Yiik: A Postmodern Rpg: Video Game Overview

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October 11, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Yiik: A Postmodern Rpg: Video Game Overview
Not far from this article is located overview Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, New project of the insane Japanese Goishi court (Goichi ships). So here, Yiik: A PostModern RPG – Also very gicik, an unusual thing in which there is a lot of surprise, postmodernism and jokes about video games. And its authors, in contrast to a person under the nickname suda51, managed to attract the stars of the stars of the Indy scene to work: in the record of the soundtrack, they took part Toby Fox (TOBY FOX), the author of the icing Undertale, Hiroka Kikuta (Hiroki Kikuta) who worked on Secret Of Mana, and Garoad, creator VA-11 Hall-A, Main Simulator Vaifu-Barmers 2016. But, unfortunately, the similarities do not end in this – in Yiik: A PostModern RPG, As in Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, Also a lot of tightened, monotonous battles.

Alex in Wonderland

Yiik: A PostModern RPG – This is a game made by gickes for guys. The action unfolds in the 90s. The main character, Alex, is similar to the bearded 30-year-old Ochkarika and the plot is the infantal graduate of the college – lives with mom, loves video games, music (especially jazz) and the Internet.

When he went to the store for the products for Mom, squeezing a note in his hands with a list of what should be bought, he met a strange cat with a face and mustache Salvador Dali. He snatched his note and ran away, and Alex, pursuing him, as if Alice – Rabbit, got into the wonderland.

On an abandoned factory, where many pyramids with eyes, he begins to fight with huge emoticons, communicates with some strange naked woman, like Sukkuba, and meets no less strange, but the charming girl Sammy, the hostess of the cat named his nickname (whoIf doubted!). And this girl has Alex in front of the elevator, some kind of alphabetic giants ..

Inexplicable but the fact

And went to go. Video with the abduction of Sammy pops up on the site where amateurs are going to talk about the theory of conspiracy, UFOs and other mystics. There is also a bunch of witnesses who saw a strange girl, various theories and versions of what happened – right as in the famous case of the mysterious killing “Girls from the elevator” Eliza Lam (Elisa Lam), which occurred in 2013. The authors do not hide that the plot refers to that situation. Alex collects friends, including from the Internet, and goes in search of Sammy.Yiik: A Postmodern Rpg: Video Game OverviewSuch levels here in the order of things.
The farther to the local forest, the more in the plot of madness, mystics and surity, and the final, as the authors promised, turned out to be truly one of the most unusual and epic of those that we saw in games.

In scenarios Yiik: A PostModern RPG Everything is twisted around the concept of the human soul, separation into physical and intangible worlds and the like of the peaphilosophical rhetoric. Among the participants of history – aliens, some comrades in blue hoods, creating an artificial girl to simulate life, similar to the cyclops huge entities that the essence of the projection of the soul of a living person. One of the aerlas partners is a girl who creates holes in reality and periodically overlooking “Cosmos” to “know the universe”. And among the enemies there are three-headed golden unicorns.

Guess the parody

Yiik: A PostModern RPG – This, as the authors themselves say, “Japanese role-playing game made by the Americans”. With all the resulting – developers are clearly inspired not only by the tragic and mysterious history Eliza Lam, but also such projects like EarthBound And Persona. And therefore deliberately twisted in the scenario of the degree of madness and surges, without which Japanese RPG – as Russian Quests without Mata.

In general, ironic EarthBound In the US, it is long considered a cult. She became a source of inspiration for many developers, including authors no less icing Undertale. Here are the creators Yiik entered into this sector sectors and participation Toby Fox In the soundtrack record the best confirmation. Yiik: A Postmodern Rpg: Video Game OverviewEven poultry here philosophose.

Musical ring

We run, run along the global map, bumping into monsters or bypassing them, raise the levels, periodically solve the riddles, perform plot and side quests, exploring locations in search of chests, buy weapons in stores and food in pizzerias. All standard?

Yes, only here weapons we acquire in a music store come from the 90s (there are still selling CDs) or in local photo galleries. And all because in the battles under the sounds of Jazz, Alex throws into enemies with vinyl records, his familiar girl plays on the keys, traumating the enemies with sound, another compatory beats the opponents with a camera or quickly films them. Another pale comrade on the Internet, being a pacifist, with shouts “Save the Earth!”Activates the ability of the” protest “- if lucky (the parameter of good luck has not been canceled!), the enemies are heard and get a fine to characteristics.

During the episodes with a study of levels and a solution to the riddles, it is necessary to use no less fun abilities: so, the speaking panda (this is naturally the best friend of Alex) we put on the pressure plates, and already familiar Masty Cat gave literally throwing into remote chests so that heopened, or in the levers so that he pressed on them. If the path is blocking green areas, they need to cut off the hair with the hair with the hair, and it destroys the musical columns with the help of music columns – puts them next, and then sharply beats on the electric guitar, so that the speakers are literally exploded.

Laughter through philosophy

“Mental dungeon”, where you need to increase the levels of characters for glasses, is located in the head of the protagonist. And when this experience is missing and from us directly demand to achieve a certain level to move on, Alex speaks with a sigh: “Well, time to do grind!”You will have to fight not only with golden unicorn and metaphysical entities, but also with drunks, embittered housewives and emo schoolgirls.Yiik: A Postmodern Rpg: Video Game OverviewIn such situations, to press the button on time, you can slow down.
All this, of course, is accompanied by Gikic jokes about Internet pornography, Backstreet Boys and video games – with mention Doom, Rollercoaster Tycoon and the listing of favorite JRPG (among them, of course, and Secret Of Mana). There is even a parody of Kickstarter – in the 90s it is still, it is clear, it was not, but here we have postmodernism as much as!

And right in the hall of slot machines, entering into which Alex almost went crazy from delight, you can hear the lengthy arguments that metaphysics is part of philosophy, which includes the principles of cosmology and ontology and deeply correlates with epistemology. Yes, like serious college graduates, our heroes are not only joking, but also talk about life, about their future, philosophy and recognize that the song Losing My Religion Group R.E.M. – hit all times and peoples. Although there is much more often sound jazz, funny remix Yesterday and chiptyun music from the 90s.

Mini-games in maxi battles

Really annoying in such a situation not an allay picture and not difficulty “tank” management (especially when we are literally forced to run around the ceiling) – it is possible to get used to it, and in general such things are perceived even as part of the image of this parody game.Yiik: A Postmodern Rpg: Video Game OverviewDo not even ask what is happening here – just decided the next puzzle.
But battles in Yiik And the truth is tightened. All attacks, even ordinary (not to mention the use of skills), be played as QTE: The faster and more correctly press the specified buttons, the more damage we will apply – or do not apply at all. Also have to defend themselves, trying to reduce damage or to avoid it.

At first it pleases and refreshes the usual step-by-step gameplay of Japanese RPG. Moreover, in addition to QTE, in some situations, the activation of the skills turns into real mini-games from all the same 90s. So, to apply the ability to “drive out the enemy” and remove it for some time from the battlefield, you must first win in Arcade. In another situation, we shoot opponents, as in old vertical shooters.

However, the more such a fight becomes and the stronger enemies, the less we smile. All attacks, blocks and animations are repeated to them from time to times, to miss or speed up the same animations, the health of the enemies are becoming very slow – it turns out to be tightened and monotonous. However, such sensations in JRPG feel often – perhaps, this is also part of the hypertrophied parody of genre cliches?

This is where you can escape from the battle.
In any case, we got enough interesting and funny parody game. Yiik: A PostModern RPG, maybe not compare to the same Undertale In terms of humor (yes, the characters are not so memorable here), but at least takes their own in a good insane plot and a common atmosphere interfering with humor, parody, surgery, metaphysics and reflections on life. In order to find out what everything is over, you can endure and frankly tightened fights. The question is whether it is necessary to do those who do not know what group R.E.M.

Pros: Not bad recreated atmosphere of the 90s;In a good insane plot with unexpected turns and colorful characters;Many relevant jokes and parodies;Gorgeous music.

Minuses: monotonous and protracted battles;In some places too allay and angular picture;There are problems with control at some levels.

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