Holy Potatoes! We’Re In Space?!: Video Game Review

Home » Game Reviews » Holy Potatoes! We’Re In Space?!: Video Game Review
March 7, 2022
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Holy Potatoes! We’Re In Space?!: Video Game Review
I will immediately answer the current question – no, the game called “Holy Potatoes” is not made in Belarus, and it is not a secret ideological weapon Alexandra Lukashenko. But she is very funny, perky, at the junction of irony and parodies – here in the role of heroes and villains are potatoes and other vegetables. And if in the first game Daylight Studios Together with us managed their own weapon store (talking about Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!), then went to the second to space!Holy Potatoes! We’Re In Space?!: Video Game ReviewIn battle enemies stupid and rarely try to protect their guns with a shield.

Space vegetables

Both of these games – a mixture of strategy, RPG and management, but Holy Potatoes! We’re in space?! was clearly created under the influence of indie icons Faster Than Light. Judge for yourself: our potatoes travel on their starship in galaxies, study planets, fight, collect resources. And we have to manage the crew, hire new professionals, put someone to weapons or send to work in medical schools, to the laboratory to learn new technologies (improved engine, expansion of the bridge and so on) or in the crafting workshop for new guns. And someone will have to dismiss – the ship is not rubber.

Some crew members make it possible to more efficiently use some specific type of weapon (laser, rockets, rails, shrapnel), others – Survival specialists and give common bonuses to the attack, and the third better than the rest work in the workshop.

As a base serves as a starrel – here we automatically repair our cosmic vessel and replenish the fuel reserves (they are spent on flights), hire the crew, buy new schemes for the production of weapons, as well as technology and “upgrades” for the ship.

Potatoes also shoots

Battles are not in real time, but in step-by-step mode. In your course, we choose from which guns and where to shoot – on the enemy guns or by the body. You can also use captain skills that will be, for example, to strengthen us or weaken the enemy. Energy is spent on all this, and the supercobability spend its entire stock immediately – it will only be restored for the next go.

Take into account the weather (during sand storms, it is clear, the accuracy of the accuracy is reduced), and what ship is against us – depending on this, it is better or consistently demolished to the guns, or immediately beat the body if it is weak. But first will have to destroy the energy shield. The opponent acts on the same scheme, and you are free to redistribute the power of the shield on the defense of a particular cannon or body.

In addition to meetings with enemies during the study of the planets, different random events occur, requiring us to accept this or that decision. You can, for example, try to search for the wreckage of the ship in the hope of finding something valuable, chat with a predictor, agree to take into the team of a strange tuber, which for unknown reasons was in open space. But it is not a fact that it will not be wrapped with some trouble.Holy Potatoes! We’Re In Space?!: Video Game ReviewCrew members or busy in some specific compartment, or just walk around the ship.

Then boring, then funny

Planets, events, a set of enemies and accessible mercenaries are generated randomly, but Holy Potatoes! We’re in space?!, Unlike Faster Than Light, Scene game, the main characters (sisters-potatoes) are defined in advance, and therefore there is no permanent death with the need to start a new passage with new characters – as a rule, in all dangerous situations, when we find ourselves from death from death, you can escape from the battlefield orPay enemies redemption.

This does not mean that the game is excessively simple. At first will miss money, resources, good specialists and firepower. There will have to get on the galaxies and planets, the remedy for improvements and a good crew. And to do it infinitely it will not work – to study each system there is a strictly limited number of moves, while our cosmic potatoes caught up very bad and evil vegetables.

But without permanent death Holy Potatoes! We’re in space?! deprived of the sharpness and refegorship, which is peculiar to many “bays”. In addition, during battles it is not necessary to force the crew members to run on the ship, repair some compartments, extinguish the fire. And considering that both fights, and random events are very often repeated, all this quickly turns into a routine.

A little pull the situation ironic plot, the atmosphere and humor – we chase for a cat that can perform warp-jumps in search of milk and mice, we encounter Pokemon, “ghosts in armor”, Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, as well as clubs that are parody Harrison Ford (Harrison Ford), then Benedict Cumberbatcha BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH). And the sisters of the potatoes themselves all the way are funny in each other. But this is still not “Flying Circus Monti Paiton” to pull everything else on one humor.Holy Potatoes! We’Re In Space?!: Video Game ReviewThat’s what a potato with mushrooms!***
Holy Potatoes! We’re in space?! – Funny and overall good-quality strategy about the adventures of brave tubers and other vegetables in space. In many ways she reminds Faster Than Light, But until its level is still pronounced. This potato lacks salt – depth, complexity and refegor. But with humor, dialogues, appearance and atmosphere, everything is in order here – if this is enough for you, it will have to taste. If not – take something like more.

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