arkham Knight Tips & Easter Eggs

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