Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil: Video Game Overview
September 22, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil: Video Game Overview
Looking through the list of January releases, I at first did not pay special attention to Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil, But then something went out, remembered. Is it really that Dark Fall from Jonatana Baaksa (Jonathan Boakes), the continuation of the series, about which I wrote at the dawn of my playwork activity? I seemed to see ghosts from the distant past (and the first Dark Fall Released as much as in 2002!), But these ghosts were not frightened, but pleased, as if a meeting with old friends ..

In the overgrown park stands an old house

Indeed, the first Dark Fall: The Journal For the authorship of the Briton Jonatana Baaksa Released at the very beginning of this century and installed fashion on atmospheric independent horror quests – these were not the current (mostly) crafts, but really frightening, talented games. With not the most, to put it mildly, big budgets, using the movement scheme along the shooters between static pictures, they managed to scare at night and tickle the nerves not so much screenshots as scorches, sounds, ringing in the air – in general, atmosphere and overwork the theme.

Wherein Boaas By and large did the variations of the same game – about the study of the next damned old house or, for example, an abandoned hotel filled with ghosts. And their action most often unfolded in his native county Cornwall, at the homeland of King Arthur, which is literally impregnated by Celtic legends, magic and mysticism.

Windows clogged, and the darkness reigns eternal in it

IN Dark Fall: The Journal We explored the Puton’s Privokzal City Hotel, filled with ghosts and sounds from which you can easily develop. People there were not at all – only ghost. But Boaas managed to scare literally a view of an empty room. IN Dark Fall: Lights Out (2004) We have already investigated the mysterious disappearance of the lighthouse in Treporton. And five years later in Dark Fall: Lost Souls Returned to where the priests are better noted without a company: in the ominous hotel in Puntitude, where in the role of the elderly police inspector took on a mobile phone frightening SMS from the dead girl.

Before that, in 2008, Boaas More released chic THE LOST CROWN: A Ghost-Hunting Adventure – Cornwall again, again the focus of ghosts and perfume, but this time there are much more living people, including professional ghost hunters, armed with a bunch of trimmed gadgets. And in this sense, a new Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil, so unexpectedly appeared 11 years after the release of the third part of the series, most likely like THE LOST CROWN.Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil: Video Game OverviewAnd you here see something suspicious?

It hurts me to see the white light, I am better in complete darkness

The fact is that Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil We act as a novice in the Oxford paranormal group – amateur, but a very professional equipped association of enthusiasts who believe in spirits. For their search, they chose the perfect place – an abandoned Harwood estate, which was built back in 1747 for Lord Harwood and his family. Naturally, in this family, then there was a tragedy, after which a lot of owners changed – they seek everyone as soon as possible to move from here. You already guess why … Then there were a hotel, maternity hospital and, finally, the children’s shelter, also closed.

We, as a newcomer, immediately upon arrival give out many gadgets and arrange different tests, tests. It is necessary, for example, bypassing the entire territory with a special voice recorder and record paranormal sounds, and then with the help of a special program on the tablet decrypt them, trying to guess through the rustles and noises, what phrases are pronounced there. Or watching phantoms and anomalies through cameras and monitors, determining where there suddenly unexpectedly through the interference flashes strange figures or fly glowing spheres where rustles and shouts are heard.

Naturally, this is not all tools for fascinating leisure in the society of ghosts. There is still a special radio receiving strange voice and sounds, a detector indicating electromagnetic and paranormal activity, a scanner that allows you to see in ultraviolet, for example, the imprint of children’s palms on the wall or some inscriptions. Also with ghosts can be communicated with the help of a special board, setting them questions like “Who is here?”, “What’s happened?”And” Are you alive or not?”.

And all this, of course, is complemented by the camera with a night vision mode and a classic flashlight – the circle is not a pitch darkness, but also, just say, not Nevsky Prospect in the afternoon. And ghosts, as you know, love to hide in the shade.Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil: Video Game OverviewThe same game board with ghosts.

But there was a terrible voice in the darkness

The farther, the more difficult and more interesting. The story turned out, maybe not so terrible as in Dark Fall: Lost Souls, where we searched for multicolored children’s eyes under the bloody, the bread pulled by scissors, but also in its own way. I will only say that at some point the help will not need us, but to other members of the group.

Boaas, as always, works fine with texts and details. All these numerous photos, children’s drawings, audio recordings, poems, old books with illustrations and so on, and the like – everything works for us to believe in history, which is farther and more and more reveals in their not the most pleasant details.

Yes, scare us here, maybe not so persistently, as in past releases Dark Fall – less consisters and such validal moments, when, for example, the dead girl suddenly appears right with your back. But still constantly felt tension, the same Hichkokov Suspantly – especially when you communicate with ghosts, listen to terrible children’s stories on an old tape recorder, learn from the phrase dictoon like “Thomas will remain with us” or, for example, asked Phantom questions.

That is, as always in the series, has great importance to have a gorgeous work with sound. Winding wind, complemented by strange voices, crying and scraps, will accompany you the whole game. And after you with a camera and voice recorder shake on a ride at the local playground, listening to howls and distant children’s voices from the past, I am sure that you can not come up to the rocker’s swings not immediately – even if you need to walk my brother, sister or your child.Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil: Video Game OverviewHear what exactly the voices on the films speak, sometimes it is very difficult.

I am too closely locked?

I am glad and a variety of puzzles. This is despite the fact that the whole game passes into the estate of Harwoods and we constantly have to visit the same places. Whether close in them? Someone may seem that yes, but in fact, it is precisely a variety of riddles that does not get bored. If, for example, at the beginning we just listen, write and decipher the voices, then later you will have to use different filters to understand what we are talking about. Or catch the keywords that ghosts say. Or look for phantoms in photos. Then even drones with video cameras will be added.

At the same time, despite the presence of many modern gadgets, on their mechanics Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil It remains a classic quest with moving by arroges and first-person view. Therefore, there are many classic exercises – collecting objects and their use in the right places, search for codes to castles, the correct location of the runes, alchemical exercises with Kolkoks. We also have a gardener, mixing seeds, to be, and play on the piano to remember and repeat the desired melody. Tips can be found in old books and verses and even in the location coordinates of the planets of the solar system.

Since the events unfold in a former children’s shelter, many riddles involve toys. And if at the very beginning there is only a simple memo, then you will have to throw cubes in the door (not Dungeons & Dragons, But still), where after your course the whole room suddenly has fire. At such moments, even without flooded heads, the votes becomes scary.

That’s how we notify phantoms on surveillance cameras.
Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil – one of the most unexpected and main releases of January. This, if you wish, almost the triumphant return of the Corky Critics of Classical Indi-Horrore, who is satisfied with the main master class with his young colleagues and shows how you can cheaply (if you say about the budget), but very high quality and atmospheric do not scare, but rather immersePublic in the nervous, tense atmosphere of a fairy tale about the damned old house. Really wanting to Jonathan Boax and it Darkling Room This was not stopped.

Pros: interesting story;nervous and frightening atmosphere;fascinating gameplay, built both on solving classic puzzles and on the use of a plurality of gadgets;Gorgeous work with sound.

Minuses: The whole action unfolds in the same decorations;It is not always clear what the authors want from us.

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