One Day In London: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » One Day In London: Video Game Overview
March 2, 2022
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

One Day In London: Video Game Overview
Visual novels that some refuse to be called games are especially popular in Japan, but also in Russia they have a lot of fans, and not only among the players, but also among developers. Once a misconception comic studio Dreamlore Games mocked logic, common sense, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and all Russian literature in the novel “Eugene Onegin” – There Evgeny Bazarov turned fasteners to zombies until he brought him to clean water by the secret police Alexander Chatsky, armed with a collective.

And in 2014, the domestic Lostwood Games He began to produce episodic Leviathan: The Last Day of the Decade, where everything was much more serious and greasy, and the game became one of the best in the genre lately. And here is Moscow Owl Studio launched on mobile platforms and personal computers visual novel in similar stylistics – One Day in London, like I Leviathan, Located on episodes, there are a lot of mysticism, demons from other measurements and there are no loup-eyed nyashny boys and girls with violet hair.One Day In London: Video Game OverviewLook at local girls – one pleasure!
Two in one

Action One Day in London, As it is easy to guess, unfolds in the capital of the British Empire – naturally, in such a favorite Victorian period. We participate in the unsuccessful ritual, as a result of which the protagonist, long-haired student from a rich family becomes obsessed. In it settled the demon who could not connect two words, and then turns into a very talkative interlocutor – periodically they lead extensive conversations about human nature and even joking about the female sex.

Although at the very general of the chief hero and his demon, they are not joking – they see a threat of the occult order of “Golden Zarya”, which, in fact, conducted a ritual, and now forced us to enter the Order to keep on topping and useIn their own interests, the new abilities of our student.

You can understand their concerns – in London streets already walks one obsessed girl, the power of which completely captured another demon. And now the one turns it into the women’s version Jack-Ripper, Killing prostitutes in poor quarters. Find and neutralize him. In the process, you will have to fight, run away, traveling around the inner world of spirits and obsessed, to understand their children’s complexes, attend psychic trains and even port boroughs. Periodically, we are trying to kill not only demons, but yesterday’s friends, and all this quickly twists in the ball of difficult relationships, intrigues and tragic events – here you are constantly waiting for a trick and kick in the back.One Day In London: Video Game OverviewLanguage from our demon is suspended!
Demons and girls

The demon, settled in the body of our hero, is also trying to take us under its control – actually, around this and the nerve of the narration. Therefore, sometimes an inscription appears on the screen: “Submit to VI [so the names of our infernal cohabitant] or not to obey?”We, however, did not notice that the choice in one or another benefit somehow fundamentally affects the plot, but most likely it will affect the final in the next episodes (so far two).

But the opportunity to sleep with the mistress of a brothel, where our occultists spend secret inquest, directly affects whether another girl will be left with us, one of the main demonologists of London, or leave the team. In addition, periodically the choice of replicas in dialogues affects our other characters.

All this is enough enough for two episodes to intrigue and forced to wait for the continuation. Especially since the game turned out really atmospheric, gloomy and beautiful. It is drawn everything just great – a gorgeous art with properly selected music and good text create a specific atmosphere, where the drama, blood and murders are quite organically getting along with light and most of the relevant irony.One Day In London: Video Game OverviewPeriodically, the hero includes special demonic vision, allowing you to scan the aura of others.
Drawing lessons

Text B One Day in London For obvious reasons, there are especially many (there is even a built-in library with books on demonology), and it is written quite a pleasant Russian language. Periodically, however, the characters are started into too much reasoning, and after some time the hand begins to whine from constant clicks by letters ..

Directly gaming mechanics are also familiar to the genre. In addition to clicks in the texts, dialogues and beautiful pictures here there are still mini-games. The latter are not too burdensome and are mainly reduced to mechanics known by “TURGOR” And ARX Fatalis, – Draw and repeat the mouse various patterns and runes to, for example, spend a ritual or fight a demon.

In addition, sometimes you need to put some symbols correctly, pick up the ingredients for potions or, for example, choose where to go to find “Jack-Ripper” or, on the contrary, escape from him. Nothing complicated, but a certain proportion of diversity in what is happening all this certainly contributes.One Day In London: Video Game OverviewSome runes and patterns need to draw without tearing hands.***
Debut u Owl Studio It turned out successful. One Day in London – Beautiful and atmospheric visual novel with internal demons, occult rituals and cute girls who know how and what to intrigue the player’s reader. Try it simply obliged all the connoisseurs of this particular genre.

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