Shin Megami Tensei Iii: Nocturne Hd Remaster: Video Review Game

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August 5, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Shin Megami Tensei Iii: Nocturne Hd Remaster: Video Review Game

With Japanese games, not the first time it turns out that spin-offs are more popular series. For example, about Drakengard Few people heard, but about Nier: Automata Millions of gamers know. Here and the publisher Atlus same way: Persona known all over the world, and Shin Megami Tensei – It is for many only a set of incomprehensible words. Apparently to prepare the players to the coming SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V, Developers decided to remind them of one of its predecessors. True, interest a big audience SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI III NOCTURNE HD REMASTER It is unlikely that.

Plus for minus

The name does not deceive – it’s just a remaster with support for greater permission, and there is practically no significant innovations or changes in it. Looks like a nice game: textures are better than in the original, location is prettier. But the personnel frequency is not enlarged – everything still works in 30 fps. And videos are reproduced in 4: 3 format and highly stand out on the background of the rest of the rest.

Sound also have pros and cons. On the one hand, many important dialogue for the plot are completely voiced. Initially, the game was created excluding voice acting, so the names of some heroes can be changed at their discretion and they will change in subtitles. Accordingly, in Remaster actors do not read your fiction, saying instead “he”, “she”, “teacher” and so on – for Japanese games it is the norm. On the other hand, the soundtrack did not touch at all, and the music of the PS2 era remained shifted.

Shin Megami Tensei Iii: Nocturne Hd Remaster: Video Review Game

English translation, by the way, was a little corrected in Reutster.

Old school

Updating graphics and sound can attract players who have never been passing out SMTIII, that’s just the gameplay of them with the most likely to score. This game is antiques from the world of JRPG, one of the best representatives of the genre with a long history, a gloomy atmosphere and delicious cat-scenes. How filigree she alternated plot moments with the gameplay, in many ways ahead of time. When you pass Remaster, you understand that such JRPG is no longer done, but not always this compliment.

Shin Megami Tensei Iii: Nocturne Hd Remaster: Video Review Game

After the apocalypse, you find souls everywhere – there are even benefit from some.

Those who are Persona 5 (or published on computers Persona 4 Golden) were not familiar with the series, will feel relatively comfortable. The structure will be for them not quite familiar – no relationship with team members, no gatherings in the lessons and outside the school. But as soon as the Tokyo takes an apocalypse, and the main character turns into a half impex and begins to collect a team from a variety of creatures, you know where the legs of the “Persons” grow.

Combat system here is step-by-step. During the battles it is necessary to pay great attention to the weaknesses of opponents. Your squad has a limited number of actions, but they can be increased if thoughtfully approached to battles. When you just pose the opponent, each team member makes the move, after which the enemies meet the same. And when you purposefully use the abilities drowning on weak places, you get an additional move and can win before someone from you wound. If suddenly the opponent has the resistance to your attack, then you lose their moves. All this is true for the enemy squad – they either make mistakes and give you odds, or beat on weaknesses and leave no chance.

Critical strikes also give a bonus move, but the blunders lead to full failure.

The game is complex and ruthless – the bosses are preferably prepared each time, and ordinary demons can sweat nerves. Especially in mind that this is the PS2 era project with random battles. It was because of this that I wrote above that such games are no longer done, – the user used to see the enemies in JRPG, walking on locations. And here even once again check all the rooms in search of Luta do not want – constantly you will run battles in which you do not want to participate.

On the other hand, it is in these battles that find new recruits. When you conquer all the demons except one, you can talk to him – invite to your squad so that he spoke on your side. Demons are often very unattended, immediately begin to ask a bunch of everything: and give them a first-aid kit, and money, and even more money, Caverzny questions ask. But they can not only do their comrades, but also to combine each other to create new, stronger individuals. Here you come across one of the few Remaster innovations – now the ability to unite allows you to choose yourself, and not rely on “Rand”. This, of course, greatly simplifies the process of creating a detachment of dreams.

Finally agreed.

By little things

Hardcore and the depth of the combat system was impressive many years ago, and now hobbies those who like high difficulty. And if you are primarily an interesting story, then the level of difficulty Merciful has been added specifically for you. True, it is rather similar to the curb – the opponents are twice as fewer damage than on the “Norma”, and the whole detachment becomes twice as much more and more often droves. As a result, steep thoughtful mechanics are not needed – you can only win by demons found at the beginning of the game, using basic attacks, and do not experience any problems.

The last noticeable innovation is the Suspend function in the menu. Save at any time do not allow here, for this you need to find a room with a red mark on the door. But there are cases when the console or computer must be turned off, and I do not want to lose progress. To do this, Suspend and is done – it creates a temporary saving, which the game will be started with the next time you start. Not the most elegant solution, but it’s good that at least such is.

Shin Megami Tensei Iii: Nocturne Hd Remaster: Video Review Game

Often the game is not hesitated to produce big groups of enemies.

Otherwise, this is the same classics of the PS2 era. Here is monotonous and boring “Danza”, crowded with dead end. Gameplay mechanics, in 18 years old who have gained development, remained in primeval form – for example, to see the weaknesses of opponents is not as simple as in the same Persona 5. Yes, and a bunch of mechanic is not explained at all. What are the numbers in the upper left corner? How the Press Turn system is arranged? What is the magicians? But without their use, the game becomes more difficult. The interface is sometimes annoying – the purchase of several items at the merchant is accompanied by unnecessary dialogues.

Nephields forgive – Still, this is a guest from the past, and numerous advantages outweigh the shortcomings. But the game deserved much more than what happened. This is the port, which was put in order in the visual plan, voiced and the smallest improved gameplay – so that without a magnifying glass and not notice. Why Atlus asks for this $ 50 when the more recent Persona 4 Golden She released for only $ 20 on PC, – decisively incomprehensible. Moreover, Remaster even has a paid DLC – the most additive to the Dante game from Devil May Cry. Surely it is associated with deductions Capcom for the use of the character, but still looks strange.

Shin Megami Tensei Iii: Nocturne Hd Remaster: Video Review Game

The camera also did not touch – she constantly strives to return to the place when they twist.

SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI III NOCTURNE HD REMASTER Hardly its money, especially in the Russian Steam, where they forgot to put the regional price. However, other possibilities to appreciate JRPG, which is considered one of the best in the history of the genre, no – you have to take what they give. The long-standing fans of the series will be glad to a few innovations like a simplified unification of demons and the ability to suspend the game before shutting down, but beginners will be hard to join. It is a pity that the reissue did not give more attention and did not make the game more friendly.

Pros: Excellent JRPG old school with a long history;deep combat system requiring learning enemy weaknesses;Solo demons and their association to create strong individuals are not less fascinating than in the last “personnel”;Improved picture and good sounding.

Minuses: places archaic gameplay did not change in any way;A new level of difficulty makes the game overly light and looks like a joke;Unreasonably high price.

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