Anna’S Quest: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Anna’S Quest: Video Game Overview
September 26, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Anna’S Quest: Video Game Overview
The last stronghold of adventure classics in the world in which classic adventures would seem to have no place. Ideal followers legendar Lucasarts, who even managed to surpass their predecessors.

What are we sick here?

All this pathos can be addressed to a clear conscience Daedalic Entertainment – Studios, from which we are accustomed to wait for large quest accomplishments. And quite in vain, in fact. After all, such a habit forms overestimated expectations, and overestimated expectations, in turn, are able to spoil the pleasure of a completely decent game, which is called, on the root. Just because we were waiting for not just decent, but a magnificent, stunning and incredible game!

There may be particularly dangerous such expectations in the case when the well-known studio acts as not a developer and publisher that with Daedalic Recently, it happens somehow too often.Anna’S Quest: Video Game OverviewAn evil witch, by the way, provided the child a separate room, three-time meals and a complete set of various entertainment. What this capricious girl still need?
There was a girl who was to blame

Anna’s Quest begins as the most fabulous fairy tale. Lived a girl and grandfather. All they have quite well, if you do not count the pairs of smallest things: the dense forest stretched around their farm, and the old man somehow was very zealously warned his granddaughter from attempts to go to this forest.

Anna was an obedient child. She would never leave home if it were not for a sudden heavy sickness of his beloved grandfather. Having realized that the help of waiting is still nowhere, a girl gathered, went to seek a medicine and almost immediately got captured to the evil sorry.

From now on, essentially, and the main action begins. An evil old woman named Winfried is awakening in the baby the ability to telekinesis – and herself is the victim of his own goat. Anna finds the witch tower of the speaker bear named Ben, after multiple fruitless attempts, manages to escape, falls into the magic town called Muhrog, meets the Bremen Musicians, the baby Ganzel in captivity at the evil wizard, a whole bunch of different ghosts, a hay of robbers and other suspiciouspersonalities. In general, her story is classic fabulous adventures. Good, almost classic.Anna’S Quest: Video Game OverviewIf you hide and watch, you can see how the ghost-hermit crawls out of his sink.
Satellite plate in the bushes

Those who are accustomed to sparkling black, green and purple humor stylistics Deponia or Edna and Harvey, Anna’s Quest will seem completely unty. There are really quite a few jokes, but those that are, very delicate, thin, calculated on an ironic smile, but not on a vulgar loud laughter. “Adventrofilam”, waiting for philosophy in the spirit The Whispered World or The Dark Eye, Also it will be necessary: the creation of a young, beginning Krams Design under the auspices of Daedalic It seems so uncomplicated on the idea how much it is possible. At least at first glance.

Before us – really a fairy tale, more precisely, a set of fairy tales of brothers Grimm, famously packed in the framework of one plot. Familiar from childhood history is given somewhere with a hint, somewhere – a fragment, and as a result, it turns out a completely solid scenario, from which, despite the visible simplicity, it is impossible to break away. We seem to even know or assume what will happen next, pre-foresee the inevitable happie-end. Nevertheless, some truly magically, the screenwriters manage to keep our attention and keep the desire to find out what will happen next. Yes, and definitely finish well? Is it possible to really consider such a finale happy?

W Anna’s Quest there is some kind of unique charm. The main character, the unlaced naive, positive in all respects, falls into the world, full of magic. But why in the middle of this magic suddenly arise generators, water supply and even satellite dish? Why, from under each bush, as if from under bad scenery, there are hints on a completely different setting, but no one is trying to explain the causes of the neighborhood of some safe with a code castle and magical potions? For Anna, this coexistence of two worlds looks completely natural, but we understand that somewhere here is a trick!Anna’S Quest: Video Game OverviewStrange fashion for bent mustache seized not only the rapid minds of young girls, but also the consciousness of full toy bears.
The feeling of a certain “double bottom” does not leave us, and it seems that now, literally behind the turn, an explanation will appear, which will put everything in places. The attenuation, however, delays: developers constantly throw us new riddles, inconsistent and inconsistencies instead of answers to questions. And so – up to the last chapter.

The ending looks slightly lubricated. It seems as if the authors did not have enough patience on the epilogue, which would have come very. History has an end, but no aftertaste. Sorry because the plot itself is not at all so simple and naive, how pretended at first.

Sorry, Mr. Unicorn

From the point of view of mechanics Anna’s Quest There is nothing to boast. Point-and-Click, two buttons: “inspect” and “interact” – search, combination and application of items. Standard as it is.

Sometimes Anna drags everything in his pockets that for some reason it seemed interesting to her, and the developers are cute above it. For example, when the girl picks out a stinky mold from the drainage, we can hear an uncertain replica in the spirit: “This mold may need me … uh … for something, I don’t know for anything for something”.

In other situations, the heroine suddenly refuses to interact with the subjects, since it makes no sense. She can even say something like: “I could light the lanterns with the help of a telekinease, but I can not imagine why it would be necessary for me.”. Why in one case – so, and in the other – otherwise, do not know, it seems, even the creators of the game. One thing is understandable: the girl is so convinced pathetist that we will never force her to apply telecinez to a living thing. Anna is afraid to damage anyone and is not ready to risk someone else’s life or health for his own interests. Even the need to cut off the horn toy unicorn causes her nightmarish spiritual torments and forces it to ask for a poor animal forgiveness.Anna’S Quest: Video Game OverviewHow many items from Daedalic games can you call?
Find a solution that does not provide for risk for another live creation, as a rule, is easy. We are not issued by strange, inconsistent and brandry tasks – everything is quite understandable. If neither logic nor intuition helps, the faithful bear bed will always come to the aid, with whom you can chat and get some kind of tip. Not literal, of course, and so, hid to know in what direction to think.

EM, AM, EEE and Gyr-Gyr

Communicate with others usually nice. Someone is registered in more detail, someone – less, but even episodic characters – characteristic and recognizable guys. A talking rooster of burden with nobleman sacks;kindly, but not too brave the master of the tavern, who tells Anna about all the humiliated and offended, but just likes to repeat that he is simply shutting here, does not touch anyone;gloomy beer fan gyl, preferring to express interjections like “Gyr” … they are all good. By the way, interjections in dialogues generally a lot. The heroine itself and her interlocutors are still inserted by all sorts of “EEE”, “Em”, “AM” and other sounds when they lack words.

It is a pity, when trying to use the wrong object, Anna basically says the same. Moreover, she has always prepared only one boring replica in response to an unsuccessful idea instead of three interesting things in style Daedalic. Halturim, gentlemen developers?

On arthhs as if they also saved. No one expects from two-dimensional adventures of special beauties, but Anna’s Quest deprived of individuality in the graphic aspect. Just cartoon pictures, just a very modest animation and almost complete absence of facial expressions in characters – no desire to happily look at each screen does not occur.Anna’S Quest: Video Game OverviewAn ideal place for muscy is a place without neighbors. The desert would come even better, but the lakeside in the midst of the forest will also come down.***
Anna’s Quest – It seems to be a good adventure. It is interesting to play it and easily, so a variety of little things are not so much annoyed. But overestimated expectations can really play a keen joke with fans of the work of German developers: this project is clearly inferior not only with its own works Daedalic, But also, let’s say, published a little less than a year ago Randal’s Monday.

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