Insurgency: Sandstorm: Video Review Game

Home » Game Reviews » Insurgency: Sandstorm: Video Review Game
October 26, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Insurgency: Sandstorm: Video Review Game
If you look at the changes in the preferences of the main audience of various network militants, you can see enough stable demand for realistic shooters. Classic “shooters” like Doom have become a rarity, all are applied to the plausible ballistics and a model of damage, and there is nothing to say about the reliable image of weapons and equipment – there should be no endless cartridges.

In those distant times when realism has not yet been so popular, modification for Half-Life 2 entitled INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat became a valuable find for those who wanted more from ordinary shooters. Later she, as it often happens with fashion, published a release as an independent game, having received very good reviews. This year, almost five years after the release of the first part, appeared Insurgency: Sandstorm, about which we will tell today and tell.

Hello, old friend

Main idea Sandstorm unchanged since the time of modification of the ten-year old. There are two opposing teams – Insurgents and Security, which fight among themselves somewhere among the Middle Eastern landscapes. Each team has its own purposes, the achievement of which is associated with the destruction of opponents. Fights – Standard Nowhere: All of them are reduced to the capture and defense of keypoints in various variations. It would seem, and there is nothing to tell. But Insurgency not as simple as it seems at first glance.

In stock Three main modes: “Joint game” – Fights in a cooperative against bots, “Duel” – team battles with the number of participants up to 32 people and “Competition” – rating matches 5 x 5. The first mode is suitable except as a workout and is hardly worth paying attention to him. Rating matches – more interesting: here Insurgency makes a modest chamber in the direction of competitive services-services like TOM CLANCY’S RAINBOW SIX SIEGE. Another sign of this – the presence of very detailed statistics, which includes each trifle, up to the amount of time spent in the Note.

But personally, competitive battles seemed to me freshly – cards for a dozen participants could be smaller, and cooperation with random allies, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. It is possible that in the team with friends this regime will be much more fun, but while it is only for those who attracts exactly the competitive element of the game.

Want to understand what is new Insurgency In fact, – Choose “Duel”, be wrong. It is here that the full range of content is presented: a large number of participants in one round, large-scale cards, various classes of fighters and sets of equipment and weapons. It is worth talking about the latter, as it is the choice of “body kit” most of all affects the gameplay in each match.Insurgency: Sandstorm: Video Review GameEach self-respecting rebel must be a fashionable “bow”.

Special Forces meet on unloading

Generally, customization in Sandstorm presented in three planes. The first is the appearance of the fighter. It is configured in the main menu: face, camouflage, various accessories, from gloves and beans to tattoos. You can even choose the floor of the character, but only for the “good guys” team – Security, and “Insurgents” are represented only by men.

The second plane is the choice of a fighter class directly during the game. As a rule, the number of fighters of the same class is strictly limited in favor of balance – for example, there can be only two sniper and two commander. It is clear that only a machine gunner can use machine guns, and the explosive – grenade launchers, but nothing prevents the pick-up fallen from the killed “trunk” right in battle.

But this is not all – the choice of the class affects the third layer of castomization, which is a specific set of weapons and “projectiles”. Each soldier has one and a half dozen geeks of equipment, which are spent on the purchase of basic weapons, various modifiers for it (sights, handles, flamestellers, and the like useful things), pistols, garnet, unloading and body armor.

Such a system allows you to choose the desired equipment for yourself – based on the convenience of use or the selected role on the battlefield. For example, Snayper, if it is going to “work” from afar, rarely changing the position, it is better to take a powerful rifle with a great multiplicity and heavy “booking”. But in this case, glasses will be unlikely to stay on the gun and grenades, which will come in handy an arrow, which even with a sniper rifle prefers to be in the thick of battle.Insurgency: Sandstorm: Video Review GameIf the war and not a female face, then definitely not in Sandstorm.
Two classes are a mansion: commander and observer. The first is directly managed by the fight … More precisely, it should do it, but in reality to wait for good interaction naive. Nevertheless, the commander has its own tools to change the situation on the battlefield, and for their application, only one intelligent player who will occupy the very class of the observer. We are talking about the call tools that can be several species, from an artillery strike before the assault helicopter climb or a whole squadron of unmanned drones (in “Insurgents” and “Securities” various options for such skills).

Why do you need an observer? Without him, the commander is helpless – in order to cause the same helicopter, it is necessary that the representative of this class be in close proximity, otherwise it will only remain looking into the binoculars on the target and shout in the radio, ordering the observer to quickly find his place.

With a walkie-talkie, more precisely, with in-game voice communication, another busy fact is connected – to use the microphone with caution, because the enemies, located near, can hear you. Realistic – as much in Sandstorm.

Storm in the desert

Remembered the realism again, and not in vain – this is here in prosperity. Death from one bullet in the order of things, during the run I have to take into account the inertia – to spin in one place, like the top, will not work, but about such banalities, like a harsh return, the simulation of the firing for the suppression and the absence of “hitmarkers”, and say nohave to.Insurgency: Sandstorm: Video Review GameYou can ride on the machines, however, there is little sense from them – too convenient target for the enemy.
As a rule, than the shooter is more realistic, the more dimensional and unlimified gameplay in it. The real war is an unprecedented thing, therefore those games that try to significantly imitate real clashes, differ very low dynamics. Take a look at least on Squad or series Arma – Conduct with a dozen minutes waiting for the enemy and die, never without having shot, in the latter in the order of things.

Insurgency – exception to the rule. Both in the original modification and in the first independent game and in Sandstorm The developers were able to ensure that realism does not become an obstacle for truly hurricane action. For victory you need to have quick and straight hands, and keep the head cold, first thinking, and already acting.

Yes, it is better to fight carefully, yes, waiting for the revival falls on average half a minute, but the feeling of what you are in the center of a fierce battle, does not leave for a second. In many ways, such atmosphericity is achieved by simply magnificent sound support. Explosions, shooting, ringing of sleeves falling on the stones after another one queue from the machine gun, the cries of the wounded – no worse than in the Hollywood militant.

Print when shooting

Graphics, locations and their design also want to praise, but it will not work. Cards are not enough, although they are well developed – it can be seen that the designers of the levels took care not only about the appearance, but also on the effect on the gameplay: for example, there are very few win-win positions for “camperyment”. Insurgency: Sandstorm: Video Review Game“The fighters of the invisible front” – because of the bug instead of a soldier, only his unloading and weapons can be seen.
Unfortunately, the game itself suffers from bad optimization and bugs. Low Quality textures appearing at the most unexpected moment, jamming doors, through which you can not pass, “invisible” fighters that are visible only to unload and weapons – all this does not allow to enjoy the process to fully. One of the most annoying bugs is short-term, but strong drops of frame frequency when looking through sight. Perhaps the fault of this “iron”, but the change in settings to the minimum problem does not solve. Get a bullet because of such “friezes” in the near battle is very hurt.

In fact, the “sandstone” should have come back in September, after large-scale beta testing available to everyone who issued pre-ordered. But it was the “beta” opened the developers of the eye: the project, it turns out, is not ready for release. During the days before the announced release date, the militant was sent to refine.

I must say that this deferment went Sandstorm Good: I played in “Betu” and I can say that now from many problems managed to get rid of. In general, the shooter looks much more similar to the completed product than three months ago. But, honestly, a couple more months of polishing the game would definitely prevent.

Somehow it ends almost any attempt to ride with the breeze.
New Insurgency Fully corresponds to how the creators are described: it is really a hardcore tactical shooter. Tactics – at least stuck, but if you wish, you can just run into your pleasure without cooperation with the team. Hardkore is also enough, but it does not prevent the high dynamics of each fight. And shooter Sandstorm You can call literally – modeling of weapons, its behavior, sound and customization allow you to receive a real pleasure from the shooting process itself. It remains to catch the bugs and pull the performance. Let’s hope that the developers have problems.

Pros: voicing;Realistic weapons and damage models;Combination of speakers and hardcore.

Minuses: Bad optimization;bugs;Small number of maps.

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