Albion Online: Overview Video Games

Home » Game Reviews » Albion Online: Overview Video Games
November 29, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Albion Online: Overview Video Games
Sometimes they still come out … I’m talking about ambitious, promising games that are in early access or at the beta test stage. One of those, Albion Online, The last few years regularly got into the tops of the most anticipated and steep MMORPG of the next year, but remained in semi-finished state, the teasing of us with grand capabilities. And these tops are orphaned – the game still came out. And personally I was convinced for myself that the expectations really cost.Albion Online: Overview Video GamesThe world map consists of land of the king, Queen with a free PVP restriction and from painted in black and extremely dangerous province.

crazy hands

About grandiose opportunities The authors did not lie. Total “craft” of all and all, total PVP, a huge world with many zones and biomes, the free development of characters managed by players economy, right to buy their own island and engage in practically anything – all this is there.

Already at the start it becomes clear that Albion Online Especially will have to do with those who love the transfer of “crazy handles”, the game Minecraft and ride the cottage to personally repair the barn or make a stool. In general, Krafts here are detailed, worked and inclusive.

Almost everything you see around from flora and fauna can be disassembled to the components, that is, on the resources – stones, brica, skins, cotton, limestone, sandstone, ore and so on. From the login, then in special buildings you need to make a bars, from the skins – the skin, from cotton – flax, from ore – ingots that will be needed for the manufacture of sharp objects. And you can do almost all – weapons of different types, armor, accessories like capes and travel bags, furniture objects for the situation of their own home.

In this case, all items and resources are divided into several levels. There are, for example, ordinary trees, but cooler birch and chestnuts – and chestnuts will no longer be chopped with an inexperienced ax, for this you need a tiny ax that you can buy or make yourself.

Stream, collect, trade

At first, the head goes from all this circle – you are constantly driving in the accumulation of resources in the inventory and try to remember what and for what you need and which of the masters in the district what subjects makes it. But here it is fast enough to master and start to enjoy the way you are gradually mothers, wear yourself in more fashionable things and produce more valuable resources. And lovers of games with the developed system “Kraft” and at all immediately feel themselves in a personal man-made paradise.Albion Online: Overview Video GamesThe strength of the items is constantly decreasing until complete destruction.
In addition, I repeat, it’s not necessary to do everything, collect and extract personally – no one forbids and buy. Economy is really managed by players. In the first city, there is a auctioneer who can view current trade offers on different types of goods, subjects and resources. Or put up for sale something. At the same time, prices may vary in different markets.

Periodically, something needs to be sold and because everything will not be carried away with you. The more things and resources in your inventory, the slower you move. Therefore, something is better until time to store in the personal repository, but to put something for sale. And, of course, you need to quickly get some kind of occupy.

Unbearable and seized

And most importantly, the game has the so-called Full Loot system. This means that when the character is death in PVP and PVE, a complete loss of things happen. Of course, often the final death from the impact of some surrounding heretics or the yastrague can be avoided – you are suggested just to get enough sleep for some time, come into consciousness and continue from the same place.

But, firstly, even in this case, the equipment is strongly wearing. Secondly, there are situations where in this place around too many strong enemies or you got lost at all, so it is better to agree to die and reborn in the near city.

Finally, in the regions painted on the map in black, there are no restrictions on free PvP, and even the monsters are applied there deadly wounds – and here you are exactly in case of death, lose all the obsolete labor. But it is more interesting, the game is a shuffler that simulates completely real situations and makes you constantly be alert: he was glad – it means that he lost.Albion Online: Overview Video GamesThis is only a small part of the local dose of skills.

Skillful skills

So we came to the fact that Albion Online – This is not only a trade and “kraft”. These are also battles. You can kill the surrounding monsters, other players, as well as special opponents and “bosses” in the PVE zones and dungeons of different levels of complexity. And in the latter, especially valuable resources and objects.

The combat system itself, on the one hand, is quite familiar – aim in the enemy and beat it, periodically rejecting special skills on the “hot keys”. But at the same time every weapon and armor (and their many species) give some kind of “skills”, and you are free to choose which ability to use is, you will agree, expands the tactical capabilities and tactical freedom.

But the enemies here willingly apply the abilities – even seemingly ordinary magicians and archers something constantly sang in the area, and you are forced or run away from the lesion zone, or use skills interrupting spells. And I don’t speak about the “bosses” – from the first PVP dungeon, where I could teleported my seemingly quite ready for a serious foolishness of the character, I was forced to relate to the city, after even the third attempt did not defeat the final reptile.

You are what you wear and what you do!

In another situation, I would say that I need to “pump” in smaller monsters, to gain “Exppass”, to get the level, improve the characteristics and come to give. But also the character development system in Albion Online special, sending more to tradition Ultima Online, than to modern standards of the genre.

There is a so-called attitude board, on which, as in Path of Exile, An extremely branched tree of all possible skills and ways to achieve them spread. But to get to them, it is not necessary to save “Exp”, but you just need to do something – collect resources, fight, wear such equipment, participate in different activities. That is, it was conditionally, you collected a thousand resources of the second level or killed five thousand enemies from Luke – and got to one or another achievement and related bonuses. This allows you to develop freely, flexibly and precisely in that direction, in which you planned in advance.Albion Online: Overview Video GamesThe game is very stylish, it looks pretty – a saturated hand drawn schedule resembles Torchlight I9.
At the same time there are no classes – “Kraftera” there, archer, magician or swordsman. Any character can do anything and fight anything. You simply, after analyzing the achievement board, you plan, what a weapon or armor to use it more often to move in such a direction. A other character can, on the contrary, to “sharpen” under the magician or under a degenerate resource collector and artisan.

In any case, whatever you do, all this is reflected in the development of the character, and on its glory, which is alone and for “Kraft”, and for battles with monsters, and for PVP. And, for example, the more often someone treacherly kills and robs other players, the closer he to the glory of the villain and the robber, whom the guard will not be allowed into major cities. All in Albion Online has its consequences.


After a sufficiently long, but nevertheless, only entering the player is thrown into a huge world, where he is granted himself and wave to do everything that he wants. Looking at the tremendous animated map of the world, divided into many zones of different colors and the level of danger (about the most dangerous, black territories I already wrote), you understand that alone in this world will have difficult.

Therefore, many immediately enter into some guild, they are looking for its possessions on the map and, praying, go there. These territories, like cities, are the only safe places. There are also a variety of artisans, and our own lands and buildings that bring different resources, bonuses and advantages.

Joint efforts are built and improved all ten times faster and easier. It is only necessary to pay taxes for use and interested in the needs of a guild that needs not only to collect and build, but also repair, transport resources through black territory or, on the contrary, rob caravans. Well, of course, in return, they will have to participate in guild wars, which are periodically fighting for bases and storm sentient towers.Albion Online: Overview Video GamesEven sowing on his first donkey, you already feel an important person.

My house is my island!

However, no one, in fact, does not prohibit and play proudly al1. Moreover, surviving, accumulating money and coming to a major city, you can strengthen independence from the rest of the world, bought a land plot from a special NPC or even a personal island. True, for the land plot will have to pay rent, and the fee for the island is one-time (but it is also clear).

And there, and there you are free to build different useful buildings (and your own house, of course), to engage in farming or animal husbandry, spreading cattle, growing vegetables and fruits and getting their profits, resources, best horses from all this, the use of which helps indifferent situations. Also in a personal house allow you to place furniture, chests and trophies, and all this gives temporary bonuses.

And you will receive MZD every time anyone will use the services of certain buildings on the territory of your property. True, even a personal home is not a complete security guarantee: Other players can try to destroy it and plunder.***
Albion Online – This is truly unique for today – “Sandbox” game, in which you can live your life, trade, rob, participate in guilds wars, grow cows and carrots or combine both, both, and third, using for this different charactersor one universal. At the same time, notice, the game is not conditional and free. Yes, there is a built-in shop, and the purchase of different premium statuses, but it is not so intrusive. And paying once for the client, you, in general, can take full advantage of almost everyone affordable Albion Online without some critical restrictions.Albion Online: Overview Video GamesIn the black zones of the players, you can kill freely, in the others – causing a duel or during the Guild Wars.
Problems, it is clear, there are, for example, unleashing or incorrectly translated into Russian quests or the need to constantly indicate the character where to run – he himself badly finds the way. But against the background of a common scale and tremendous opportunities, of course, the little things, which, understand, correct – develop Albion Online clearly will be after the release. I hope only for the better.

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